Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Looking good mate! just remember, these little ones ain't strong enough to sit on yet; so be careful;)
It's much too early to start training them! :laugh:
Hello again growers.

When I posted earlier I forgot to tell you about one other development. Yesterday I baked some canna-cookies for the first time. Chocolate Chip and I think quite delicious!

I used 59 grams of bud (not shake and not larf) to make 2 cups of cannabutter, but only ended up with about 1.5 cups. Yes, it was bud from plants that had not been very impressive smoke-wise, but the cookies are still quite potent.

I ate a whole one to test them and that was not the best idea. Upon arriving home yesterday evening, Mrs. GDB looked at me, shook her head and walked away. The Zombie-like high lasted for about 3-4 hours -- I think.

I'll be passing these around to friends like some kinda' stoner Girl Scout! :ganjamon:

Canna-Chocolate Chip Cookies.JPG

Oh oh, the look! Hope you healed up!
Looking good. Glad to see the little one start reaching up. :ganjamon:
While I appreciate your thoughts, Stinker, the little one has been "starting" to reach up for too many days. She need's to actually move instead of just looking like she's ready to. :Rasta:
Oh oh, the look! Hope you healed up!
The look doesn't cut nearly as deep as it used to. Over the past 34 years my skin has thickened! :laughtwo:
While I appreciate your thoughts, Stinker, the little one has been "starting" to reach up for too many days. She need's to actually move instead of just looking like she's ready to. :Rasta:

The look doesn't cut nearly as deep as it used to. Over the past 34 years my skin has thickened! :laughtwo:
Hehe, it still stings a little though. I'm with you at 39 yikes! 40 coming up this May. Do you suppose that's why we go 10 years before they do? A lifetime of cutting looks? :laugh:
Do you suppose that's why we go 10 years before they do? A lifetime of cutting looks? :laugh:
Perhaps. Or it might be just because we want to! :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

Since I snuck into the Freebie tent last night after lights out and poured a liter of vinegar solution into the Original Glue, I had a restless night.

This whole "pickling" process is new to me and made me quite edgy. So I could hardly wait until lights on this morning to get a peek at the OG. I was happy to see she is not "pickled." :Rasta:
OG 11-21-21 flip+5 after vinegar.jpg

Since she looked okay I gave her another liter of the vinegar water.

Should that be enough of an adjustment for now? Should I now wait until the soil dries out a bit and do a second slurry test?

I'm feeling a bit of stress. Time to fire one up!! :ganjamon:

Should that be enough of an adjustment for now?
I think I'd hold off for a few days to make sure she's ok with it.
Like you said- let her dry out a little, and do another slurry test to see if anything's changed.
I've got to be honest- I didn't think that the soil pH mattered much...I know the pH of liquids you add to it matters, but I thought the soil was an "it is what it is" thing...
Another good idea!

The 420 fam is priceless! :Rasta:

Another great suggestion! Thanks, @Verbalist.

I did a slurry test on the soil this morning and found that the soil was too akaline at 7.2. How/why this happened, I have no idea. The Lush soil perhaps?

I gave the OG a liter of water with vinegar @2 tblspns per gallon and now I'll wait and see.
7.2pH could explain that. Even tho 7.2 isn’t too alkaline yet.. but could affect on micros absorption.
Usually premade soils are buffered between 6.2-6.5 pH
Hello grow fans.

Naked Seedling Day 7

I about to pull the plug on this one. She refuses to die and refuses to grow. I'll give her one more night to save herself or she's history.
Naked seedling 11-22-21 Day7.JPG

And this Colorado Cookie on Day 13 seems to be headed for the same fate. Though she did at least emerge from the soil, she also refuses to grow. I notice a second set of leaves coming in, such as they are. She has a few days left to show some movement or adios.
Colorado Cookie 11-22-21 Day 13.JPG

The remainder of the auto seedlings (5 of them) are hanging out in the 2x2 with the Alien Rock Candy clone. They seem to be progressing okay.
2x2 tent 11-22-21 .jpg

A while back I said I was going to call this the Purple Auto Grow. I've changed my mind. This one will be referred to as the Auto Show.

