Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

You know my shutter-finger is itchy.
That tent is really photo worthy from any angle! :thumb:
Colorado Cookie - after 28 days above soil - has reached the height of 1 inch!
CC and the angry inch?
I should have called this grow the Auto Exhibit.
I've yet to figure out how to set my camera to take a decent pic under the @NextLight Mega. It tends to bathe everything in a yellowish hue.
Most Android phones have a Pro mode that will let you manually set the color balance. Just slide it until the screen looks like what's in front of you. idea!
Their feedings for the foreseeable future will be supplemented with SNS 209 at the recommended dosage of 8ml per gallon. And they'll get all kinds of foliar treatments (SNS 217, Neem oil, Safers, Citric Acid, Nuke Em and Lemongrass Insecticide) throughout the grow.
Kitchen sink... :welldone:
I hope I don't kill them trying to keep them bug-free!
So do they!
the zombie California Colorado Cookie - after 28 days above soil - has reached the height of 1 inch!
So, probably 2 inches after the stretch? I may have overestimated that one by a foot or two.... :oops:
Well, I guess it's true- they can't all be gems ....

The Purple auto, and the Alaskan Purple auto are recovering nicely-It's odd that the APa greened up before the uppotting... I hope the bugs stay away!
So, probably 2 inches after the stretch? I may have overestimated that one by a foot or two.... :oops:
Well, I guess it's true- they can't all be gems ....

The Purple auto, and the Alaskan Purple auto are recovering nicely-It's odd that the APa greened up before the uppotting... I hope the bugs stay away!
Your estimate might be a tad bit high. As you might be, too. :laughtwo:

I'm so glad to hear you say something about this being "odd." I was beginning to think I was odd. :straightface:
Hello growers.

Here's the latest update on the goings ons.

Freebie + 1 Grow - Flip + 29

All seem content at the moment. I did some pot rotating today and got some solo pics.

Alien Rock Candy
I'm trying to support her but she's finding ways to topple anyway. This one that was not supposed to stretch is, of course, the tallest one in the tent.
Alien Rock Candy 12-16-21 FLip + 29.jpg

Original Glue
From a muscular beginning to a sickly mid-life, she looks like she's going to make it to the end with no more drama.
Original Glue 12-16-21 Flip + 29.jpg

THC Bomb
She's holding on to her "figure." I like a woman that stays in shape!
THC Bomb 12-16-21 Flip + 29.jpg

runt Fast Banana
She's kind of a pain because I have to water her twice a day. I never up-potted her from the 1 gallon pot and now I'm paying the price.
runt Fast Banana 12-16-21 Flip + 29.JPG

C Banana Clone
This little one has been fun to watch and she's nearly ready!
C Banana clone 12-16-21.JPG

Here's one of her buds trying to get sticky!
CB Clone bud 12-16-21.JPG

I hope to be able get another plant of about the same size from my ARC Clone but that may be wishful thinking if she's gonna' stretch like her momma did.

And speaking of the ARC clone, things are not looking good for the zombie Colorado Cookie. The clone is about where I want her and I'm about ready to flip her. When I do that, it's the end of the road for the zombie.
ARC Clone 12-16-21.JPG

Lastly, the group in the Freebie + 1 tent:
Freebie + 1 Tent 12-16-21 Flip + 29.jpg

And that's it for now.

I'll try to get back later today with an update on the Auto Show.

As always, thanks for looking in.

Looking good GDB those girls look like they're gonna be tasty.
I'm trying to support her but she's finding ways to topple anyway.
Hey man I was wondering.... do you use silica in your feeding I have found great results in the strength of my girls stems when I add it
You sure have a lot going on. But judging by all those empty jars I guess I know what you’ve been up to the last few days Mr Tokealot.

Now I’m looking at the pretty little C Banana clone and it looks to have a number of tiny white spots on her leaves. Have you put the loop to the underside to take a closer look?
Looking good GDB those girls look like they're gonna be tasty.

Hey man I was wondering.... do you use silica in your feeding I have found great results in the strength of my girls stems when I add it
Hey Raz!

Typically I do use silica with all my grows. However, I didn't this time because I didn't want to muck with the Prescription Blend formula since I was using it for the first time. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Here's the latest update on the goings ons.

Freebie + 1 Grow - Flip + 29

All seem content at the moment. I did some pot rotating today and got some solo pics.

Alien Rock Candy
I'm trying to support her but she's finding ways to topple anyway. This one that was not supposed to stretch is, of course, the tallest one in the tent.
Alien Rock Candy 12-16-21 FLip + 29.jpg

Original Glue
From a muscular beginning to a sickly mid-life, she looks like she's going to make it to the end with no more drama.
Original Glue 12-16-21 Flip + 29.jpg

THC Bomb
She's holding on to her "figure." I like a woman that stays in shape!
THC Bomb 12-16-21 Flip + 29.jpg

runt Fast Banana
She's kind of a pain because I have to water her twice a day. I never up-potted her from the 1 gallon pot and now I'm paying the price.
runt Fast Banana 12-16-21 Flip + 29.JPG

C Banana Clone
This little one has been fun to watch and she's nearly ready!
C Banana clone 12-16-21.JPG

Here's one of her buds trying to get sticky!
CB Clone bud 12-16-21.JPG

I hope to be able get another plant of about the same size from my ARC Clone but that may be wishful thinking if she's gonna' stretch like her momma did.

