Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

I think they all look great, but I see what you mean about those autos being really dark green - but other than the color they LOOK like they’re doing well!
Oops, forgot to respond!

Thanks, BabyGirl! But for an auto that really "LOOK"(s) like it's doing well, please peek into your tent! :thumb:
I'm glad you mentioned what to wear to the living room this New Years Eve. I volunteer for father time! Bow and arrow and a diaper and maybe a fun hat and goofy glasses. Oh Yeah!
Pics! :ganjamon:
Hello growers.

Despite my best efforts, I'm starting to get antsy. This is the worst part of the grow for me. When buds are present in abundance but nothing is ready. I get nervous about critters because I believe buds attract them. I get nervous about plants falling over. I get nervous about dropping one while moving it in/out of the tent. I get nervous about losing my balance trying the lift a plant and falling on the whole bunch.

In summary, I work myself into tizzy over what "could" happen.

And then I medicate and all is good (for a bit)! :ganjamon:

So here's the source of my twitching, the Freebie + 1 grow on Flip 43.
Freebie + 1 tent 12-30-21 Flip 43.JPG

The Auto Show Day 46.
Auto Show 12-30-21 Day 46.JPG

I really hope these are some short-running autos. Done in 65-70 days would be ideal! It looks like that could be a possibility for all but the weird Purple (back left) who looks like she could be one of those 100-day autos. One long-runner out of the 5. That would be so "normal." :Rasta:

Preview of Coming Attractions
I'm trying to settle on my next few grows. (That's another thing that happens at this stage in a grow. I just can't help myself!)

I figure if I put something in writing on this forum it will help me focus. And there's always a chance that I could actually stick to what I'm about to write! :)

So for the 4x4 tent it will be 3 @Weed Seeds Express plants, cleverly named the Express Grow.
Green Crack
NYC Diesel

And in the 5x5 I'll run the Bubblegum Machine which will be 4 plants.
One Bubblegum each from:
Kera Seeds
Royal Queen Seeds, and
@Weed Seeds Express

I'm also going to toss in a Cosmic Lights, which is absolutely my fav jarred weed at the moment (with Bubblegum running a close second). I've been reluctant to grow another fearing that I'll get a different pheno from the first run I did and then have a pouting fit. But I've got to give it a go! :Rasta:

As always, thanks so much for looking in.

Hello growers.

Despite my best efforts, I'm starting to get antsy. This is the worst part of the grow for me. When buds are present in abundance but nothing is ready. I get nervous about critters because I believe buds attract them. I get nervous about plants falling over. I get nervous about dropping one while moving it in/out of the tent. I get nervous about losing my balance trying the lift a plant and falling on the whole bunch.

In summary, I work myself into tizzy over what "could" happen.

And then I medicate and all is good (for a bit)! :ganjamon:

So here's the source of my twitching, the Freebie + 1 grow on Flip 43.
Freebie + 1 tent 12-30-21 Flip 43.JPG

The Auto Show Day 46.
Auto Show 12-30-21 Day 46.JPG

I really hope these are some short-running autos. Done in 65-70 days would be ideal! It looks like that could be a possibility for all but the weird Purple (back left) who looks like she could be one of those 100-day autos. One long-runner out of the 5. That would be so "normal." :Rasta:

Preview of Coming Attractions
I'm trying to settle on my next few grows. (That's another thing that happens at this stage in a grow. I just can't help myself!)

I figure if I put something in writing on this forum it will help me focus. And there's always a chance that I could actually stick to what I'm about to write! :)

So for the 4x4 tent it will be 3 @Weed Seeds Express plants, cleverly named the Express Grow.
Green Crack
NYC Diesel

And in the 5x5 I'll run the Bubblegum Machine which will be 4 plants.
One Bubblegum each from:
Kera Seeds
Royal Queen Seeds, and
@Weed Seeds Express

I'm also going to toss in a Cosmic Lights, which is absolutely my fav jarred weed at the moment (with Bubblegum running a close second). I've been reluctant to grow another fearing that I'll get a different pheno from the first run I did and then have a pouting fit. But I've got to give it a go! :Rasta:

As always, thanks so much for looking in.

