Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

It Flip + 22 for the Freebie + 1 Grow and I'm not going to bore you with another tent pic through the front door of the tent.

This one was taken through the side door! :Rasta:
Freebie + 1 Tent 12-9-21 Flip + 22.jpg

Still not much improvement on my 2 yellowing girls in the Auto Show. It's Day 25 for them. One seems to be getting a little better while the other seems to be getting worse. I did a little LST on the ARC clone. The 3 autos on the left (yes, even the yellow ones) were topped 3 days ago. The other two will likely be topped tomorrow. And the Zombie Colorado cookie is just sitting there looking disinterested, so much so that she doesn't even get in the pic. :Rasta:
Auto Show 12-9-21 Day 25.JPG

Even so, based on the rootage, all of these will need to come out of the solo cups soon.
Auto roots 12-9-21 Day 25.jpg

That's a wrap for today.

As always, thanks for looking in.

Looking great as usual my friend. :thumb:
You going 5 gal with the up pot?

Stay safe
I'm in a good place right now. I've got several primo strains that have been curing for about 6 months. I've found that a fully-cured Grand Daddy Purple is quite formidable. Like, "Puff... Puff.. Pass(out)".
Preaching about goals for me GDB!!! About getting to a good place and having enough strategic reserves of meds.

Your plants are looking beautiful as ever man! Thanks for all the enjoyment getting caught up and all the laughs homie. Blessings
Moderate my ass! You guys are smoking like a 1950s Benz diesel engine! :laugh:

Just kidding. :Rasta:

Unless I'm ill, I stay medicated pretty much all the time after breakfast on each day that ends in "y". But I can't tell you how much I consume because I'm lousy at math when I'm high! :laughtwo:
I can't always be a wake and bake... definitely not weekdays... I might start hitting the bubbler after lunch most days but my job still requires some brain. Ironically I find I'm better at my job high than not. Maybe that's due to spending 4 straight years in college high getting high every day for my engineering degree, albeit 30 years ago!

Edit: I guess it's "baked in." {no applause please...just a few bills thrown into the guitar case. I'm here all night}

Edit: underlined word describing me...given it's extra here.
Holy, holy, holy!

Most of the autos I've grown (maybe all) have been in 3 gallon pots. Only a few of them really needed more leg room. I'm hoping that none of the current ones needs a 5 gallon, which means that at the end of the day they probably all will! :straightface:

I'm not going to let that clone that's in the 3 gallon get big at all. As soon as I can get those autos out of there, I'll likely flip the clone. My focus is on taste and variety, not size. I don't really like wrestling with big plants!
My first grow (journal'd) I ended with 7 gallon pots for 3 plants in my 32" tent. I got the best TOTAL per pot I've had ever since, but definitely not best per gallon. I'm starting to lean towards 3 gallon too. I've got one in a 3 and one in a 5 right now but they're not really a genuine comparison...
Preaching about goals for me GDB!!! About getting to a good place and having enough strategic reserves of meds.

Your plants are looking beautiful as ever man! Thanks for all the enjoyment getting caught up and all the laughs homie. Blessings
This rings true for me as well. Been growing for two years straight (or is it 3?) and have reserves from each batch saved. Some are "cobbed" in vacuum sealed bags, some bud vac'd, plus a dozen jars of an oz+. Must have at least a dozen varieties. Some days I don't notice which is which.
I've never had a hermie @Kanno26.

You may have gotten some seeds from a hermie. I think their offspring will hermie too.

Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
Odd non-sequitur there eh!? I thought he musta smoked some of those hermies!! LOLLOLLOL
I always preferred a side door. Freebie tent is filling up nicely.
Thanks, @stinker. I'm a back door man, mostly to take out the trash.
His updates/ posts are always such a joy to read with the “humor/wit “ he adds.
I'm not trying for humor @Nine Toed Hippie, my grows just get funny sometimes.
They all look lush and blooming thru the side door - very nice!
Thanks @Stunger, and thanks for looking in.
Looking good GDB, full house!
Thanks, @Tonclon. Not quite full, but close enough to make me happy.
You going 5 gal with the up pot?
I'm going with 3 gallons for these...and crossing my fingers! Thanks for looking in @Bill284.
Your plants are looking beautiful as ever man! Thanks for all the enjoyment getting caught up and all the laughs homie. Blessings
Thanks, @BakedARea. I'm a serious grower. No more laughing!
I might start hitting the bubbler after lunch most days but my job still requires some brain.
LMAO, @Schnookie! Luckily, getting high for most of the day still leaves me with a little brain left!
My first grow (journal'd) I ended with 7 gallon pots for 3 plants in my 32" tent
I need to take a look at that.
Must have at least a dozen varieties. Some days I don't notice which is which.
They do all kind of taste alike...until one doesn't!
Front door, side door, whatever... Your plants look great from just about any angle... :thumb:

That yellowing discoloration doesn't seem to be slowing them down- they're keeping up with the green ones pretty well so far...
Ha! You remembered about the "y" word. :)

This discoloration thing has me flummoxed! I can't recall a seedling ever having such issues so early in life.
Hello growers.

No tent pic today! (the crowd roars)

For those of you who have followed a few of my grows you know that I have been hounded, harassed and just generally mucked with by a certain species of critter that I will not name. (I'm not superstitious but I am a littlestitious.)

You may also have noticed that said critters went unmentioned in my last 4x4 tent grow.

I credit this to my ever-growing arsenal of weapons formed against them. One of my recent additions is Nuke Em by Flying Skull. With a primary ingredient of citric acid, it is touted to kill those critters on contact and it's use is said to be safe through flowering.

But what I really like is the companion Spread Coat that I got to go along with it. The Spread Coat is a "wetting agent." Per the maker it "helps pesticides properly coat leaves, stems and pests."

A small amount mixed with the Nuke Em causes the pesticide to "coat" the plants. Not only does it appear that it would be more effective treatment-wise, but you get the added bonus (at least temporarily) of a really neat looking shiny plant!
Nuke Em and Spread Coat.jpg

I nuke both tents today, the Freebie tent and the Auto Show tent. Here's a pic of the THC Bomb post-nuking:
THC Bomb nuked 12-10-21.JPG

And I could show you an entire tentful of shiny plants. But I promised I wouldn't. So I won't. :laughtwo:

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

No tent pic today! (the crowd roars)

For those of you who have followed a few of my grows you know that I have been hounded, harassed and just generally mucked with by a certain species of critter that I will not name. (I'm not superstitious but I am a littlestitious.)

You may also have noticed that said critters went unmentioned in my last 4x4 tent grow.

I credit this to my ever-growing arsenal of weapons formed against them. One of my recent additions is Nuke Em by Flying Skull. With a primary ingredient of citric acid, it is touted to kill those critters on contact and it's use is said to be safe through flowering.

But what I really like is the companion Spread Coat that I got to go along with it. The Spread Coat is a "wetting agent." Per the maker it "helps pesticides properly coat leaves, stems and pests."

A small amount mixed with the Nuke Em causes the pesticide to "coat" the plants. Not only does it appear that it would be more effective treatment-wise, but you get the added bonus (at least temporarily) of a really neat looking shiny plant!
Nuke Em and Spread Coat.jpg

I nuke both tents today, the Freebie tent and the Auto Show tent. Here's a pic of the THC Bomb post-nuking:
THC Bomb nuked 12-10-21.JPG

And I could show you an entire tentful of shiny plants. But I promised I wouldn't. So I won't. :laughtwo:

Thanks for looking in.

Wow, hope to be able to show one of the girls as photo ready as she is soon!
You may also have noticed that said critters went unmentioned in my last 4x4 tent grow.
I’m ashamed to say I didn’t but I will say :goodjob: that is Huge!

One of my recent additions is Nuke Em by Flying Skull. With a primary ingredient of citric acid
Is this what your using now for your preventative maintenance?