And speaking of the ARC clone, things are not looking good for the zombie Colorado Cookie. The clone is about where I want her and I'm about ready to flip her. When I do that, it's the end of the road for the zombie.
ARC Clone 12-16-21.JPG

Lastly, the group in the Freebie + 1 tent:
Freebie + 1 Tent 12-16-21 Flip + 29.jpg

And that's it for now.

I'll try to get back later today with an update on the Auto Show.

As always, thanks for looking in.

All look great there @Grand Daddy Black !!!
You sure have a lot going on. But judging by all those empty jars I guess I know what you’ve been up to the last few days Mr Tokealot.

Now I’m looking at the pretty little C Banana clone and it looks to have a number of tiny white spots on her leaves. Have you put the loop to the underside to take a closer look?
Oh yeah, I've noticed those spots. The critters tried to muck with me again but this time I was ready and waiting with counter-measures. And, I'm not done yet! :Rasta:
Typically I do you silica with all my grows. However, I didn't this time because I didn't want to muck with the Prescription Blend formula since I was using it for the first time. :Rasta:
That's a good way to learn how your new fertilizers perform and whether or not you would need to add supplements to get the growth you're looking for in your girls.
That's a good way to learn how your new fertilizers perform and whether or not you would need to add supplements to get the growth you're looking for in your girls.

In addition, Prescription Blend contains silica as is.
Hello growers.

Here's a late afternoon update on the Auto Show grow!

First the Alien Rock Candy clone. She's not really a part of the Auto Show, but she's in there with them now so...

She had gotten to the point where I could not keep her from drooping. She needs more leg room.
Arc clone 11-29-21 pre-uppot.jpg

I moved her into a new 3 gallon place. And here she is back with the seedlings (19 day-olds on the left and 14 day-olds middle and right).

BTW, the plan for the ARC clone is to leave her in here to finish once the autos are gone. I'm not going to let her get very big.
Auto Seedlings 11-29-21 and ARC clone uppot.jpg

Even though they've been getting 2g of MC they look a little underfed. I'm kicking all of them up to 2.5g.

That thing in the middle, the Colorado Cookie, is now officially a mutant or a zombie, whichever you prefer. :Rasta:
CCookie 11-29-21 Day 14.jpg

I'll hang in there with her as long as she hangs in there with me!

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

As promised I'm back with an update on the Auto Show on Day 29.

Honestly, it's really not much of a show. I should have called this grow the Auto Exhibit. :Rasta:

BTW, apologies in advance for the poor pic quality. I've yet to figure out how to set my camera to take a decent pic under the @NextLight Mega. It tends to bathe everything in a yellowish hue.

Anyhow, here's a tent pic.
Auto Show 12-13-21 Day 29.JPG

The new growth on the Purple is coming in green.
Auto Show 12-13-21 Purple new growth .JPG

And the new growth on the Alaskan Purple is coming in green.
Auto Show 12-13-21 Alaskan Purp new growth.JPG

I gave them all just a taste of water today, around the area where I think the perimeter of the solo cup would be. I upped their MC from 3.5g to 3.75g.

There's a sense of dread creeping into my mind. I know these girls are now officially in the "danger zone", this damn basement where my arch enemy critters tend to proliferate. That's the main reason I wanted to get a little water to them today. Their feedings for the foreseeable future will be supplemented with SNS 209 at the recommended dosage of 8ml per gallon. And they'll get all kinds of foliar treatments (SNS 217, Neem oil, Safers, Citric Acid, Nuke Em and Lemongrass Insecticide) throughout the grow.

I hope I don't kill them trying to keep them bug-free! :laughtwo:

Thanks for looking in.

I know I don't comment much here GDB but I see you.

I enjoy your flow and you keep things extremely real with a light hearted perspective and I think that is really important.

I love the two areas going on. I think all your girls look and have looked lovely, mutants included...

Glad you found the Cal-Mag expiration issue a few months back :)

I think if you can keep the bugs at bay, your growers thumbs will do the rest For your autos. I'm sure everyone else thinks the same

Good grow juju to you today GDB
now the question is.... is it enough for your girls to have strong stems to hold the fruit or was the weak stems just phenom specific. :ganjamon:
I don't think she has weak stems, per se. She just was not properly prepped to grow as tall as she has.

I believed what the breeder said about her typical growth pattern, that she would require an extended veg period to grow up because she would not stretch much in flower. She did just the opposite, outgrew the others in veg and out-stretched them once flipped. So I lot of the stuff that's sagging now is stuff that I probably would have taken off earlier in her life had I not broken my crystal ball. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

So I checked on the Auto Show and all I can say is, "What the hell was I thinking?"

I see nothing but small plants and problems for this grow down the road. Fight it as I may, I'm starting to look at this grow as one huge waste of time.

In addition, I've got some exciting photos I want to get to ASAP.

I'm bummed out with no one to blame but myself! :straightface:

I'll be back with an update later today or tomorrow. For now, I need to get zooted! That will make the bumminess go away. :ganjamon:

If you read this, please resist the urge to leave a sad-face emoji. There is nothing sad about this situation.

Hello growers.

So I checked on the Auto Show and all I can say is, "What the hell was I thinking?"

I see nothing but small plants and problems for this grow down the road. Fight it as I may, I'm starting to look at this grow as one huge waste of time.

In addition, I've got some exciting photos I want to get to ASAP.

I'm bummed out with no one to blame but myself! :straightface:

I'll be back with an update later today or tomorrow. For now, I need to get zooted! That will make the bumminess go away. :ganjamon:

If you read this, please resist the urge to leave a sad-face emoji. There is nothing sad about this situation.

Hate the bummies. :hookah:
Good luck brother.

Stay safe
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