Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

Lol - yeah - maybe ONE of these days I can START when I WANT to start and not get held up by the (literally) littlest of things (in these case the blasted seeds!)
Now I know what happened from page 1-6! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Now I know what happened from page 1-6! :Rasta:
Yeah - my Double Grape seeds wouldnt pop and I was waiting on new ones; but while I was waiting for those I decided I didnt have much to lose by trying another strain I still had seeds for and luckily got one of those to pop. And Im trying to pop a couple new ones, but so far no luck (I’m terrible when it comes to germinating seeds).
Hello growers.

So I've managed to let a day pass without posting a pic of the Freebie + 1 grow, which is now on DAY 64!

So today I'm going to post two of 'em.
Freebie + 1 tent 11-11-21 D64 downview.jpg

Freebie + 1 Tent 11-11-21 D64 LABELS.jpg

I'm going to flip these within the next 5 days.

I still haven't got the OG plant to the shade of green that I'd like but I won't wait. She's due her 2nd top-feed of GeoFlora on Saturday and I'll move it from GF Veg to GF Bloom. At that time I may give it some of the 8-0-0 Calmag that was recommended. It depends on how the plant looks. Today she was watered with just plain water, nothing added.

I not displeased with the condition of the ARC and the THC Bomb. I think they've done what they're gonna' do.

The runt Fast Banana is a disappointment and will throw off the balance of my tent pics. :laughtwo:

But that might work in my favor this time! I'd really like to work with that ARC clone. She looks like she could be fun!

Since the Banana will take up so little room, after flip these I can move the CB clone from the 2x2 in with these girls. She's on flip day 14 and won't take up a lot of space either.

The ARC clone can go into the 2x2 alone and receive my extra special attention! (Uh oh)

Thanks for looking in folks.

Hello growers.

So I've managed to let a day pass without posting a pic of the Freebie + 1 grow, which is now on DAY 64!

So today I'm going to post two of 'em.
Freebie + 1 tent 11-11-21 D64 downview.jpg

Freebie + 1 Tent 11-11-21 D64 LABELS.jpg

I'm going to flip these within the next 5 days.

I still haven't got the OG plant to the shade of green that I'd like but I won't wait. She's due her 2nd top-feed of GeoFlora on Saturday and I'll move it from GF Veg to GF Bloom. At that time I may give it some of the 8-0-0 Calmag that was recommended. It depends on how the plant looks. Today she was watered with just plain water, nothing added.

I not displeased with the condition of the ARC and the THC Bomb. I think they've done what they're gonna' do.

The runt Fast Banana is a disappointment and will throw off the balance of my tent pics. :laughtwo:

But that might work in my favor this time! I'd really like to work with that ARC clone. She looks like she could be fun!

Since the Banana will take up so little room, after flip these I can move the CB clone from the 2x2 in with these girls. She's on flip day 14 and won't take up a lot of space either.

The ARC clone can go into the 2x2 alone and receive my extra special attention! (Uh oh)

Thanks for looking in folks.

Wow - those are GREEN! And what a gorgeous green it is!
Hello growers.

So I've managed to let a day pass without posting a pic of the Freebie + 1 grow, which is now on DAY 64!

So today I'm going to post two of 'em.
Freebie + 1 tent 11-11-21 D64 downview.jpg

Freebie + 1 Tent 11-11-21 D64 LABELS.jpg

I'm going to flip these within the next 5 days.

I still haven't got the OG plant to the shade of green that I'd like but I won't wait. She's due her 2nd top-feed of GeoFlora on Saturday and I'll move it from GF Veg to GF Bloom. At that time I may give it some of the 8-0-0 Calmag that was recommended. It depends on how the plant looks. Today she was watered with just plain water, nothing added.

I not displeased with the condition of the ARC and the THC Bomb. I think they've done what they're gonna' do.

The runt Fast Banana is a disappointment and will throw off the balance of my tent pics. :laughtwo:

But that might work in my favor this time! I'd really like to work with that ARC clone. She looks like she could be fun!

Since the Banana will take up so little room, after flip these I can move the CB clone from the 2x2 in with these girls. She's on flip day 14 and won't take up a lot of space either.

The ARC clone can go into the 2x2 alone and receive my extra special attention! (Uh oh)

Thanks for looking in folks.

Looking good, GDB. That Alien Rock Candy has nice big lower fans. How long do you usually veg for? When I get a larger tent after my current grow, I want to veg longer than I have been.
Looking good, GDB. That Alien Rock Candy has nice big lower fans. How long do you usually veg for?
Thanks, Stinker.

