Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Good day growers.

The Freebie + 1 grow Flip + 33.

When I woke up this morning all the big girls were a bit saggy. They've been drinking about 1.5 gallons every other day but now there getting really thirsty. I'm going to start watering them to run-off daily.

I had to rush to water them all this morning before the lights went out, but I did take a lights-out pic using my flash.
They all perked back up quickly.
Freebie + 1 tent 12-20-21 Day 33.JPG

Thanks for looking in.

Good day growers.

The Freebie + 1 grow Flip + 33.

When I woke up this morning all the big girls were a bit saggy. They've been drinking about 1.5 gallons every other day but now there getting really thirsty. I'm going to start watering them to run-off daily.

I had to rush to water them all this morning before the lights went out, but I did take a lights-out pic using my flash.
They all perked back up quickly.
Freebie + 1 tent 12-20-21 Day 33.JPG

Thanks for looking in.

Looking sweet in there GDB!!
Good day growers.

The Freebie + 1 grow Flip + 33.

When I woke up this morning all the big girls were a bit saggy. They've been drinking about 1.5 gallons every other day but now there getting really thirsty. I'm going to start watering them to run-off daily.

I had to rush to water them all this morning before the lights went out, but I did take a lights-out pic using my flash.
They all perked back up quickly.
Freebie + 1 tent 12-20-21 Day 33.JPG

Thanks for looking in.


Casual morning hair :Rasta: perks up pretty quick
Hello growers.

It's the Auto Show on Day 37 and I can barely contain my enthusiasm. :straightface:
Auto Show 12-21-21 Day 37 LABELS.jpg

I watered these to run-off for the first time three days ago. The next day they were all dry and their pots were light, more evidence that I was starving the poor things.

I gave them another good soak and upped their MC to 4g, and they retained a bit of moisture overnight this time.

Live and learn (in that order). :Rasta:

The Freebie + 1 Grow on Day 34.
Freebie + 1 tent 12-21-21 Flip + 34.jpg

I cut a bud off of the Chiquita Banana clone (right front in the pic above) to take a look at the trichs. (That leaves about 11 buds on the plant! :laughtwo: )

They're mostly cloudy but I don't see any amber. I am tempted to take her down now due to the nature of the strain. It hits me in a mostly sativa kind of way and helps me get things done. I like the effect and now seems like it might be a good time to take her down. What do you folks think? I don't care about amber, but still too much clear?



The Alien Rock Candy clone is getting flipped today. She's 15 inches from soil to top and only has about 15 inches to stretch before reaching the light. I hope she doesn't get too unruly.
ARC clone 12-21-21 .JPG

That's it for the update.

And thanks for your comments:
Looking sweet in there GDB!!
Thanks, Babygirl. I still appreciate you even though you dislike one of my fav condiments (mustard)! :laughtwo:
Casual morning hair :Rasta: perks up pretty quick
Works for me, Verbalist!
Lights-out flash pics really show off the number of flowers in there. Looking great!
Thanks, Shed. I hope I can be a good closer for a change!
That is a solid looking flower tent right there! :bravo:
Thank you Nev. I just need to stay on it to the end. I sense the critters are lurking. :straightface:
What do you folks think? I don't care about amber, but still too much clear?
I don't see very many clear trichomes, I'd call that mostly cloudy...since you're not waiting for amber, I'd chop her now..


I cut a bud off of the Chiquita Banana clone
If you haven't already, smoke that bud, and see what you think before the chop
If you haven't already, smoke that bud, and see what you think before the chop
That makes so much sense Captain Obvious!

Thanks from Private Oblivious. :ganjamon:
Good day growers.

The Freebie + 1 grow Flip + 33.

When I woke up this morning all the big girls were a bit saggy. They've been drinking about 1.5 gallons every other day but now there getting really thirsty. I'm going to start watering them to run-off daily.

I had to rush to water them all this morning before the lights went out, but I did take a lights-out pic using my flash.
They all perked back up quickly.
Freebie + 1 tent 12-20-21 Day 33.JPG

Thanks for looking in.


Looking good GDB!
Hello growers.

It's the Auto Show on Day 37 and I can barely contain my enthusiasm. :straightface:
Auto Show 12-21-21 Day 37 LABELS.jpg

I watered these to run-off for the first time three days ago. The next day they were all dry and their pots were light, more evidence that I was starving the poor things.

I gave them another good soak and upped their MC to 4g, and they retained a bit of moisture overnight this time.

