Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

O ye should have realized it is powder form since it had 15% Ca. Liquid woulda been kinda thick :rofl:
1gram per gallon would be pretty close to 0.38ml/l as guessed.
1gram per gallon would be pretty close to 0.38ml/l as guessed.
Sounds like you're a lot smarter than you look! :laughtwo:
Still no movement on the ones I have in the peat pucks...tick, tock.
You still have good heat on the pucks? Oh, and thanks for the heads up I wasn’t aware they had security. I’ll have to be more careful.:laughtwo:
Hello growers.

It's a chilly day here in the mid-atlantic region. Chilly rain and chilly air worsened by chilly winds from the North. Unless you're fond of that kind of weather, a great day to stay in and laze around. So of course I was scheduled to get my booster shot this morning and had to go out in this crap early. :straightface:

Two days have passed so it's time for another tent pic. The Freebie + 1 grow on DAY 66. They're all starting to lay down as they know the lights are going out in about 20 minutes.
Freebie tent 11-13-21 D66.jpg

My auto babies are on DAY 3 and still looking like they belong in a NICU.
Auto seedlings Day3.jpg

Still no movement on the ones I have in the peat pucks...tick, tock.

And for those of you in the states prepping for Thanksgiving, here is an enticing offer.

Thanks for looking in.

Yeah - chilly here on the Eastern Shore; and we’re doing exactly what you said: staying in and lazing around! Plants look great as do the babies! My week-old baby is starting to grow a bit -she went into the dwc bucket yesterday and her first set of leaves finally reached the edges of the rapid rooter as of this morning!
You still have good heat on the pucks? Oh, and thanks for the heads up I wasn’t aware they had security. I’ll have to be more careful.:laughtwo:
Yep, the pucks are on the heating pad.

And yes, Walmart has security. I found out the hard way.

I was at one a while ago tasting some of the grapes. They were fresh and delicious so I grabbed a handful. No problem.

But as soon as I decided to sample a beer....
Those autos look great for 3 days old! :high-five:
Thanks Boo.

Maybe it's because I haven't seen an auto baby for a while. The just seem so tiny!
Congrats on the auto babies, GDB!
Maybe it's because I haven't seen an auto baby for a while. The just seem so tiny!
Yes, but below ground the roots are growing like'll probably have roots coming out the bottom of the cup before you notice any real growth above ground.. my autos always seem like runts till they're 10 days old or so...
Actually the recommended dose is 1-2 grams per gallon!
I never use the high dosages, half a gram/gal or less seems to do what I need it to do.
2 grams/gal seems like it'd be way too much, unless you've got a severe N def.
Oh, and congrats on getting the booster, GDB!
I got mine yesterday, actually felt a bit crappy this morning, but it's getting better...
Congrats on the auto babies, GDB!

Yes, but below ground the roots are growing like'll probably have roots coming out the bottom of the cup before you notice any real growth above ground.. my autos always seem like runts till they're 10 days old or so...

I never use the high dosages, half a gram/gal or less seems to do what I need it to do.
2 grams/gal seems like it'd be way too much, unless you've got a severe N def.
A timely bit of info MrC!

Unlike an old friend who once said to me, "You didn't see that dog shit you just stepped in." (And it wasn't a question.)

I had no intention of using a gram. Too scary! Thanks for letting me know of a safe place to start! :Rasta:
"You didn't see that dog shit you just stepped in." (
Reminds me of the old joke- "it smells like dogshit, it feels like dog shit, it even tastes like dogshit"...
Good thing I didn't step in it... :)
Hello again growers.

Just posting an evening tent pic because they always look better after lights on. Today's earlier pic was taken right before lights out.

I like to document the contrast here for my benefit as much as anything else. I hope you all don't mind. :reading420magazine:
Freebie Tent 11-13-21 D66 evening.jpg

Just a few more days of procrastination and I'll flip them.

Hello grow gang and Happy Sunday!

I've been harping so much on how small my auto babies are I've decided to document their growth rate with pics. So I'll be posting pics of them quite often as they progress.

In addition, if I get any to arise from the peat pucks, I will document their growth rates with pics too. I'm curious to see if there will be a difference in root development between those seeds that were placed in solos and those germinated in the more restricted space of a peat puck.

There. You've been warned! :Rasta:

Auto Seedlings Day 4
Auto Seedling 11-13-21 D4 LABELS.jpg

Alone in the 2x2, my Chiquita Banana clone was flipped 16 days ago and is looking a little funky. I'm not sure if it's due to it being a clone and just ridding itself of old leaves or whether it's the Lush soil running out of gas for a plant that's this mature.

I think it's the latter. I don't believe the Lush has enough juice to sustain a mature plant. It can get them there beautifully but then needs additional inputs. This clone was likely more than six weeks old when the cutting was taken, and I think that's about the limit for the Lush soil.

