Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Thanks so much V! I know something is not right I just can't get a grasp of it.
Thank you Mr. GDB. More than happy if Im actually able to help a brother out.

What's the relationship between PH fluctuations and salt content. (I'm going to look it up, but always love the quicker way!)
At least one easy to explain would be that when excess salts from your fertilizers builds up in your medium,in this case soil.
Bottled concentrated mixes tends to have low pH usually between 3.5-6 and slowly acid excessive salts lower your medium pH value. We know that soil buffers it itself but when pH gets too low that makes roots unanble to absorb certain macro nutrients. Potassium (K) is for example one of them. And this chart below presents ideal soil pH value ranges and when something gets locked out:

(see how this chart presents that Potassium availability starts to decrease 6pH and lower)

pH fluctuations aint maybe the correct one to describe it. I’d say it could be acid soil which causes nutrient lockouts.
WayofLeaf - Chemical fertilizers have a high salt content, and this contributes to the issue. Occasionally, excess nutrients bind together or become incompatible, which means the plant can’t use them.

I have a booster that is 0-26-37. Think that might help?
Yup thats definitely worth of a try since youve flipped them! When buds starts to form thats usually good point to start feeding PK boosters.
And for your current situation it might help, but can’t tell with this information is a lockout due the acid soil or just generally lacking Potassium.
If the case is that plants just lacking for it and showing deficiency symptoms then it would be easy to fix with that.
….But I doubt it since your plants do have a nice shape and generally healthy looking expect fried leave edges.


Another slurry test?
Yes, if youve a soil pH test strips, soil pH meter or w.e you can use to measure your soil pH - that would be great knowledge!
After if we do get the confirmation that your soil pH is too low we can first try to flush the soil and get back to normal feeding schedule with a little Potassium boost, or using your PK booster.

And so on back to the start, if your soil pH is too low due the built up salts adding more salt based fertilizers wont fix the problem. Could make worse if heavy feeding.

HMU if I can otherwise help! :)
Y'all really give up too easily! I had a DDA last year that took like a month before the 2nd set of leaves came out and it ended up with over 2oz of nice bud ... she's just mocking me here...
Looks like a Kermit the Frog sock puppet!
Now your Chiquita banana and Fast banana look like some of my better attempts at mass production.
Sorry to hear that, Nev. :laughtwo:

Thanks for the kind words!
Hello growers.

Here's a late afternoon update on the Auto Show grow!

First the Alien Rock Candy clone. She's not really a part of the Auto Show, but she's in there with them now so...

She had gotten to the point where I could not keep her from drooping. She needs more leg room.
Arc clone 11-29-21 pre-uppot.jpg

I moved her into a new 3 gallon place. And here she is back with the seedlings (19 day-olds on the left and 14 day-olds middle and right).

BTW, the plan for the ARC clone is to leave her in here to finish once the autos are gone. I'm not going to let her get very big.
Auto Seedlings 11-29-21 and ARC clone uppot.jpg

Even though they've been getting 2g of MC they look a little underfed. I'm kicking all of them up to 2.5g.

That thing in the middle, the Colorado Cookie, is now officially a mutant or a zombie, whichever you prefer. :Rasta:
CCookie 11-29-21 Day 14.jpg

I'll hang in there with her as long as she hangs in there with me!

Thanks for looking in.

That thing in the middle, the Colorado Cookie, is now officially a mutant or a zombie, whichever you prefer. :Rasta:

I'll hang in there with her as long as she hangs in there with me!

I've always found that my mutants have remained miniatures, including one that got to 5 or 6 nodes and was still only 3 and half inches tall. My most recent would have been binned by now but @Verbalist suggested on here to hang in with it, so I repeatedly opened out her cotyledons until they stayed semi open and now she has a pair of leaves, but having said that I'll be surprised if she gets above miniature! So I am interested in what your mutant's outcome is, and if mine eventuates to anything then I'll have gained something from @Verbalist's prompting. Cheers.
I've always found that my mutants have remained miniatures, including one that got to 5 or 6 nodes and was still only 3 and half inches tall. My most recent would have been binned by now but @Verbalist suggested on here to hang in with it, so I repeatedly opened out her cotyledons until they stayed semi open and now she has a pair of leaves, but having said that I'll be surprised if she gets above miniature! So I am interested in what your mutant's outcome is, and if mine eventuates to anything then I'll have gained something from @Verbalist's prompting. Cheers.
One good thing about zombies is that they don't require a lot of attention. They look at you and say, "Go ahead, try whatever you want, stoner." :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Here's a late afternoon update on the Auto Show grow!

First the Alien Rock Candy clone. She's not really a part of the Auto Show, but she's in there with them now so...

She had gotten to the point where I could not keep her from drooping. She needs more leg room.
Arc clone 11-29-21 pre-uppot.jpg

I moved her into a new 3 gallon place. And here she is back with the seedlings (19 day-olds on the left and 14 day-olds middle and right).

BTW, the plan for the ARC clone is to leave her in here to finish once the autos are gone. I'm not going to let her get very big.
Auto Seedlings 11-29-21 and ARC clone uppot.jpg

Even though they've been getting 2g of MC they look a little underfed. I'm kicking all of them up to 2.5g.

