Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Caught up man!! Blessings and Merry Christmas.

I was thinking the same thing with my autos. I was a bit dumbfounded to see pistils before day 30. Mine are tiny!

I believe I also did the same with stressing their roots. Tiny bit of a learning curve with the autos isn't seems.

Seriously! I need some of that.

Absolutely with you on this GDB! Damn man...this would be an appropriate time for an AAAAAAMEEEEEEN!!!

Bwaaahaaaahaaaaa...I have been thinking the same thing for the past week with mine.

Not to cause conflict...but I think we need to get away from this mindset. It is likely a specific terpene or ratio of terpenes that align with your system the way you prefer it. It is possible to find similar terpenes and/or ratios with a broad lead form (indica).

How many weeks in are they? What is the recommended harvest window? What is that recommendation based on? Terpene profiles change and finding your preferred balance of terpenes may be the deciding factor. As any flower matures, the percentage of certain terps change dramatically. Too early and you won't get the richness of the terps. Too late and you might get something too rich in the sedative effect. Very different approach versus focusing on THC %

I know Shed uses a tin foil canoe and toaster. How do you prep your buds for testing Carcass? I tried using a dehydrator and it was okay. Tasted like shit but the effect was there. So I guess that was a win? IDK...

I agree Clon. I would love to have a few more tents but can barely handle the one I have now. Need to remove roughly 75% of other time consuming bullshit in my life so I can grow more buds!

Brain wave synchronization at its finest! I'm with you Stunger.


I ended up going with 3 gallon jugs. I admit that I was thinking about the weight. Most people would see me and figure that the weight wouldn't be an issue. Fighting nerve pain, constant inflammation, or the ever present pinched nerves from just made my effort a little easier to manage. I have 6 jugs total. Thankfully my son helps me unload them if I ask nicely or if I can magically guess when he's in a good mood. I get that right approximately 1.5% of the time. I think those are good odds (16 year old). what you're saying is I still have a chance?!
Merry Christmas, Baked!

From the top:

I wasn't dumbfounded to see them at that stage. More unlucky I'd say. :Rasta:

Autos aren't that hard to figure out as long as you don't sit on your hands and just watch them.

Optimism is a must.

Thanks for the Amen. I'll pass the plate now.

I'm feeling a bit better about the Auto Show now. Just had to adjust.

No danger of causing conflict voicing your opinion here, Baked! I get high off of all of them. :Rasta:

I'll skip your questions about the CB clone only because I know what I'm looking for. ;)

There are all kinds of ways to dry a tester. I'm usually in no hurry so I set a bud in bit of foil and set it on top of my cable TV box for a few days.

And as to your last comment: " what you're saying is I still have a chance?!"

Yes, we all do. But time is running out! :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

Let's take a look at the Auto Show on Day 40.

I'm happy to announce that I've reached a level of acceptance with this grow. After all, I started it.

So you won't hear any more boo-hooing and moaning from me about how I'm wasting precious time growing a bunch of pipsqueak autos when I could be watching some primo photo genetics coming into being and then growing into glorious blooming specimens with strong odors and lots of stickiness later to be taken down dried and cured with care and transformed into magnificent buds, the potency of which could smoke a black bear brown.

Nope. You'll hear no more of that. :straightface:

Here's a tent pic from this morning:
Auto Show 12-24-21 Day 40.jpg

Both of the Smoothies were topped to late and so they have fuzzy tops with buds hidden underneath. The Black Cream is pretty much in the same boat.

It will interesting to see how these grow out. I doubt they'll be very productive, but I may learn something from watching how they grow.

Smoothie 12-24-21 Day 40.jpg

Smoothie I
Smoothie I 12-24-21 Day 40.jpg

Black Cream
Black Cream 12-24-21 Day 40.jpg

The Purple is really trying to come back to normal. Her topping took. She is still a weird plant, IMO.
Purple 12-24-21 Day 40.jpg

The Alaskan Purple also was topped on time. She too is working on a comeback. I'm not going to do another thing to her, though. I'll just let her grow as is. All of these plants have had enough stress in their short lifetimes.
Alaskan Purple 12-24-21 Day 40.jpg

And that's it for this Christmas Eve!

I'm wishing happy holidays to all of my grow buds here on 420, even those of you I've yet to meet. And best wishes and many thanks to 420's founder and the support staff, without whom this wonderful experience would not exist.

HO, HO, HO! :ganjamon:

Peace (and goodwill toward all men). :love:
You're a funny man! I've grown and smoked Smoothie auto. It will rock your or anyones world as much as any cultivar out there I promise and that's with sweet taste as well! I like that smoke a black bear brown thing there! Made me smile brother!
Thanks Stone. It's always good to know that I made someone smile! :)

I've grown a Smoothie auto too. It looked like crap at the end but the smoke was pretty nice. :ganjamon:

These that I have now will not look like that one! :laughtwo:
Thanks Stone. It's always good to know that I made someone smile! :)

I've grown a Smoothie auto too. It looked like crap at the end but the smoke was pretty nice. :ganjamon:

These that I have now will not look like that one! :laughtwo:
I see bud man! I don't know where you're looking? Do you look at my plants like that? They might get a condition! It's just wonderful! Bag appeal and everything on those bud bud! Maybe it's me. I'm hitting the vape(mmmm strawberry cough) and coming back.... Nope still a nice plant! :)
I see bud man! I don't know where you're looking? Do you look at my plants like that? They might get a condition! It's just wonderful! Bag appeal and everything on those bud bud! Maybe it's me. I'm hitting the vape(mmmm strawberry cough) and coming back.... Nope still a nice plant! :)
Thanks, Stone.

What's your take on the Strawberry Cough?
Merry Christmas GDB. All the best to you and your family over the holiday season. Stay safe and be well. :green_heart:
Thanks so much MrSauga.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season, as well! :ciao:
Thanks, Stone.

What's your take on the Strawberry Cough?
I like the way it picks me up and it has an interesting spicy taste. It's 70% sativa I think. I had a PITA one to grow but folks I see do better. It may have been me! It was one of those triple stemmers like the Wedding Cake now, but sensitive to things. May have been cold doing it too. I'm not selling it am I?

Let's start again. Honestly it's one of both of our favorites. Flavor and buzz is right up my alley. My last one gave us over a pound and we're still hitting it! Hard! Propper cured it's like Bacon to me! Roll a fatty and relax, puffing slowly, get half way there and whoa! Mind on roids, happy thoughts rolling from one interesting thing to the next. Savoring the heavenly taste every moment! Other than that it's just weed. :bong:
I like the way it picks me up and it has an interesting spicy taste. It's 70% sativa I think. I had a PITA one to grow but folks I see do better. It may have been me! It was one of those triple stemmers like the Wedding Cake now, but sensitive to things. May have been cold doing it too. I'm not selling it am I?

Let's start again. Honestly it's one of both of our favorites. Flavor and buzz is right up my alley. My last one gave us over a pound and we're still hitting it! Hard! Propper cured it's like Bacon to me! Roll a fatty and relax, puffing slowly, get half way there and whoa! Mind on roids, happy thoughts rolling from one interesting thing to the next. Savoring the heavenly taste every moment! Other than that it's just weed. :bong:
Thanks, Stone.

That was very helpful. Think I'd like to check it out!
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