Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

My stars man WTF is this? I went 1min 57 seconds before total breakdown. I’d rather be water boarded.o_O
That's because you're not a plant. :laugh:
She’s so much improved She should be getting front row. Lovely!
Thanks for noticing, Nev. I'm very proud of her!
I know you’ve implemented a backup plan.
Hey, I've got a back-up plant to my back-up plan! :Rasta:
today.I watched/listened to the whole thing...
It reminded me of my grandfather tuning his xylophone when I was a kid...good times!
I've got to admit, though...I prefer nice, quiet pics of your gardens... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks, MrC!
. But nooooo. Some genius named it "Omicron", in my view just to scare the shit out of folks even more.
Maybe there's 10 variants between delta and omicron, that they didn't tell us about... :oops:
They seem healthy enough but they refuse to get green green.
The way the leaf veins are still green looks like a little Magnesium deficiency is happening- maybe add a little 0-0-0 calmag to their next beverage? (or whichever calmag you have with the least amount of N in it)
although...a little N might not be a bad thing...
Hello growers.

In my post earlier today I mucked up. I called the Runt Fast Banana the ARC clone. Sorry about that. (Time to put the Bubblegum away again.)
Freebie + 1 tent 12-4-21 Flip + 16 Corrected.jpg
Maybe there's 10 variants between delta and omicron, that they didn't tell us about... :oops:
And there you go. I'm already rattled! :laughtwo:
The way the leaf veins are still green looks like a little Magnesium deficiency is happening- maybe add a little 0-0-0 calmag to their next beverage? (or whichever calmag you have with the least amount of N in it)
although...a little N might not be a bad thing...
Thanks, MrC. I looked at my MC feeding chart and noticed that I'm a bit behind for plants of this age. I think that since I haven't used the grey stuff in a while I probably should have looked at that chart a little sooner! :straightface:
Hello growers.

I got a little bit of stuff done today. Had to.

The Alien Rock Candy that was supposed to stretch very little in flower has not a clue that that is one of her traits. So last night while I was asleep (and the tent lights were on) she decided to stretch like a rubber band. And this morning she had a single branch with leaf burn.
ARC leaf burn 12-6-21 Flip + 18.JPG

There were two branches that got really tall overnight and those two were supercropped this morning, of course using GDBClips®!
ARC 12-6-21 supercrop Flip + 18.jpg

Since I had to lay hands on the ARC I decided to go a bit further. I did what I hope is a close-to-post-stretch defol on all the larger plants and spread them out a bit more. And I built a support thingy for the ARC clone because I think she might need it.
Freebie +1 tent 12-6-21 Flip + 18.jpg

And here's a close-up of a bud on the CB clone (front left in pic above) just because.
CB Clone 12-6-21 bud .JPG

The Auto Show Day 22

@Carcass suggested that my autos lacked a little nitrogen and also needed some calmag. So I upped their MC dose from 2.5g to 3.2g. But I forgot to add some calmag to the water before adding the MC. Rather than tossing the nutes, I watered the plants with just the MC and this morning when the lights went out I gave them all a epsom salt foliar treatment. I'll get them some calmag on the next watering.
Auto Show 12-6-21 Day 22.jpg

So that was my eventful day. I'm exhausted. :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

of course using GDBClips®!
I like those clips! - I may blatantly steal that idea! (to avoid paying any royalties ;) )
I can't remember what you call it, but the tent with the big plants looks great- very healthy and happy!
And the Auto Show is looking pretty darn good too!
Can't sleep tonight, eh?
Hello growers.

I got a little bit of stuff done today. Had to.

The Alien Rock Candy that was supposed to stretch very little in flower has not a clue that that is one of her traits. So last night while I was asleep (and the tent lights were on) she decided to stretch like a rubber band. And this morning she had a single branch with leaf burn.
ARC leaf burn 12-6-21 Flip + 18.JPG

There were two branches that got really tall overnight and those two were supercropped this morning, of course using GDBClips®!
ARC 12-6-21 supercrop Flip + 18.jpg

Since I had to lay hands on the ARC I decided to go a bit further. I did what I hope is a close-to-post-stretch defol on all the larger plants and spread them out a bit more. And I built a support thingy for the ARC clone because I think she might need it.
Freebie +1 tent 12-6-21 Flip + 18.jpg

And here's a close-up of a bud on the CB clone (front left in pic above) just because.
CB Clone 12-6-21 bud .JPG

The Auto Show Day 22

@Carcass suggested that my autos lacked a little nitrogen and also needed some calmag. So I upped their MC dose from 2.5g to 3.2g. But I forgot to add some calmag to the water before adding the MC. Rather than tossing the nutes, I watered the plants with just the MC and this morning when the lights went out I gave them all a epsom salt foliar treatment. I'll get them some calmag on the next watering.
Auto Show 12-6-21 Day 22.jpg

So that was my eventful day. I'm exhausted. :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Your flower tent is looking lush and full.
All such beautiful ladies!
I like those clips! - I may blatantly steal that idea! (to avoid paying any royalties ;) )
I can't remember what you call it, but the tent with the big plants looks great- very healthy and happy!
And the Auto Show is looking pretty darn good too!
Can't sleep tonight, eh?
Thanks, MrC!

By all means blatantly steal away. We'll be even because I've got a bunch of gizmos over here that look exactly like closely resemble CarcassSticks®!

Yes, on this night - like many others - sleep is elusive. Oddly, I developed sleep issues shortly after my retirement six years ago and they've stayed with me since. :straightface:

Thanks for the kind words, and have wonderful day.

Looking forward to your Monday UPDATE!
Love the CB clone closeup and the girls in the flower tent. Could I see a closeup of your GDBClip and how you use it?
Love the CB clone closeup and the girls in the flower tent. Could I see a closeup of your GDBClip and how you use it?
Sorry @HashGirl, that's a closely guarded trade secret! :Rasta:

No, seriously, if you look closely at the pic I provided you can see how it works. It's a large, plastic coated paperclip...

...that is bent like this:

The small end is hooked to the vertical stem just below where it's bent and the large end goes on top of the bent stem to hold it down. (Again, go back and look at the pic I provided.)
Nice on the defol and the supercrop. It’s all looking so good.

As for those clips it looks like I need to add some cushy coated paper clips to my next grocery order. Have your clips received a registered name yet?
Thanks, Nev.

They are called GDBClips®, (but may soon also be known as CarcassClips®) :laugh:
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