I don't have a whole bunch of experience with photo plants. My first ones I remember wanting to veg for 50 days but think I went to 55 or so. Now I seem to barely stay under 70 days.

So that's how long, just less than 70 days.
Hello growers.

Sleep won't come tonight but that's okay. I've got things to keep me busy.

The auto seeds that I recently dropped were still soaking in water this evening approaching 30 hours in. I had one nice size tap root, two small ones and one still trying to break through. I left them alone for a few more hours and the one with the nice sized tap root jumped out of the seed cover. Damn! (I've had this happen a few times before and it usually doesn't turn out well.)

Anyway, I buried all the seeds about an hour ago.

This time I'm thinking about the chill in the room and how it may affect germination. So I used peat pucks this time so that I could get the rooting medium right on top of the heating mat.

Give me 3 out of 4 successes and I'll be happy! :Rasta:

The three autos that have emerged are still alive and that 4th cup sitting there is a wish and a prayer (meaning not likely to make it).

Autos in pucks this time.JPG

Good night/morning.

Hello growers.

I'm idle again so guess what, I'm posting an update.

I'll forgo a tent pic today (cheers in the background) and just highlight my creative side (boos in the background).

First, my Black Cream seedling was starting to stretch into lankiness, so I put my fat dictionary under the seedlings to get them closer to the light (please hold your applause).
Auto Seedlings 11-12-21 Word Up.JPG

WORD(s) UP! :Rasta:

No movement yet on the seeds in the peat pucks, not that I expected any this soon.

And last, this morning I cleaned up the bum-bum of the Original Glue. I'm getting her prepped for flip and wanted to take some cuttings before that happens. I took six, having no idea what I'm going to do with them. Holiday gifts perhaps?

For my last clone I used perlite in a cup, with water in the bottom section and the cutting placed to hover above the water line. It worked like a charm. After a few weeks sitting in there on my sunny window sill, I checked her one day and had roots. Easy-peasy!

So do it that way again!

Naaa. Where's the fun in that? :Rasta:

This time I'm using a 50-50 perlite/vermiculite mix for the cup. Everything else remains the same except....

I'm breaking out the GDBCloner® again! (the crowd roars!)

I gently squeezed the Solo cup into the cloner so as not to crack the cup. (The Cloner was not designed for this specific type of application.) Then I spritz the walls of the cloner with distilled water and close it up, but leave the small door on top slightly ajar.

I'll sit the cloner on my window sill where it will get bright but subdued sunlight.
OG Cuttings 11-12-21.JPG

This will either be a smashing failure, in which case I will certainly let you know -- or a smashing success, in which case you may never hear the end of it. :laughtwo:

As always, thanks for stopping by.

And last, this morning I cleaned up the bum-bum of the Original Glue. I'm getting her prepped for flip and wanted to take some cuttings before that happens. I took six, having no idea what I'm going to do with them. Holiday gifts perhaps?
I definitely vote for the extras as Christmas gifts!
I still haven't got the OG plant to the shade of green that I'd like but I won't wait.
I'd increase the GF and shorten the time between feedings. They recommended either for plants that aren't cooperating, but I'd go with both. Looks like it's going to be a beast in flower!
The ARC clone can go into the 2x2 alone and receive my extra special attention! (Uh oh)
Uh oh!
This will either be a smashing failure, in which case I will certainly let you know -- or a smashing success, in which case you may never hear the end of it.
Both work for me. :high-five:

Are you expecting faster rooting because the vermiculite retains water or are you doing it because you just want to see what else works?

Oh, and I know it's pretty cheap, but there's no reason to use distilled water when spraying the walls of the GDBCloner® unless there is something foul-smelling in DC's water. Evaporation is distilled water!
I'd increase the GF and shorten the time between feedings.
Done and done. She was scheduled to be top-fed again tomorrow and I did it today instead. And I added 2/3 cup of GF Bloom (up from 1/2 cup of Veg).

I can smell the increase.
are you doing it because you just want to see what else works?
Short answer, yes.

But sales of the GDBCloner® could use a boost too, since they're nonexistent.
there's no reason to use distilled water when spraying the walls of the GDBCloner®
I have a big and a small water spray bottle. Both are always filled with distilled water and used for whatever water spraying needs arise. But thanks for watching my pennies! :Rasta:
Hey GDB!
At that time I may give it some of the 8-0-0 Calmag that was recommended.
Thats a shit loads of N in Cal/Mag. Does it contain anywhere close to 8% Ca?