Good afternoon @Grand Daddy Black hope your having a great day.
Garden looks amazing my friend.
You say the buds attract bugs.
Wouldn't that smell attract you aswell. :rofl:
Do you use silicate, I find it helps fight off pests and improve health.
But your ladies are lush and healthy so hopefully nothing sneaks in there to bother them.
Love the wood frame on the floor. :thumb:

Stay safe
Hello growers.

As promised I'm back with an update on the Auto Show on Day 29.

Honestly, it's really not much of a show. I should have called this grow the Auto Exhibit. :Rasta:

BTW, apologies in advance for the poor pic quality. I've yet to figure out how to set my camera to take a decent pic under the @NextLight Mega. It tends to bathe everything in a yellowish hue.

Anyhow, here's a tent pic.
Auto Show 12-13-21 Day 29.JPG

The new growth on the Purple is coming in green.
Auto Show 12-13-21 Purple new growth .JPG

And the new growth on the Alaskan Purple is coming in green.
Auto Show 12-13-21 Alaskan Purp new growth.JPG

I gave them all just a taste of water today, around the area where I think the perimeter of the solo cup would be. I upped their MC from 3.5g to 3.75g.

There's a sense of dread creeping into my mind. I know these girls are now officially in the "danger zone", this damn basement where my arch enemy critters tend to proliferate. That's the main reason I wanted to get a little water to them today. Their feedings for the foreseeable future will be supplemented with SNS 209 at the recommended dosage of 8ml per gallon. And they'll get all kinds of foliar treatments (SNS 217, Neem oil, Safers, Citric Acid, Nuke Em and Lemongrass Insecticide) throughout the grow.

I hope I don't kill them trying to keep them bug-free! :laughtwo:

Thanks for looking in.

Don't know what camera you are using, but setting AWB to HPS/Sodium or Fluoro will correct the white balance
Using F8-F11 will reduce ambient light exposure and rely more on your flash, set that to -0.3/-0.7
Zoom in to set focus and exposure, then zoom out to compose the image
Always focus on the front 1/3 of your image and try to make the background out of focus so you have a blurred background - one method is to set the zoom to max, set the focus to manual and shift it to max, minus 1/4 of a turn; then kneel and move back and forth until you have your focal point bang on (F5.6-F8 works best for me)
On playback, check the histogram and adjust flash/ambient ratio as desired, set it once and it's good for most similar pics shots in a session
Good Luck with the grow - my answer to everything is an organic drench to condition the medium
Good afternoon @Grand Daddy Black hope your having a great day.
Garden looks amazing my friend.
You say the buds attract bugs.
Wouldn't that smell attract you aswell. :rofl:
Do you use silicate, I find it helps fight off pests and improve health.
But your ladies are lush and healthy so hopefully nothing sneaks in there to bother them.
Love the wood frame on the floor. :thumb:

Stay safe
Hey, Bill! :ciao:

Thanks for stopping through, my friend.

Yes, the smell would and does attract me. But I don't eat the plants! :laughtwo:

I typically use silica but did not on this grow. This was my first time using Prescription Blend and I didn't want to mess with their "prescription," especially since it contains some silica.

That tent is in the basement and the floor gets quite cold in the winter, thus the wood frame. Just trying to keep my roots nice and comfy. :Rasta:
Don't know what camera you are using, but setting AWB to HPS/Sodium or Fluoro will correct the white balance
Using F8-F11 will reduce ambient light exposure and rely more on your flash, set that to -0.3/-0.7
Zoom in to set focus and exposure, then zoom out to compose the image
Always focus on the front 1/3 of your image and try to make the background out of focus so you have a blurred background - one method is to set the zoom to max, set the focus to manual and shift it to max, minus 1/4 of a turn; then kneel and move back and forth until you have your focal point bang on (F5.6-F8 works best for me)
On playback, check the histogram and adjust flash/ambient ratio as desired, set it once and it's good for most similar pics shots in a session
Good Luck with the grow - my answer to everything is an organic drench to condition the medium
Thanks Growings.

