Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

I'll find where I left off soon, but for now I'm here to wish you and your family a wonderful new year!
Thanks so much Shedster!

I hope that you and your family have a safe, prosperous and healthy new year!
Well since we're all passing it around.. Happy New Year GDB, well done with the great gardening. Best wishes to you and yours for 2022!
Happy New Year Stunger!

In 2022 could you wait a few posts (like 5) after a Stinker post to make a Stunger post? This is not the first time I've been thrown off and gotten confused! :laughtwo:
Hello growers and hello New Year. Damn if you don't look and smell just like last year. (The year, not you growers. Though you might, too.)

I was down in the basement this morning to see what's up with the Auto Show on Day 48.

The little girls are moving along. MC is back from 4.25g to 4g but they're still kind of dark green, except the weird Purple.

In this pic, the 2 Smoothies are on the left, right front is the Alaskan Purple and right rear is the Black Cream. The weird Purple is in the middle.
Auto Show 1-1-22 Day 48.jpg

Oddly, after a very rough and yellow beginning, the weird Purple is now looking rather nice!
weird Purple 1-1-22 Day 48.jpg

And get this. When I was watering her today I hit her with some water around the stump and washed some of the soil away. And I think I may have found part of the source of her weirdness!
weird Purple knot 1-1-22 Day 48.jpg

There was some kind of "knot" formed early on. I've never seen it, but it explains why she's trying to grow like a leaning tower. You can see I've had her constantly bungeed in an attempt to straighten her up. And now I know why that hasn't worked too well!

Ha! Ain't that a kicker! :Rasta:

As always, thank you for visiting.

I wish you bountiful Blessings and harvests in the New Year.

Happy New Year, GDB! That's a cool use of bungee cords.
Happy New Year to GDB family and friends!!!
Happy New Year to you and yours @013.

One of my goals for the new year is to spend more time in your journal!

See you soon. :Rasta:
Happy New Year, GDB! That's a cool use of bungee cords.
Happy New Year to you too, HashGirl! Wishing you joy every morning. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Here's an evening update on the Freebie + 1 Grow on Flip 45.

No tent pic to begin the new year, but a little PG-rated bud porn!

Alien Rock Candy
Some of her buds are really stacking tall and hers are the hardest of any in the tent.
ARC bud 1-1-22 Flip 45.JPG

Original Glue
Her buds look okay but I know they could have been so much okayer. She's #1 on my do-over list.
OG bud 1-1-22 Fllip 45.JPG

runt Fast Banana
She's stacking pretty well too, but being a runt she doesn't have a whole lot to stack.
runt FB bud 1-1-22 Flip 45.JPG

THC Bomb
She's grown nicely and her buds are doing the same!
THCB bud 1-1-22 Flip 45.JPG

Chiquita Banana Clone
Her buds are the most colorful (and she's nearly done).
CB clone bud 1-1-22.JPG

And with that, I bud you farewell.

Thanks for looking in.

Happy New Year, GDB!
Nice buds- that CB horizontal bud is a pretty one!
Hope you have the best year ever GDB!
Thanks Stone. "The best year ever" would be ideal, but I'll happily settle for anything better than 2021! :Rasta:
Nice buds- that CB horizontal bud is a pretty one!
Thanks MrC.

Did you happen to spot a few dead critters on her? Those suckers won't leave me alone!

But this time I've got some stuff for their asses! :lot-o-toke:
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