Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Sure is the other side of the pillow! Trap door!
Supposed to be titanium, too. But the best part is the price: $5 (plus shipping). :yahoo:
Hi, I can ask that we will have a power outage. Is it better to leave the weeds off all day or then turn it on? Thanks for the feedback
Not sure I understand the question, Kanno26. You know there is going to be an outage? How long will it last? When will it occur? And how will it affect your current light cycle?
We have a planned shutdown from 11:00 to 14:00 and I light a cycle of 18/6 from 8:00 to 02:00
I don't no if you mean 8am - 2pm or 8pm to 2am.

I'm going to assume you mean the first one since that would be affected by the shutdown. Either way, I would not fret about a one-day 3 hour change in the light cycle.
Nevím, jestli myslíš 8:00 - 14:00 nebo 20:00 až 2:00.

Budu předpokládat, že máte na mysli první, protože to by bylo ovlivněno vypnutím. Ať tak či onak, netrápila by mě jednodenní 3hodinová změna světelného cyklu.
Svítím od osmi ráno do dvou do rána tak nevím co s tím. Nechci svítit tři hodiny a pak to znovu zapnout, nebo myslíte, že bych to měl posunout ze zapnutí napájení?
I shine from eight in the morning to two in the morning so I don't know what to do with it. I don't want to glow for three hours and then turn it on again, or do you think I should move it from turning on the power?
As I said before, I would do nothing.

But if you already know what you do not want to happen, then just to whatever is required to keep it from happening! : Found:
I'm just afraid of hermaphrodites. Or it can't affect it.
Anything is possible, Kanno26.

I'll just say I've had worst things happen with my lights than a 3-hour outage and there were no problems.
All caught back up GDB . If Kanno26 is on veg I wouldn’t worry at all . In flower I but up with power outages for a week making the grow room drop to 40 degrees f . It didn’t stop the wild weed from doing her thing , a few grams shy of a pound .
Hello growers.

I have a quick update on the Freebie + 1 Grow.

DAY 54

It's been 8 days since the up-potting for the group (except the Fast Banana, which remains in a 1 gallon).

I hadn't watered them since their up-pot soak and they really showed no signs of needing water. But, I was getting antsy. At nearly 8 weeks old, The THC Bomb and Alien Rock Candy were still on @Prescription Blend nutrients dosage for week 3-4. And the yellowing leaves on the Original Glue in Lush soil are still present, so I really wanted to get that GeoFlora top-feed in her. Her leaves don't look unhealthy. They just look like something they need is fading away from the soil. I hope that's the case.

So I watered those three, even though they didn't take much until runoff. I concentrated around the edge of the pots and watered at sloth-pace. The THC and ARC got their first dose of Prescription Blend's flowering week1 dosage. The OG got 4 ozs. of GF Veg and was watered in with calmag (0-0-0). Each of the plants took less than a liter.

I also moved the tie-downs further out on the branches of the OG, spreading her out a bit more. I think I'll do the same to the other two tomorrow to the extent that I can.

The runt Fast Banana was given a little water a few days ago and I chose not to give her any more. It won't be long before she's in the shadow of that little ARC clone next to her. :Rasta:

Here's a tent pic afterwards.

Freebie + 1 Tent 11-1-21 Day54 label.jpg

Thanks for stopping by!

Good looking bunch, GDB!
Hello growers.

About a week ago on someone's thread (can't remember whose), there was a discussion about "grinder envy." I missed weighing in at the time, but I'm going to show off my baby now. Even though she's only a 2-incher, I think my grinder is as cool as the other side of the pillow!


Top comes off for the grind.

Weed goes into a storage area that will hold quite a bit.

Tops back on, open side door to pour out some weed.

And lastly, the kief catcher at the bottom even came with a tiny kief spatula!

Pretty handy it is!

MacGyver approves this.
Hello growers.

It's time to add to the stack!

Although I've enjoyed these past few weeks with the 5x5 tent shut down, enough of that! Letting the spider mites that lurk in my basement deter me from growing down there is making me fill like a quitter.

I've got the arsenal I need to combat them and just need to be more consistent in their applications.
Borg Arsenal.JPG

So sitting beside the foot locker pictured above is this:

Auto seeds in cups 11-3-21.JPG

The clone is a gift for a friend but what's in the cups is for me: 6 autoflower seeds!
Auto seeds in cups II 11-3-21.JPG

Yeah, I'm sneaking in an auto grow. :Rasta:

Am I superstitious? No.
If I name what strains I'm trying to germinate will it jinx the germination process? Yes.

I'll reveal what they are once I have seedlings above ground. Less 'splaining to do! :ganjamon:

So I'll spend part of the day thoroughly cleaning the 5x5. Then I'll set off a few bug bombs in the basement.

I haven't decided on the medium or nutrients yet, but they will all be grown in 3 gallon fabric pots.

And finally, a message to the Borg: "Resistance is futile."

With that arsenal, you could definitely help Captain Picard take out the real Borg. I think you have bottle of photon torpedoes hiding in that selection somewhere :laugh:

Wishing you the best of luck mate.. I will be here:popcorn:

Oh, those bug bombs. Do you have to extract the air out of the basement after they have been set off? Or does it just settle out of the air?
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