Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack


Wait what?

Marketing department falling down on the job again! MrS' marketing crew is probably unemployed at this point so...
If you're suggesting that I hire some of his cast-offs then, well, you haven't been paying attention! :)
If you're suggesting that I hire some of his cast-offs then, well, you haven't been paying attention! :)
Hi, I have a question when did you first have hermaphrodites were full of seeds or could it be smoked? And do you use air conditioning in a tent? I've already had three hermaphrodites and I have seven left, and today I discovered bananas on one so I don't know what to do with it all or it can happen that someone avoids it, you don't know?
Hi, I have a question when did you first have hermaphrodites were full of seeds or could it be smoked? And do you use air conditioning in a tent? I've already had three hermaphrodites and I have seven left, and today I discovered bananas on one so I don't know what to do with it all or it can happen that someone avoids it, you don't know?
I've never had a hermie @Kanno26.

You may have gotten some seeds from a hermie. I think their offspring will hermie too.

Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
You may have gotten some seeds from a hermie. I think their offspring will hermie too.
You are correct sir! If a plant hermies without undue stresses then the seeds from it will most likely as well. And if it hermies from stress, same for the offspring. Those seeds are rarely keepers unless it's all you have.

That said, there is nothing wrong with the bud with the seeds. It's what we all smoked in the 70s after some manner of sorting through to save out eyebrows, hair, and clothes from unwanted fire!
Sorry @HashGirl, that's a closely guarded trade secret! :Rasta:

No, seriously, if you look closely at the pic I provided you can see how it works. It's a large, plastic coated paperclip...

...that is bent like this:

The small end is hooked to the vertical stem just below where it's bent and the large end goes on top of the bent stem to hold it down. (Again, go back and look at the pic I provided.)
What a great idea.
Hello growers.

Here's an update on the goings ons! (BTW, for some reason I can't access any of the editing features (bold, italic, emojis etc.) when I do my posts. That sucks!)

Freebie + 1 Tent Flip + 20.
When these girls first started growing I thought the Original Glue (rear left) was going to be the space hog. Then after a while it looked like the Alien Rock Candy (rear right) was going to take over. But now it seems that the THC Bomb (front left) wants to rule the roost. Funny how these grows evolve.
Freebie + 1 Tent 12-8-21 Flip + 20.jpg

The two in the small pots front right are the CB Clone (left) and the Runt Fast Banana (right).

The Auto Show Day 22
Those two purple strains (easy to spot) continue to display yellowish leaves. All of these are getting 3.5g of MC. All have gotten an epsom foliar spray. And, as of 2 days ago, all have been given 2.5ml of CalMag (0-0-0). In addition, their solo cups were all prepped the same way, using the same medium.

That makes the leaf discoloration quite puzzling to me. I had suggested earlier that this might be genetic. I continue to hope that it at least partly may be. If not, maybe the CalMag will have an effect shortly.
Auto Show 12-8-21 Day 24.jpg

And here is their temporary roomie, The Arc Clone.
Autos + ARC clone 12-8-21.jpg

That's all I've got.

I'm in a good place right now. I've got several primo strains that have been curing for about 6 months. I've found that a fully-cured Grand Daddy Purple is quite formidable. Like, "Puff... Puff.. Pass(out)".

Thanks for stopping by.

That makes the leaf discoloration quite puzzling to me. I had suggested earlier that this might be genetic. I continue to hope that it at least partly may be. If not, maybe the CalMag will have an effect shortly.
As I mentioned earlier that it looked like a K def or then Potassium being locked out in soil. Looks like it got better but any excess Potassium antagonises Mg uptake. And theres clearly some kind of Magnesium deficiency symptoms showing now.

Balanced dose of Cal/Mag with little N should or could fix it. Extra Nitrogen for Magnesium synergism.
I’m going to try and help you out here bud with your emojis. :smokin:

I can't access the emojis when I do my posts.

Funny how these grows evolve.
That makes the leaf discoloration quite puzzling to me.
I'm in a good place right now.
I've got several primo strains that have been curing for about 6 months
I've found that a fully-cured Grand Daddy Purple is quite formidable.
That was damn hilarious, @Nev! :laugh:

And did you see what I just did?! Emoji!

I logged in using my other browser and everything works. That's a bit strange but I'll take it for now.

Thanks for your emoji support. You damn near nailed it! :Rasta:
Flower tent still carrying the day, and that GDP sounds like a blast! It's good to have enough on hand to be able to wait for the cure to really kick in.
When these girls first started growing I thought the Original Glue (rear left) was going to be the space hog. Then after a while it looked like the Alien Rock Candy (rear right) was going to take over. But now it seems that the THC Bomb (front left) wants to rule the roost.
Or maybe it's because that pic is flopped from the one you posted on Sunday!
Hello growers.

It Flip + 22 for the Freebie + 1 Grow and I'm not going to bore you with another tent pic through the front door of the tent.

This one was taken through the side door! :Rasta:
Freebie + 1 Tent 12-9-21 Flip + 22.jpg

Still not much improvement on my 2 yellowing girls in the Auto Show. It's Day 25 for them. One seems to be getting a little better while the other seems to be getting worse. I did a little LST on the ARC clone. The 3 autos on the left (yes, even the yellow ones) were topped 3 days ago. The other two will likely be topped tomorrow. And the Zombie Colorado cookie is just sitting there looking disinterested, so much so that she doesn't even get in the pic. :Rasta:
Auto Show 12-9-21 Day 25.JPG

Even so, based on the rootage, all of these will need to come out of the solo cups soon.
Auto roots 12-9-21 Day 25.jpg

That's a wrap for today.

As always, thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

It Flip + 22 for the Freebie + 1 Grow and I'm not going to bore you with another tent pic through the front door of the tent.

This one was taken through the side door! :Rasta:
Freebie + 1 Tent 12-9-21 Flip + 22.jpg

Still not much improvement on my 2 yellowing girls in the Auto Show. It's Day 25 for them. One seems to be getting a little better while the other seems to be getting worse. I did a little LST on the ARC clone. The 3 autos on the left (yes, even the yellow ones) were topped 3 days ago. The other two will likely be topped tomorrow. And the Zombie Colorado cookie is just sitting there looking disinterested, so much so that she doesn't even get in the pic. :Rasta:
Auto Show 12-9-21 Day 25.JPG

Even so, based on the rootage, all of these will need to come out of the solo cups soon.
Auto roots 12-9-21 Day 25.jpg

That's a wrap for today.

As always, thanks for looking in.

Looking good GDB, full house!
Front door, side door, whatever... Your plants look great from just about any angle... :thumb:
The 3 autos on the left (yes, even the yellow ones) were topped 3 days ago.
That yellowing discoloration doesn't seem to be slowing them down- they're keeping up with the green ones pretty well so far...
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