Live and learn (in that order). :Rasta:

The Freebie + 1 Grow on Day 34.
Freebie + 1 tent 12-21-21 Flip + 34.jpg

I cut a bud off of the Chiquita Banana clone (right front in the pic above) to take a look at the trichs. (That leaves about 11 buds on the plant! :laughtwo: )

They're mostly cloudy but I don't see any amber. I am tempted to take her down now due to the nature of the strain. It hits me in a mostly sativa kind of way and helps me get things done. I like the effect and now seems like it might be a good time to take her down. What do you folks think? I don't care about amber, but still too much clear?



The Alien Rock Candy clone is getting flipped today. She's 15 inches from soil to top and only has about 15 inches to stretch before reaching the light. I hope she doesn't get too unruly.
ARC clone 12-21-21 .JPG

That's it for the update.

And thanks for your comments:

Thanks, Babygirl. I still appreciate you even though you dislike one of my fav condiments (mustard)! :laughtwo:

Works for me, Verbalist!

Thanks, Shed. I hope I can be a good closer for a change!

Thank you Nev. I just need to stay on it to the end. I sense the critters are lurking. :straightface:
Auto Show is quiet an assortment that's coming along.

Freebie + 1 tent is doing it's thing, looking good with all those buds.

Great job managing all those tents, I'm having a time keeping one going...
Hello growers.

It's the Auto Show on Day 37 and I can barely contain my enthusiasm. :straightface:

I watered these to run-off for the first time three days ago. The next day they were all dry and their pots were light, more evidence that I was starving the poor things.

I gave them another good soak and upped their MC to 4g, and they retained a bit of moisture overnight this time.

Live and learn (in that order). :Rasta:

When I grew my non-DDA autos this summer, I struggled with the MC dosing, too. With the help of @MrSauga and @InTheShed , I came up with this MC feeding chart for autos:

MegaCrop Autoflower Feeding Chart

I thought you might find it useful, too.

The Freebie + 1 Grow on Day 34.

I cut a bud off of the Chiquita Banana clone (right front in the pic above) to take a look at the trichs. (That leaves about 11 buds on the plant! :laughtwo: )

They're mostly cloudy but I don't see any amber. I am tempted to take her down now due to the nature of the strain. It hits me in a mostly sativa kind of way and helps me get things done. I like the effect and now seems like it might be a good time to take her down. What do you folks think? I don't care about amber, but still too much clear?


I'm with Carcass. I don't see a lot of clear and if you don't care about amber, then go ahead and harvest now.
They're mostly cloudy but I don't see any amber. I am tempted to take her down now due to the nature of the strain. It hits me in a mostly sativa kind of way and helps me get things done. I like the effect and now seems like it might be a good time to take her down. What do you folks think? I don't care about amber, but still too much clear?
Hey GDB, the ladies are looking great! I wish I knew exactly when to harvest for maximum potency, it's one of those regular conundrums of growing bud. I tend to go until there is some amber, maybe 5 - 20%. I have read that studies show that maximum THCA is when the trichomes clear. However, I am not sure whether it is the correct thing to be placing the focus on THC, when there are terpenes and so many other cannabinoid components that contribute to the whole entourage effect. But short of knowing, I guess taking tester buds before deciding when to chop helps.
Hey GDB, the ladies are looking great! I wish I knew exactly when to harvest for maximum potency, it's one of those regular conundrums of growing bud. I tend to go until there is some amber, maybe 5 - 20%. I have read that studies show that maximum THCA is when the trichomes clear. However, I am not sure whether it is the correct thing to be placing the focus on THC, when there are terpenes and so many other cannabinoid components that contribute to the whole entourage effect. But short of knowing, I guess taking tester buds before deciding when to chop helps.
I think @copperrein took testers and used a vape when they were still wet to figure out if she should harvest? I might be wrong on that though.
I hadn't heard that! I have always read that cloudy is peak THCa. The trichomes are clear from the moment they emerge, so would you harvest as soon as they start to get cloudy?
Sorry, I think you're right Shed, I meant cloudy for the apparent peak THCa. But it still leaves the quandary of when the overall entourage effect has reached it's peak.
Sorry, I think you're right Shed, I meant cloudy for the apparent peak THCa. But it still leaves the quandary of when the overall entourage effect has reached it's peak.
Oh good...I thought you had found some new research that would have us rethink what we thought we knew!

I think some plants make it easier by going mostly cloudy before we get much amber, but others show us an annoying blend of 25/50/25! :hmmmm:

Those really need testers to sort out the harvest window.
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