Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

See below...

See above ↑

LOL - but dont you have to somehow decarb that kief? Sorry - that whole process is totally new to me!
Hello again growers.

When I posted earlier I forgot to tell you about one other development. Yesterday I baked some canna-cookies for the first time. Chocolate Chip and I think quite delicious!

I used 59 grams of bud (not shake and not larf) to make 2 cups of cannabutter, but only ended up with about 1.5 cups. Yes, it was bud from plants that had not been very impressive smoke-wise, but the cookies are still quite potent.

I ate a whole one to test them and that was not the best idea. Upon arriving home yesterday evening, Mrs. GDB looked at me, shook her head and walked away. The Zombie-like high lasted for about 3-4 hours -- I think.

I'll be passing these around to friends like some kinda' stoner Girl Scout! :ganjamon:

Canna-Chocolate Chip Cookies.JPG

Yum! :p
Anything you use in edibles would need to be decarbed, and with kief you could do that in a toaster oven at 240º for 30 minutes beyond when it stops bubbling, if memory serves...

If it doesn't bubble (and kief might not), 240º for 60-70 minutes.
@InTheShed - Maybe you could send me a PM and tell me how to do this? I mean, just put it on parchment paper on a cookie sheet? Spread how thin? Etc … again, sorry - but never done it before so I am completely in the dark on the how-to’s and why-for’s!
Hello growers.

Not much to report on this end, but that's never stopped me before! :Rasta:

Rescue seedling DAY 5
The struggle is real, but she hasn't given up yet! (And no, I'm not keeping her too wet. She just got syringed right before this pic was taken. That's also why there's a bit on soil wedged in her middle.)
Naked seedling 11-19-21 Day5.JPG

Puck seedlings DAY 5
It's sorta' funny (depending on your sense of humor) but the Rescue seedling is about the same size as the Colorado Cookie. Yeah, that's ha ha funny, Colorado Cookie. :straightface:
Puck seedlings 11-19-21 Day5 labels.jpg

Solo seedlings DAY 10
All are about the same size so that's a good thing, I guess. This week I began feeding these 2g of MC.
Solo seedlings 11-19-21 Day10 labels.jpg

Alien Rock Candy clone Day 22
She's still on GF Veg and seems okay with it for now, though she is a little pale.
ARC clone 11-19-21 D22.JPG

Freebie + 1 Tent FLIP+2
All of these got watered last night.

The THC Bomb (rear left), Alien Rock Candy (rear right) and the runt Fast Banana (front left) all got Week3-4 Flower of @Prescription Blend nutrients.

The CB clone (front right) is on Geoflora Bloom and just got plain water.

The Original Glue got a second top-feed of Geoflora Bloom along with 5 teaspoons of Blood Meal (12-0-0) scratched into the soil. If that doesn't get her nice and green then I may have to resort to purchasing some green paint from Mr. Haney Mr.Sauga.
Freebie + 1 tent II 11-19-21 Flip2.jpg

And a solo shot of the CB Clone. She's probably smelling herself since she's the only one in the tent with actual flowers! :laughtwo:
CB clone 11-19-25 Flip22.jpg

Finally, it's been 7 days since I put the OG cutttings in the GDBCloner®. They seem to be doing okay. I'm going to give them 7 more days in there before I inspect for roots. The GDBCloner is currently set to "Low." :laughtwo:
OG cuttings Day7.JPG

That's all for this update.

Wishing all a wonderful lead-in to the weekend!

Solo seedlings DAY 10
All are about the same size so that's a good thing, I guess. This week I began feeding these 2g of MC.

Your seedlings are the same age as mine but I've just been spritzing mine with plain water. Should I start mine, too? How much water are you giving them (approximately)?
Looking good Grand Daddy!
Your seedlings are the same age as mine but I've just been spritzing mine with plain water. Should I start mine, too? How much water are you giving them (approximately)?
It's up to you @HashGirl. When using MC, I typically start feeding seedlings as soon as the second set of leaves appear, regardless of age. They can take it.

How much do I give them? Hmm. I'd guess about 20ml, just around the edges of the cups.
Great update GDB. With all you got going on, you must stay pretty busy.
Thanks, BigD!

I'm only busy in spurts. (Perhaps not a good thing.)

I spend most of my time partaking of past grows! (A very good thing.) :ganjamon:
Hello again growers.

When I posted earlier I forgot to tell you about one other development. Yesterday I baked some canna-cookies for the first time. Chocolate Chip and I think quite delicious!

I used 59 grams of bud (not shake and not larf) to make 2 cups of cannabutter, but only ended up with about 1.5 cups. Yes, it was bud from plants that had not been very impressive smoke-wise, but the cookies are still quite potent.

