Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

So let me admit up front that I may have overreacted a bit yesterday when expressing my dismay about the Auto Show.

Basically what I've got with this grow is 5 autoflowering plants and all of the surprises they bring with them. These surprised me (and probably should not have) by being so small to be throwing out pistils. To be sure they're old enough to do that, but I guess due to growing photos lately, my brain is used to seeing more substantial growth before pistils even appear.

Let me also admit that I more than anything else am responsible for the petiteness. I've made some huge errors, mostly under-feeding and under-watering, I think.

Anyhow, here is the Auto Show on day 33.

Alaskan Purple
She was severly green-challenged but her colors have mostly returned. I think she might turn out to be the best of the bunch.
Alaskan Purple 12-17-21 Day 33.JPG

She too was/is severely green-challenged. But aside from that, this is one strange-ass plant. :Rasta:
Purple 12-17-21 Day 33.JPG

Hard to get excited about this one. She's shooting out pistils where I topped her so she's gonna be tiny. I think I might have topped her a tad too late.
Smoothie 12-17-21 Day 33.JPG

Smoothie II
Same as Smoothie. :straightface:
Smoothie II 12-17-21 Day 33.JPG

Black Cream
She started to get green-challenged as well, but later on in her growth than the 2 purple ones. She's starting to try and straighten out. But still, meh!
Black Cream 12-17-21 Day 33.JPG

So that's the entire underfed group.

Perhaps, as I said, "I may have overreacted a bit yesterday when expressing my dismay about the Auto Show."

But I didn't overreact that much! :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Also, have you noticed that the best looking one is in the pot without the grommets? I wonder what @MrSauga would say about that!
The best growers can keep em green with or without grommets. This is why GDB has success either way. I found my grommets were better used to hold my blunts while trimming.
It’s still pretty early on even for autos. You will get a fine variety of some darn good bud off those lady’s come harvest time.
Thanks, Nev!

Optimism! That's what's needed for this grow. I wonder if they sell it at the hydro store? :laughtwo:
Everyone gets to overreact once in a while, even if it's only a bit of an overreaction, so :welldone: . And like Nev said, there's plenty of time left for them.

Also, have you noticed that the best looking one is in the pot without the grommets? I wonder what @MrSauga would say about that!
Thanks, Shedster!

You saying they have metal poisoning? :laughtwo:
Thanks, Nev!

Optimism! That's what's needed for this grow. I wonder if they sell it at the hydro store? :laughtwo:
Hey GDP it's all about a PMA amigo.
You Rock :thumb: .

Stay safe
The best growers can keep em green with or without grommets. This is why GDB has success either way. I found my grommets were better used to hold my blunts while trimming.
All my mixed emotions are gone.

I miss you! :Rasta:
I missed it, how long ago did pistils show? Don’t give up on the power of the auto stretch!
About five or six days ago, HH.

I won't give up! I'll try to do the best I can with this bunch, for the Anecdote! :Rasta:
Hey @Grand Daddy Black ! I think they’re looking perfectly fine! Autos seem to do thei thing when they want … not when we expect them to (i.e., by now I dhould be seeing flowers on Liv … NOPE! She’s not ready yet)

I dont think you over reacted at all! You were being cautious :)
I've made some huge errors, mostly under-feeding and under-watering, I think.
I don't think you hurt them, they actually look pretty typical for autos that age it's up to them whether they either get a lot bigger, or a little bigger...something you won't know till ya know... :hmmmm:
I don't think you hurt them, they actually look pretty typical for autos that age it's up to them whether they either get a lot bigger, or a little bigger...something you won't know till ya know... :hmmmm:
Thanks, Mr.C.

It's odd how quickly one get's wired to certain expectations. I've got a photo mindset going into an auto grow. That's a recipe bound to cause some inner conflict, and it has worked to perfection on my old brain! :Rasta:
Every time you buy something. Its tacked on, always.
Ha! Good to know.
Did it work?
Like a charm! :ganjamon: :ganjamon:
Hello growers.

Due to overwhelming demand that I post another tent pic (the crowd rumbles, "From who? I didn't ask. Did you?), I'm giving the people what they want with a new tent pic of the Freebie + 1 Grow on Flip + 31! (the crowd grumbles, "That's a damn lie and he knows it.")

Freebie + 1 Tent 12-18-21 Flip + 31.jpg

Here's top bud of the Alien Rock Candy.

Alien Rock Candy bud 12-18-21 Flip + 31.jpg

And I regret to announce that the zombie Colorado Cookie is no more (Heckler up front shouts, "Regret?" That's another lie!)

Here's the ARC clone all alone and about ready for the trip to Flipsville.
ARC clone 12-18-21.jpg

I'm loving the @Prescription Blend nutrients!

That's it for now. As always, thank you for stopping by.

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