IMO they look healthy green and 8% extra N amongst the normal fertilization can cause excess nitrogen - For example 1ml/l of 8-0-0 Cal/Mag ups your N ppm values by 99-101ppm.
Hey GDB!

Thats a shit loads of N in Cal/Mag. Does it contain anywhere close to 8% Ca?

IMO they look healthy green and 8% extra N amongst the normal fertilization can cause excess nitrogen - For example 1ml/l of 8-0-0 Cal/Mag ups your N ppm values by 99-101ppm.
I agree about the amount of N. It has 15% cal and 5.5% mag. It's called Calmag Pro Formula and is available from 420 sponsor @Blue Planet Nutrients.

@Carcass suggested it might help. I've seen him use it successfully to deal with "green challenges."

I only plan to use it on the Original Glue in the Lush soil if the increase in Geoflora she recently got does not do enough for her. For now, she'll be under scientific observation until the coin flip decision day arrives.

Thanks for looking in, @Verbalist!
I agree about the amount of N. It has 15% cal and 5.5% mag. It's called Calmag Pro Formula and is available from 420 sponsor @Blue Planet Nutrients.

@Carcass suggested it might help. I've seen him use it successfully to deal with "green challenges."

I only plan to use it on the Original Glue in the Lush soil if the increase in Geoflora she recently got does not do enough for her. For now, she'll be under scientific observation until the coin flip decision day arrives.

Thanks for looking in, @Verbalist!
Ohh okay thats ditto then, even very nice 3:1 ratio of Ca:Mg!
15% Ca so I assume recommendation is like 0.3ml/l - 0.5ml/l? In that amount Nitrogen barely bumps up, so shouldn’t be noticeable difference.

Always seeking for a new favorite Cal/Mag supplements, but Im mostly looking for ones which only contain Ca & Mg, nothing else.
Morning GDB. :ciao: Plants are looking good over here. You’ve been hard at work as usual!
I'm having issues with a few of my @Prescription Blend plants
I used PB on my GSC grow and liked it. They rep is very active here so that’s always helpful. I had some yellowing in the leaves as well as a lot of leaf droppage and ended up bumping the A and B up by a couple of grams as well as the Kelpful. It seemed to help. I believe you could also adjust the Big Data if you are using it now.
Tops back on, open side door to pour out some weed.
Love that side door on the grinder!
(except the Fast Banana, which remains in a 1 gallon).
Why is the FB still in a 1 gal pot? For science? Seems like the pot size might be part of your problem….
I think that no matter how well she recovers, I'll be letting her finish in the same 1 gallon pot she's currently in.
The runt Fast Banana is a disappointment
She’s a beauty! Up pot her! :cheesygrinsmiley:
It's time to start thinking about sending this bunch to Flipsville
I'll move it from GF Veg to GF Bloom. At that time I may give it some of the 8-0-0 Calmag
I started giving my Geoflora feed plants a 2-0-0 CalMag+ starting on their second feeding and have continued it with each watering and feeding. My plants seem to be holding the color well. Yesterday I feed them on the 12th day with no CalMag+. We’ll see how that works out now.
15% Ca so I assume recommendation is like 0.3ml/l - 0.5ml/l? In that amount Nitrogen barely bumps up, so shouldn’t be noticeable difference.
Actually the recommended dose is 1-2 grams per gallon!
Why is the FB still in a 1 gal pot? For science? Seems like the pot size might be part of your problem….
Because she is and always has been a runt.

I'll peek at her roots today and may give her a little more room to not grow. :laughtwo:
My plants seem to be holding the color well.
They sure are! :Rasta:
Actually the recommended dose is 1-2 grams per gallon!
O ye should have realized it is powder form since it had 15% Ca. Liquid woulda been kinda thick :rofl:
1gram per gallon would be pretty close to 0.38ml/l as guessed.
Hello growers.

It's a chilly day here in the mid-atlantic region. Chilly rain and chilly air worsened by chilly winds from the North. Unless you're fond of that kind of weather, a great day to stay in and laze around. So of course I was scheduled to get my booster shot this morning and had to go out in this crap early. :straightface:

Two days have passed so it's time for another tent pic. The Freebie + 1 grow on DAY 66. They're all starting to lay down as they know the lights are going out in about 20 minutes.
Freebie tent 11-13-21 D66.jpg

My auto babies are on DAY 3 and still looking like they belong in a NICU.
Auto seedlings Day3.jpg

Still no movement on the ones I have in the peat pucks...tick, tock.

And for those of you in the states prepping for Thanksgiving, here is an enticing offer.

Thanks for looking in.

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