I ate a whole one to test them and that was not the best idea. Upon arriving home yesterday evening, Mrs. GDB looked at me, shook her head and walked away. The Zombie-like high lasted for about 3-4 hours -- I think.

I'll be passing these around to friends like some kinda' stoner Girl Scout! :ganjamon:

Canna-Chocolate Chip Cookies.JPG

So you got what I get as the test pilot, to see how high we can fly .
I'd like to suggest that you only bottom water the rescue seedling and let the top dry out. Whatever root there is, that's the only place that needs water. Allowing the top to dry out will lessen the chance of damping off.
We think alike (in this instance, at least). I am planning to let the puck dry out a bit and just squirt water underneath. But thanks for the affirmation! :Rasta:
Rescue seedling DAY 5
The struggle is real, but she hasn't given up yet!
She could use a little stretch, but what I can see of her does look nice and healthy....
Maybe sit her a little farther from the light to coax her out of the dirt a little?
Wag1 GDB?

Ive got a lot to catch up here, but wanted to mention that is definitely zinc/iron deficiency here:
Hello growers.

Today was supposed to be flip day for the Freebie + 1 grow but I'm going to hold off until at least tomorrow.

I remain concerned about the leaf colors of the Original Glue (yellowing along the edges) and whether I've done all I can do to try to get her back to normal. So before I flip the group I'm going to flush the OG with a ton of water and try to give her a "fresh start." If anyone thinks this might be a bad move, please speak up!

I'll flip them tomorrow or Saturday.
OG yellowing 11-16-21 D69.jpg

The first set of auto seedlings (in Solo cups) are on day 7 and the newbies in the pucks are on day 2.
Auto seedling 11-16-21 D7 solos D2 pucks.JPG

Let's take a closer look at the newbie that I'm trying to rescue, the auto Dosi seed.

She popped completely out of her shell while soaking in water. That usually spells doom for a seed but I buried her anyway. When the other 3 seeds emerged on yesterday I went digging for the naked seed and moved it up to where the bare cotyledon was positioned underneath a very thin layer of soil (just enough to block light).

By yesterday evening she was trying to push her way out, but was looking a little tannish yellow.
Naked auto 11-15-21 Day1 after adjust.JPG

This morning she's continuing her effort to emerge and looks more greenish.
Naked auto 11-16-21 Day2 after adjust.JPG

If she fails it won't be from her not trying! :Rasta:

That's all I've got.

Thanks for looking in.

Might be just generally lacking micros? Or they could be locked out. Have you checkd soil pH?
When you flip them and stretch phase begins, then cannabis needs larger amounts of Fe (iron). Not goodie if theyre already lacking an important trace element which should be bumped up just a little for healthy stretch phase.

For example iron is needed in very small quantities 0.5-4ppm, so it would be more likely that the pH is off or something excessive is blocking the uptake.
She could use a little stretch, but what I can see of her does look nice and healthy....
Maybe sit her a little farther from the light to coax her out of the dirt a little?
Another good idea!

The 420 fam is priceless! :Rasta:
Wag1 GDB?

Ive got a lot to catch up here, but wanted to mention that is definitely zinc/iron deficiency here:

Might be just generally lacking micros? Or they could be locked out. Have you checkd soil pH?
When you flip them and stretch phase begins, then cannabis needs larger amounts of Fe (iron). Not goodie if theyre already lacking an important trace element which should be bumped up just a little for healthy stretch phase.

For example iron is needed in very small quantities 0.5-4ppm, so it would be more likely that the pH is off or something excessive is blocking the uptake.
Another great suggestion! Thanks, @Verbalist.

I did a slurry test on the soil this morning and found that the soil was too akaline at 7.2. How/why this happened, I have no idea. The Lush soil perhaps?

I gave the OG a liter of water with vinegar @2 tblspns per gallon and now I'll wait and see.
Hello growers.

Another day in what is an increasingly foreign place.

Rescue Seed DAY 6

I took the advice of a few comrades and moved the boobie further from the light and stopped hitting her with syringes of water. I remember saying a few days ago that watching her had become my own little soap opera. Thing is, I've never liked watching soap operas! :straightface:
Naked seedling 11-20-21 Day6.JPG

I moved the 2 smoothie seedlings into the 2x2. So the tiny Colorado Cookie and the rescue boobie are the only two that remain "untented."
Naked seedling and C Cookie 11-20-21 day6.jpg

Here's a pic of the 2x2 with the new occupants.
Auto seedlings 11-20-21 puck move.jpg

The dreaded Solo cup stage of the grow. Handle with care! :Rasta:

Thanks for stopping by.

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