That thing in the middle, the Colorado Cookie, is now officially a mutant or a zombie, whichever you prefer. :Rasta:
CCookie 11-29-21 Day 14.jpg

I'll hang in there with her as long as she hangs in there with me!

Thanks for looking in.

All those autos and the clone seem to have a visible K def or some micro nutrient deficiency.

I assume their common factor is the same soil? Is it recycled from the previous round(s)? Or fresh from the bag? Whats the NPK rate?
All those autos and the clone seem to have a visible K def or some micro nutrient deficiency.

I assume their common factor is the same soil? Is it recycled from the previous round(s)? Or fresh from the bag? Whats the NPK rate?
First let me say thanks for your previous post, @Verbalist. It gave me some food for thought. However, I think you focused on the lower leaves of the plants which display the damage from past travails, rather than the new growth which looks quite different.

I did have a ph issue with the OG at one point. A too-high soil PH was (hopefully) corrected with a water/vinegar solution. So the new leaves look more normal while the lowers still show the damage that had been done.

The OG is in Roots Organics Lush soil, claimed to be all a plant needs for up to 8 weeks. I think mine was spent after 6 weeks. (This was my first time using it.) Once I flushed it and gave it the vinegar treatment, I also started with GeoFlora Bloom top-feeding. She's doing much better now, but because her stretch was not as prominent as expected, I suspect that she still needs a little more P and K or that something else is amiss. I'm considering scratching a little kelp meal into her soil.

The CB clone is also in Lush soil. And again, I think the soil was spent before I started the GF top-feeds, leading to some damaged leaves. She's going to be whatever she's going to be. I'm just going to keep giving her GF until the end.

The auto seedlings, I believe, are merely underfed. They're all in FFOF, a soil that I'm quite familiar with and that seldom if ever has presented me with a PH issue (or if it did, I missed it).

I haven't grown an auto in a bit and was being too careful and not giving them enough to drink. Hopefully, I'll get that straightened out shortly.

Thanks for weighing in, my friend! :Rasta:

And since I'm here, in the Freebie + 1 tent on Flip + 13 flowers are forming and the stretch is just about done. The 2 plants in the rear of loving life. And I'm loving what the @Prescription Blend nutrients are doing at this stage of the grow!
Freebie + 1 tent 11-20-21 Flip + 13.jpg

Who am I kidding? I'm loving the way they all look! :ganjamon:

Thanks for looking in.

Alien Rock Candy
According to the breeder info this plant "will require a longer vegetative growth period to compensate for its lack of stretch during its flowering phase."

Thing is, she outgrew the others in veg and now she's out-stretching the others in flower. She must not have gotten the memo.

Runt Fast Banana:
Shorty is hanging in there. But she's only 16 inches tall after 82 days above soil. Really? :straightface:

Maybe, you're confused about which plant is which. Maybe, the runt is actually the Alien Rock Candy and maybe, the Alien Rock Candy is the Fast Banana. :hmmmm:
I do too.
My only concern is how long before another trunk is needed?
Funny you should mention that, Nev.

Yesterday I went through my footlockers and took out 6 jars of "so-so" weed. I'm lucky enough to have so much "good" weed that I no longer need to keep the so-so. I'll be emptying those jars and decarbing the contents for use in holiday edibles and other things.

I've even got a recipe for Canna-Italian Dressing using infused olive oil. Salad anyone? :laughtwo:
Funny you should mention that, Nev.

Yesterday I went through my footlockers and took out 6 jars of "so-so" weed. I'm lucky enough to have so much "good" weed that I no longer need to keep the so-so. I'll be emptying those jars and decarbing the contents for use in holiday edibles and other things.

I've even got a recipe for Canna-Italian Dressing using infused olive oil. Salad anyone? :laughtwo:
Canna-Italian sounds pretty darn good. Hopefully you do a photo documentary of your recipe when you make it. I am not to the point where I have the dilemma of too much weed but a new grower can dream can’t he?

Canna-Italian sounds pretty darn good. Hopefully you do a photo documentary of your recipe when you make it. I am not to the point where I have the dilemma of too much weed but a new grower can dream can’t he?

Unless you and yours smoke a helluva lot, your day is coming. :laughtwo:
Unless you and yours smoke a helluva lot, your day is coming.
I often wonder what is a lot. And I don’t know if people are comfortable revealing what they consume in a day.
I guess I consider myself a moderate smoker and seldom take edibles but on an average day I smoke between 2 to 3 grams. Usually its one joint in the afternoon and lots and lots of micro hit pipe loads from wake-up to lights out. I always start with at least 3 loads in the AM to get that wake and bake going on.
I often wonder what is a lot. And I don’t know if people are comfortable revealing what they consume in a day.
I guess I consider myself a moderate smoker and seldom take edibles but on an average day I smoke between 2 to 3 grams. Usually its one joint in the afternoon and lots and lots of micro hit pipe loads from wake-up to lights out. I always start with at least 3 loads in the AM to get that wake and bake going on.
Huh. I thought I was smoking a lot at 2g a day... maybe I oughta start measuring may be more than that possibly!
I do too.
My only concern is how long before another trunk is needed?
When I moved from Maui, I put over 20 zips under the acacia's. I had arranged to give to a random FB marketplace buyer that I ended up giving a gourmet kitchen to after my good friend had to travel to the mainland, when she didn't show for the Lolo, I dumped just prior going to the airport.
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