Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

It's been 3 days since I posted a tent pic of the Freebie + 1 Grow (now Flip + 26).

You know my shutter-finger is itchy.
Freebie +1 Tent 12-13-21 Flip + 26.jpg

And achieving somewhat of a milestone, the zombie California Colorado Cookie - after 28 days above soil - has reached the height of 1 inch! The other day I realized (quite late) that she was perhaps a little too far from the light, so I propped her up on a stack of books.
Zombie 12-13-21 Day 28 one inch tall.jpg

And the Alien Rock Candy clone is cooperating with her LST.
Zombie and ARC Clone 12-13-21.jpg

Now I'm headed down to the Auto Show to see how my green-challenged girls are doing. I'll be back with an update on them shortly.

Looks beautifull my friend
Hello growers.

I know it's likely a busy night for some, but not for me.

So I get to post an update! :Rasta:

I'll be quick. The ARC clone on Flip + 2 is wasting no time going North. She grew an inch overnight, to 16 inches.
I put a humidifier in there and have the RH up to an acceptable level.

Here she is up to 16 inches:
ARC clone 12-24-21 Flip + 2 16inch.jpg

I'm not going to just sit and watch her (like I sometimes do). I tied her back down to 13 inches. If she is anything like her mom in terms of growth, more ties to come.
ARC clone 12-24-21 Flip + 2 13inch.jpg

Merry Christmas everyone!

Hello growers.

I'm about halfway there with the Freebie + 1 Grow on Flip + 40. There are no major issues. The OG looks a little rough and tumble but she's not too bad. The @Prescription Blend girls (THCB, ARC and runt Fast Banana) are doing really well, with nary a blemish between the three. These are some nice nutrients!
Freebie + 1 Tent 12-27-21 Flip 40 labels.jpg

The ARC clone on Flip + 5 in the 2x2 is going to be fun. I'm getting her set up to my liking and I'm ready to deal with the stretch that I believe is coming soon.
ARC clone 12-26-21 Flip 4.jpg

The Auto Show on Day 40 (yesterday) is taking up space progressing. (Sorry. I said no more bad-mouthing.)

I've got their MC up to 4.25 and I will hold it there for a minute. All but the weird Purple are a little "too" green, IMO. I'm surprised by the way the Purple has recovered. Almost all of those ugly yellow leaves have turned to green. I didn't remove any of what was there before. She's a lighter green that the other plants, suggesting that she likes more nutes than the rest.
Auto Show 12-26-21 Day 42.jpg

That's all I've got.

As always, thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

I'm about halfway there with the Freebie + 1 Grow on Flip + 40. There are no major issues. The OG looks a little rough and tumble but she's not too bad. The @Prescription Blend girls (THCB, ARC and runt Fast Banana) are doing really well, with nary a blemish between the three. These are some nice nutrients!
Freebie + 1 Tent 12-27-21 Flip 40 labels.jpg

The ARC clone on Flip + 5 in the 2x2 is going to be fun. I'm getting her set up to my liking and I'm ready to deal with the stretch that I believe is coming soon.
ARC clone 12-26-21 Flip 4.jpg

The Auto Show on Day 40 (yesterday) is taking up space progressing. (Sorry. I said no more bad-mouthing.)

I've got their MC up to 4.25 and I will hold it there for a minute. All but the weird Purple are a little "too" green, IMO. I'm surprised by the way the Purple has recovered. Almost all of those ugly yellow leaves have turned to green. I didn't remove any of what was there before. She's a lighter green that the other plants, suggesting that she likes more nutes than the rest.
Auto Show 12-26-21 Day 42.jpg

That's all I've got.

As always, thanks for looking in.

I think they all look great, but I see what you mean about those autos being really dark green - but other than the color they LOOK like they’re doing well!
The big girls all look great, as do the autos- the Purple really recovered well!
That clone looks like she's going to use the whole tent and then some :oops: tall is that tent?
The big girls all look great, as do the autos- the Purple really recovered well!
That clone looks like she's going to use the whole tent and then some :oops: tall is that tent?
Thanks, Carcass. The weird Purple has surprised me, that's for sure.

The rest of your post busted my bubble! When I've looked at the ARC clone my mantra has been, "Carcass could do this. Carcass could do this."

Oh, well. :Rasta:

I don't think she's gonna' fit in there either, not until the end. But I'll keep her in there as long as I can.

I've got a plan! :laughtwo:
I think your ARC clone is about to show some muscle.

Nice to see all the tents coming along. Sweet!
Thanks Nev. I agree. The ARC clone might be brawny.

I sure hope so! :ganjamon:
Hello growers!

It's the Freebie + 1 grow on Flip + 41.

Let's go solo...

THC Bomb
She's doing really well in my view. But I was a bit saddened today when I took her out of the tent and saw she is now leaning to one side. I can count on one finger (maybe two) the times I've had a plant finish upright with no lean (and those were both autos). I really thought this one would be my first upright photo plant. Maybe next time! :Rasta:

She measures 27 inches from soil to tip and is loving the @Prescription Blend nutrients!
THCB 12-28-21 Flip41 27inches.JPG

Alien Rock Candy
She too is healthy. This is the one that the breeder said wouldn't stretch much, but she measures 40 inches from soil to tip. She too is loving the @Prescription Blend juice!
ARC 12-28-21 Flip 41 40inches.JPG

Original Glue
This is the "+ 1" in the Freebie + 1 title. This plant is from the only paid-for seed in this grow. I kind of messed up with this one and can't wait for a do-over. I started her out in Lush organic soil but waited to late to start supplementing the soil with amendments. I'd love to run this again using @Prescription Blend nutes but I'm not sure I have enough left to accomplish that. I'll need to do the math.

Still, she's not that bad off and may turn out to be some of the finest smoke to come out of this grow. Who knows? She measures 26 inches from soil to tip.
OG 12-28-21 Flip 41 26inches.JPG

runt Fast Banana
This one is in line with other "Fast" strains that I've grown in that she hasn't grown very much or very heartily. I can't find any breeder/seller info on this free seed and I'm not surprised. She measures 21 inches from soil to tip. She too is on Prescription Blend.
runt Fast Banana 12-28-21 Flip 41 21inches.JPG

And finally, the Chiquita Banana clone. She's getting very close to being done. I smoked a tester from her last night and was pleased. She's got that same "gitty-up" effect as her mom.
C Banana Clone 12-28-21.JPG

Lights out tent pic:
Freebie + 1 tent 12-28-21 Flip + 41.JPG

Growing and learning, that's what this is all about. Rolling with the failures and the successes!

Thanks, as always, for your viewership and support.

I'm still trying to make up my mind about what outfit to wear to the living room on New Year's Eve. Hell, I might not even go! :laughtwo:

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