The Freebie + 1 tent Flip + 5
The stretch is officially on in here. It was clear to the naked eye this morning that the girls are coming up!
Freebie + 1 tent 11-22-21 Flip+5.jpg

The Original Glue in Lush soil is seemingly responding well to the vinegar input. Her top leaves are now the same nice green as the @Prescription Blend plants.
OG 11-22-21 F5 after 2ltrs vinegar.jpg

The high alkalinity of her soil has me scratching my bald spot. I'm not going to spend a lot of time and energy trying to get to why that happened. I'll take the easy way out, for now, and just blame it on a quirk related to the Lush soil. However, as a precaution, for the next week or so I'll be checking the PH of everything that goes into all my plants. Back to DWC feeding mode. :straightface:

Finally, I'm not a very excitable person by nature, but I am feeling a tinge of excitement about something that's about to arrive.

You may remember how pumped I was about smoking the Bubblegum from a recent harvest. That stuff gets me zooted! The ones I grew were "Fast" strains, and I was not that pleased with the way they grew or the amount they produced. But now I've got some fem Bubblegum arriving any day now. I chose two versions, one by Kera Seeds and one by Royal Queen Seeds.

My next grow in the 4x4 tent will be a @Weed Seeds Express sponsored grow, featuring NYC Diesel and Trainwreck. The Auto Show will be grown in the 5x5 and after they're done I'll get to the "Bubblegum Machine" grow!

I love making plants! :ganjamon:

Thanks so much for stopping by.

featuring NYC Diesel and Trainwreck.
I’m a huge fan of the NYC Diesel and for the Trainwreck I grew that for awhile and it was one of the favorites in my circle of puffers.:woohoo: I hope it’s a good one for you.
She refuses to die and refuses to grow.
Naked seedling 11-22-21 Day7.JPG
I know the feeling rightt :lot-o-toke::laughtwo:

Fucking whale mouth looking mutated ”seedling” - Sorry, no offense Barneys farm. But this almost gave me a gray hair.

Casually just taking sun…

Don’t even think about it…

Oh yeah and it stood and idle like that 3 or 4 days straight..
We all have our problem children - @Krissi1982 has Limelight, I’ve got Lemi, you’ve got runts, @Verbalist has the whale-mouth … and I’m SURE there are plenty of other misfits out there!

My last misfit ended up doing better than the one who had a strong start!
I know the feeling rightt :lot-o-toke::laughtwo:

Fucking whale mouth looking mutated ”seedling” - Sorry, no offense Barneys farm. But this almost gave me a gray hair.

Casually just taking sun…

Don’t even think about it…

Oh yeah and it stood and idle like that 3 or 4 days straight..
Looking at you...with no eyes. That would have drove me nuts! :laugh:

What happened next?
What happened next?
After a five day staring competition I decided to give hear a bit of a surgery… :nerd-with-glasses:

…That point already knew shes a lost one, so Dr. V didn’t really mind if the scalpel slipd little.
she stood like that day or two and after that dried down.

Fortunately had a 3 pack of these Purple Punches and two of them germinated and now growing happy (their current grow journal can be found from my sig) …if youre interested to see how her two sister pulled thru.
Both had more or less mutated first three fingered leaves. :smokin:

Looking at you...with no eyes. That would have drove me nuts!
And it did indeed :laugh: when ever I turned the plug holder so that whale mouth wasn’t facing towards the light, it took an hour or two and it was reaching towards the lamp… That was actually the worst part, because saw & knew there was something living but NOTHING happened.
I about to pull the plug on this one. She refuses to die and refuses to grow. I'll give her one more night to save herself or she's history.
Great going with the rest of your garden GDB. I sympathise with you on the problem one, I had a similar last season where after it formed leaves but only miniature and never got more than couple of inches after several weeks. It's annoying.
I know the feeling rightt :lot-o-toke::laughtwo:

Fucking whale mouth looking mutated ”seedling” - Sorry, no offense Barneys farm. But this almost gave me a gray hair.
I have a similar looking munter at the moment (more of an eel mouth). The shell membrane trapped the cotyledons so they didn't open. I tried to pick it off from the tips of the cotyledons, but it was unsuccessful. Then knowing something was still not right, I went back and took it from the soil and managed to slit thru the membrane by running a pin thru the trapped closed cotyledons, but after 3 days I think it is too late, I should have done that on the first day. This morning it is a tiny bit taller, but the now freed cotyledons haven't opened, so it is clearly a goner, which is a shame as it was my last Mango Sherbert seed which I grew last season and was a lovely smoke. If seeds were legal and easy to get here in NZ, I'd germinate several and quickly toss the ones that don't work to save time.
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