Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Auto Show is quiet an assortment that's coming along.

Freebie + 1 tent is doing it's thing, looking good with all those buds.

Great job managing all those tents, I'm having a time keeping one going...
Thanks so much @Tonclon. The hardest part for me is filling and schlepping the 5 gallon water buckets. I'm thinking of changing to 3 gallon buckets. Less weight but more schlepp! :Rasta:
When I grew my non-DDA autos this summer, I struggled with the MC dosing, too. With the help of @MrSauga and @InTheShed , I came up with this MC feeding chart for autos:
Thanks HG! I trust @InTheShed. :laughtwo:

Like the chart that HG linked to, I think 4.5g would be good now that they're drinking well and 37 days old.
Getting there Shed. I don't like to bump them up too drastically. :thanks:
I'm going to buck the trend and say wait at least a few more days, unless the tester lasts as long as you'd like!
Well it'll be a few days before I smoke the tester, so that works for me!
However, I am not sure whether it is the correct thing to be placing the focus on THC, when there are terpenes and so many other cannabinoid components that contribute to the whole entourage effect.
I am in total agreement with you here, @Stunger. Hell, what I've had to eat before medicating contributes to the whole entourage effect. :Rasta:
I think @copperrein took testers and used a vape when they were still wet to figure out if she should harvest? I might be wrong on that though.
That sounds like something that's doable right now! Thanks @Melville Hobbes. :thanks:
I flash dry my testers using a tin foil canoe over the slot of the toaster. Keep an eye on it or it smokes itself that way!
There's a money-making idea in that scenario!

A scientific gadget that smokes weed and measures the stuff that's in it.

This is BIG! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Just a quick update on the Alien Rock Candy clone on Flip + 1.

I flipped her to 12/12 yesterday.
ARC clone solo 12-23-21 Flip + 1.jpg

Her tent is but 4 feet tall. She's now at 15 inches from soil to tip and has roughly that same amount of room to grow before reaching the light. This could get interesting.
ARC clone 12-23-21 Flip + 1.jpg

And, of course, I have to toss in a pic of the Freebie + 1 Tent on Flip + 36.
Freebie + 1 tent 12-23-21 Flip + 36.jpg

These are starting to bulk up a bit, especially the big @Prescription Blend girls! (THC Bomb front left & Alien Rock Candy rear right.)

Thanks for looking in today.

I have it on good authority that Santa has been looking at our posts on 420 throughout the year. Most of us will be getting dictionaries. :laugh:

Her tent is but 4 feet tall. She's now at 15 inches from soil to tip and has roughly that same amount of room to grow before reaching the light
She’s going to be a sweet one at maturity and fortunately you’ve got some good looking grommets to keep her out of the light! Or then maybe plan #3. It all works.

You got me pegged!
I’ll do most anything I beg you just please don’t Peg me!
You got me pegged!
They'll be no pegging here, Stone! :laugh:
Gorgeous ladies man!
Thanks so much Stone. Renews my faith in "free" seeds.
Lookin’ nice in ur tents GDB. :yummy:
Thanks, BD. And thanks for looking in dude.
I blame it on autocorrect.
I blame it on the ganja! :ganjamon:
She’s going to be a sweet one at maturity and fortunately you’ve got some good looking grommets to keep her out of the light! Or then maybe plan #3. It all works.
It all works as long as you have a "plan!" :laughtwo:
I’ll do most anything I beg you just please don’t Peg me!
Not you too! I've already told @StoneOtter this is a peg-free zone. :laughtwo:
:yahoo: And 15% humidity? Don't forget to moisturize!
It's the damndest thing!

The humidity in the room is around 35% and I don't even have an exhaust fan in that tent. Just using passive exhaust through a slightly open vent.

I have a tub of water sitting in there with a towel hanging out of it (you can see it in the back), but it's not helping much.

I'm on it! (uh oh) :Rasta:
Caught up man!! Blessings and Merry Christmas.
These surprised me (and probably should not have) by being so small to be throwing out pistils.
I was thinking the same thing with my autos. I was a bit dumbfounded to see pistils before day 30. Mine are tiny!
Let me also admit that I more than anything else am responsible for the petiteness. I've made some huge errors, mostly under-feeding and under-watering, I think.
I believe I also did the same with stressing their roots. Tiny bit of a learning curve with the autos isn't seems.
Optimism! That's what's needed for this grow. I wonder if they sell it at the hydro store? :laughtwo:
Seriously! I need some of that.
It's odd how quickly one get's wired to certain expectations. I've got a photo mindset going into an auto grow. That's a recipe bound to cause some inner conflict, and it has worked to perfection on my old brain! :Rasta:
Absolutely with you on this GDB! Damn man...this would be an appropriate time for an AAAAAAMEEEEEEN!!!
It's the Auto Show on Day 37 and I can barely contain my enthusiasm. :straightface:
Bwaaahaaaahaaaaa...I have been thinking the same thing for the past week with mine.
It hits me in a mostly sativa kind of way and helps me get things done.
Not to cause conflict...but I think we need to get away from this mindset. It is likely a specific terpene or ratio of terpenes that align with your system the way you prefer it. It is possible to find similar terpenes and/or ratios with a broad lead form (indica).
What do you folks think?
How many weeks in are they? What is the recommended harvest window? What is that recommendation based on? Terpene profiles change and finding your preferred balance of terpenes may be the deciding factor. As any flower matures, the percentage of certain terps change dramatically. Too early and you won't get the richness of the terps. Too late and you might get something too rich in the sedative effect. Very different approach versus focusing on THC %
If you haven't already, smoke that bud, and see what you think before the chop
I know Shed uses a tin foil canoe and toaster. How do you prep your buds for testing Carcass? I tried using a dehydrator and it was okay. Tasted like shit but the effect was there. So I guess that was a win? IDK...
Great job managing all those tents, I'm having a time keeping one going...
I agree Clon. I would love to have a few more tents but can barely handle the one I have now. Need to remove roughly 75% of other time consuming bullshit in my life so I can grow more buds!
I am not sure whether it is the correct thing to be placing the focus on THC, when there are terpenes and so many other cannabinoid components that contribute to the whole entourage effect.
Brain wave synchronization at its finest! I'm with you Stunger.
But it still leaves the quandary of when the overall entourage effect has reached it's peak.
I'm thinking of changing to 3 gallon buckets. Less weight but more schlepp! :Rasta:
I ended up going with 3 gallon jugs. I admit that I was thinking about the weight. Most people would see me and figure that the weight wouldn't be an issue. Fighting nerve pain, constant inflammation, or the ever present pinched nerves from just made my effort a little easier to manage. I have 6 jugs total. Thankfully my son helps me unload them if I ask nicely or if I can magically guess when he's in a good mood. I get that right approximately 1.5% of the time. I think those are good odds (16 year old).
I get it eventually. I'm just a slow lurner! :Rasta: what you're saying is I still have a chance?!
Hey Friend! I’m wishing you and all your loved ones the very best!
Merry Christmas GDB :hug::love:
Same to you, @Nev!

(And to your wife, Peg, as well.) :laugh:
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