Unfortunately, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. But it sounds good! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Despite my best efforts, I'm starting to get antsy. This is the worst part of the grow for me. When buds are present in abundance but nothing is ready. I get nervous about critters because I believe buds attract them. I get nervous about plants falling over. I get nervous about dropping one while moving it in/out of the tent. I get nervous about losing my balance trying the lift a plant and falling on the whole bunch.

In summary, I work myself into tizzy over what "could" happen.

I feel your pain, GDB. This is my least favourite part of the grow as well. For me, this list also includes that my plants often look horrible at this stage so tending them isn't as pleasurable.
I feel your pain, GDB. This is my least favourite part of the grow as well. For me, this list also includes that my plants often look horrible at this stage so tending them isn't as pleasurable.
I feel you @HashGirl! Mine usually look like crap by the end too. :Rasta:
Preview of Coming Attractions
I'm trying to settle on my next few grows. (That's another thing that happens at this stage in a grow. I just can't help myself!)

I figure if I put something in writing on this forum it will help me focus. And there's always a chance that I could actually stick to what I'm about to write! :)

So for the 4x4 tent it will be 3 @Weed Seeds Express plants, cleverly named the Express Grow.
Green Crack
NYC Diesel

And in the 5x5 I'll run the Bubblegum Machine which will be 4 plants.
One Bubblegum each from:
Kera Seeds
Royal Queen Seeds, and
@Weed Seeds Express

I'm also going to toss in a Cosmic Lights, which is absolutely my fav jarred weed at the moment (with Bubblegum running a close second). I've been reluctant to grow another fearing that I'll get a different pheno from the first run I did and then have a pouting fit. But I've got to give it a go! :Rasta:
The 'preview' looks very appealing GDB. Especially those WSE strains for the 4x4 tent, I am already curious about those named strains. Of course you may change the line up when the time comes, but the suggestion looks good at the moment!
The 'preview' looks very appealing GDB. Especially those WSE strains for the 4x4 tent, I am already curious about those named strains. Of course you may change the line up when the time comes, but the suggestion looks good at the moment!
I don't think I'm going to change it, Stunger.

I'm looking forward to the challenge of growing some sativa doms with about an 5 foot height limit. I'll have to stay on top of things or it won't work out well. Fun! :Rasta:
Just keep doing what you've been doing, because they're looking good right now!
Thanks so much, Carcass. Take a guess as to why:

1. The wonderful folks on 420.
2. The wonderful folks on 420.

I do that enough with only the one plant- if I had ten plants to worry about, I'd probably just go ape-shit. :oops:
Mrs. GDB thinks that's happened to me already, in part because of how much time I spend here. (Not to mention the mess I'm making with grow stuff everywhere.)

Uh oh, here she comes...gotta' go! :laughtwo:
Mrs. GDB thinks that's happened to me already, in part because of how much time I spend here.
I feel your pain! Mrs.C. would be tickled pink if I just quit growing....although, the cost for the 2oz. of weed I'd need to buy to make oil for her gummies keeps her from griping too much...don't get me wrong, she still gripes plenty, just not what I would call "too much"... :oops:
Thanks so much, Carcass. Take a guess as to why:

1. The wonderful folks on 420.
2. The wonderful folks on 420.

Mrs. GDB thinks that's happened to me already, in part because of how much time I spend here. (Not to mention the mess I'm making with grow stuff everywhere.)

Uh oh, here she comes...gotta' go! :laughtwo:
Lol - I just went through an entire room to make space for that new 4x4 tent I just got. Thank god hubby is so indulgent!
I feel your pain! Mrs.C. would be tickled pink if I just quit growing....although, the cost for the 2oz. of weed I'd need to buy to make oil for her gummies keeps her from griping too much...don't get me wrong, she still gripes plenty, just not what I would call "too much"... :oops:
It's never "too much" because we love them! :)
Lol - I just went through an entire room to make space for that new 4x4 tent I just got. Thank god hubby is so indulgent!
That doesn't count, BabyGirl.

Men, especially hubbies, are naturally tolerant. That's why my bedroom walls are pink. :straightface:
Mine is at best barely tolerant. Altho, I wish I had a green light to investigate the indoor side of things.
I'm giving you the green light Stunger. If she has issues tell her to contact me. :laugh:
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