And with the citric acid I wonder if that would also help with powder mildew?
Hiya GDB! Just saying hi. I still love you. For the record it's not you, it's me. I wish we could spend more time together. Your THC Bomb post-nuking looks great btw. Nicely done. I hope you've been well. :green_heart:
So nice to hear from you, MrSauga! Thanks for the kind sentiment (sound of me blowing my nose).

I hope everything is well with you and yours. :ciao:
I’m ashamed to say I didn’t but I will say :goodjob: that is Huge!

Is this what your using now for your preventative maintenance?

And with the citric acid I wonder if that would also help with powder mildew?
Thank, Nev.

I'm betting it would be good against PM, as well.
And I could show you an entire tentful of shiny plants
I've always said...GDB's plants are beautiful, but I wonder if they could be a bit more shiny?
I don't have to wonder anymore... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hello growers.

No tent pic today! (the crowd roars)

For those of you who have followed a few of my grows you know that I have been hounded, harassed and just generally mucked with by a certain species of critter that I will not name. (I'm not superstitious but I am a littlestitious.)

You may also have noticed that said critters went unmentioned in my last 4x4 tent grow.

I credit this to my ever-growing arsenal of weapons formed against them. One of my recent additions is Nuke Em by Flying Skull. With a primary ingredient of citric acid, it is touted to kill those critters on contact and it's use is said to be safe through flowering.

But what I really like is the companion Spread Coat that I got to go along with it. The Spread Coat is a "wetting agent." Per the maker it "helps pesticides properly coat leaves, stems and pests."

A small amount mixed with the Nuke Em causes the pesticide to "coat" the plants. Not only does it appear that it would be more effective treatment-wise, but you get the added bonus (at least temporarily) of a really neat looking shiny plant!
Nuke Em and Spread Coat.jpg

I nuke both tents today, the Freebie tent and the Auto Show tent. Here's a pic of the THC Bomb post-nuking:
THC Bomb nuked 12-10-21.JPG

And I could show you an entire tentful of shiny plants. But I promised I wouldn't. So I won't. :laughtwo:

Thanks for looking in.

It’s great you found something that works. Plant critters suck… I’ve heard that citric acid can be used as an insecticide but haven’t found any real info yet.
It was reports that Nuke'em did a good job on PM that made me decide to make my own citric acid spray, which now makes me want to know the main ingredient in the Spread Coat!
Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids.
Hello grow gang and Happy Saturday!

I'm at my wit's end with these 2 purple strains with the discolored leaves. (And believe me, it's a very short walk from the beginning of my wits to the end of my wits!)

All of the autos were germinated the same way and in the same medium. They've all been fed the same rate of MC. What gives?

The only thing in the mix that was new to me was the Coast of Maine Organic Seed Starter that I used in their solo cups. Okay, if that is the culprit then why aren't all of the autos discolored?

Well, obviously, it's not the culprit. But absent any other ideas, I treated it like it was anyway. So I took the un-greenest plant (the Purple) and up-potted it into 3 gallons of FFOF. (Ain't she a sad looking thing?)
Purple up-pot 12-10-21.jpg

While I was up-potting her I noticed that her growth was a bit strange. Her first node has been removed. The second node at the bottom of the plant came out symmetrically (but I accidently cut off one side). Both the 3rd and 4th nodes grew asymmetrically.
Purple 3&4th nodes asymmetrical.JPG

Then the fifth came out symmetrically. Odd.
Purple top node symmetrical .JPG

And after the up-pot was complete, and only after, I noticed that the new growth on the other discolored girl (Alaskan Purple) is coming in green. :straightface:

Alaska Purple 12-11-21 green new growth.jpg

That is so normal! :laughtwo:

Auto Show 12-11-21 Purple up-pot.jpg

I'll need to get the remainder of the autos up-potted during the week. This means they'll all be coming out of the 2x2 and moved to the 5x5.

After that, I just want to do a little more LST to the ARC clone and I'll be ready to flip her and grow another shorty clone!

Speaking of which, I'm still enamored with my shorty Chiquita Banana clone. She's 18 inches tall and putting on weight (such as it is)!
CB clone 12-11-21.JPG

That's all for today.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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