I'm going to give her a top-feed of GeoFlora Bloom today along with a little taste (.25 grams) of my new 8-0-0 Calmag. She's now a lab rat! :Rasta:
CB Clone II 11-13-21 Flip16.JPG

CB clone 11-13-21 Flip16.JPG

That's my Sunday offering.

I hope everyone's is having a great weekend!

Hello growers.

Pucker Up

I've got movement in my peat pucks!

Three of the four seeds from the 2nd auto drop are emerging. Not only that, but they seem to be making their debut in better shape than the first set of autos that were in the solo cups. There are no helmets or membranes visible. Not only that, but they're all emerging at the same time, which is always a plus.

Until now I've just used the pucks for rooting clones, never for germination. But I like it! (so far)
Auto seedlings 11-15-21 puck movement.JPG

The seed that has not emerged (an auto Dosi) was not expected to. It was the one that completely busted out of it's shell while soaking. Now that the others are coming up, I'll going digging for that one. There is a very, very tiny chance that I might be able to save her by positioning her bare cotyledon right beneath the soil surface.

And here is today's tent pic on DAY 68 for the Freebie + 1 grow. Flip day is tomorrow.

Freebie tent 11-15-21 D68.jpg

When I flip these the little ARC clone will be moved to the 2x2 and the C Banana clone from the 2x2 will go into the tent with this bunch.

The auto seedlings will soon join the Arc clone in the 2x2.

This was all "planned." :ganjamon:

Thanks for looking in.

Until now I've just used the pucks for rooting clones, never for germination.
I’ve never used pucks for anything. My cuttings were always started with plugs if anything at all.
But with my unfortunate of late germination skills I may have to invest in a couple Pucks.
This was all "planned.
I’m sure this is well documented. (some where)
but Im mostly looking for ones which only contain Ca & Mg, nothing else.
TPS cal-mag is just Ca and Mg. That's what I use because I get all the N I need from three other sources.
Just a few more days of procrastination and I'll flip them.
She's now a lab rat!
Folks fall in love with their lab rats!
I've got movement in my peat pucks!

If you're going to compare growth rates from cups to pucks, make sure you remove the puck wrapper before you plant those. Do it even when you're not comparing them!
Flip day is tomorrow.
Well that didn't take long at all! Unless it gets postponed of course. We'll see...
Hello growers.

Today was supposed to be flip day for the Freebie + 1 grow but I'm going to hold off until at least tomorrow.

I remain concerned about the leaf colors of the Original Glue (yellowing along the edges) and whether I've done all I can do to try to get her back to normal. So before I flip the group I'm going to flush the OG with a ton of water and try to give her a "fresh start." If anyone thinks this might be a bad move, please speak up!

I'll flip them tomorrow or Saturday.
OG yellowing 11-16-21 D69.jpg

The first set of auto seedlings (in Solo cups) are on day 7 and the newbies in the pucks are on day 2.
Auto seedling 11-16-21 D7 solos D2 pucks.JPG

Let's take a closer look at the newbie that I'm trying to rescue, the auto Dosi seed.

She popped completely out of her shell while soaking in water. That usually spells doom for a seed but I buried her anyway. When the other 3 seeds emerged on yesterday I went digging for the naked seed and moved it up to where the bare cotyledon was positioned underneath a very thin layer of soil (just enough to block light).

By yesterday evening she was trying to push her way out, but was looking a little tannish yellow.
Naked auto 11-15-21 Day1 after adjust.JPG

This morning she's continuing her effort to emerge and looks more greenish.
Naked auto 11-16-21 Day2 after adjust.JPG

If she fails it won't be from her not trying! :Rasta:

That's all I've got.

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

Today was supposed to be flip day for the Freebie + 1 grow but I'm going to hold off until at least tomorrow.

I remain concerned about the leaf colors of the Original Glue (yellowing along the edges) and whether I've done all I can do to try to get her back to normal. So before I flip the group I'm going to flush the OG with a ton of water and try to give her a "fresh start." If anyone thinks this might be a bad move, please speak up!

I'll flip them tomorrow or Saturday.
OG yellowing 11-16-21 D69.jpg

The first set of auto seedlings (in Solo cups) are on day 7 and the newbies in the pucks are on day 2.
Auto seedling 11-16-21 D7 solos D2 pucks.JPG

Let's take a closer look at the newbie that I'm trying to rescue, the auto Dosi seed.

She popped completely out of her shell while soaking in water. That usually spells doom for a seed but I buried her anyway. When the other 3 seeds emerged on yesterday I went digging for the naked seed and moved it up to where the bare cotyledon was positioned underneath a very thin layer of soil (just enough to block light).

By yesterday evening she was trying to push her way out, but was looking a little tannish yellow.
Naked auto 11-15-21 Day1 after adjust.JPG

This morning she's continuing her effort to emerge and looks more greenish.
Naked auto 11-16-21 Day2 after adjust.JPG

If she fails it won't be from her not trying! :Rasta:

That's all I've got.

Thanks for looking in.

Looking good there GDB! The little one just may pull thru for you yet!
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