Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hi, I'm new here and I would like to ask why you soak the grass and how do you dry in the fridge? If I may ask, I use a Google translator to translate, I don't speak English very well, thank you for your answer
Welcome, @Kanno26.

I wash the weed because usually my plants get bugs on them. Even if they didn't have bugs they have dust or something, I imagine. I just like to clean it.

I don't always dry in the fridge but it's always an option.

I cut the buds off the stems and put it in Mason jars with the top plate removed and replaced by cheesecloth or a coffee filter to allow air in/out. It takes a while to dry them this way but I believe it holds in the taste and good medicine better than hanging to dry. It's mostly a matter of personal preference. If I don't have room in the fridge I have no problem with hanging to dry.

Hope that helps.
She was a new hire that slipped through the cracks. Nobody noticed the GDB branding on her left arm. We've removed her from our premises and sent HR for awareness training.
I wasn't aware of the branding. Damn!

Can you send me her at-home email address?
Me too GDB. Can’t let too much time go by without starting something new, the medicine cabinet might go empty! I’ll be starting up in at least my MarsHydro tent soon. Maybe some autos again? I just have to get my shiz together, so who knows, it might be a while. ;)
Nicely done with that clone. The pearlite way really is the best and most successful way I’ve made clones. Plus it doesn’t take up a bunch of space. Well done GDB :thumb:
The cutting of GDB came out great, do you think that pumice should work as well as perlite?
Vítejte, @Kanno26.

Myju plevel, protože na mých rostlinách se obvykle objevují brouci. I kdyby neměli brouky, mají prach nebo tak něco , myslím. Prostě to rád čistím.

Ne vždy suším v lednici, ale vždy je to možnost.

Odřízl jsem pupeny ze stonků a vložil jsem to do sklenic Mason s horní deskou odstraněnou a nahrazenou gázou nebo kávovým filtrem, aby se vzduch dovnitř/ven. Chvíli to trvá, než je takto usuší, ale věřím, že to drží chuť a dobrý lék lépe než sušit zavěšením. Je to především otázka osobních preferencí. Pokud nemám místo v lednici, nemám problém se zavěšením na sušení.

Doufám, že to pomůže.
Děkuji moc za odpověď a namočíš je jen do čisté vody nebo tam něco přidáváš? Do sklenic ho většinou dávám, až když ho usuším
Thank you very much for the answer and you just soak them in clean water or do you add something there? I usually put it in glasses only when I dry it
This is a good read on how to wash them. Click here.

It's something you do before the drying process begins.
Hello growers.

Some of the plants I've recently taken down were hung to dry rather than dried in the fridge. One, to keep from overcrowding the fridge; and two, because I have an immediate need for a good amount of shake to be used for edibles. (I'll be making brownies and cookies for the holiday season.) Putting dried buds in the Lazyman trimmer is a good way to generate a lot of shake.

The trimmer really trims dried buds, taking off mostly everything except pure, firm bud. The result is a lot less going into jars and a lot more shake and sugar leaves being amassed in the bottom of the trimmer.

So from my two little Fast Bubblegums I ended up with only 1.5 Mason jars of bud.
B Gum END 10-25-21 after dry buds.jpg

And from the Chiquita Banana clone I got 3 jars.
CB clone END 10-25-21 after dry buds.jpg

The goal of this post was two-fold. First I wanted to show how much tighter and cleaner buds result when dried weed is put in the trimmer. Second, I wanted to show how much shake remained in the bottom of the trimmer after I processed these two plants.

Unfortunately, I had a senior moment and dumped the shake into my edible storage bag, forgetting to take a pic beforehand. :straightface:

There was quite a bit. Take my word for it! ;)

BTW, I had a tester of the Bubblegum and it is already super tasty and quite potent. Those BBs were the plants I let go until I had more amber (I'd guess about 40%) than I usually allow to develop. It tastes so good to me that I'm thinking maybe I've been taking most of my plants down a bit too early.

That will be remedied from this point forward!

Good info GDB, as I am a student in training learning from a Master!
Thanks, Tonclon. I'm happy and humbled that you're able to pick up some knowledge from my journal! :ciao:
Hello growers.

Some of the plants I've recently taken down were hung to dry rather than dried in the fridge. One, to keep from overcrowding the fridge; and two, because I have an immediate need for a good amount of shake to be used for edibles. (I'll be making brownies and cookies for the holiday season.) Putting dried buds in the Lazyman trimmer is a good way to generate a lot of shake.

The trimmer really trims dried buds, taking off mostly everything except pure, firm bud. The result is a lot less going into jars and a lot more shake and sugar leaves being amassed in the bottom of the trimmer.

So from my two little Fast Bubblegums I ended up with only 1.5 Mason jars of bud.
B Gum END 10-25-21 after dry buds.jpg

And from the Chiquita Banana clone I got 3 jars.
CB clone END 10-25-21 after dry buds.jpg

The goal of this post was two-fold. First I wanted to show how much tighter and cleaner buds result when dried weed is put in the trimmer. Second, I wanted to show how much shake remained in the bottom of the trimmer after I processed these two plants.

Unfortunately, I had a senior moment and dumped the shake into my edible storage bag, forgetting to take a pic beforehand. :straightface:

There was quite a bit. Take my word for it! ;)

BTW, I had a tester of the Bubblegum and it is already super tasty and quite potent. Those BBs were the plants I let go until I had more amber (I'd guess about 40%) than I usually allow to develop. It tastes so good to me that I'm thinking maybe I've been taking most of my plants down a bit too early.

That will be remedied from this point forward!

I bet you make great eatables.
Hope you are doing good my friend.
Stay safe.
I bet you make great eatables.
Hope you are doing good my friend.
Stay safe.
Thanks, Bill!

My gummies have gained some popularity. If only I weren't such a slob when I make them (constantly overpouring into the molds).

I've got a fresh batch drying now. The molds were sitting on the cutting board when I filled them and you can see all the spillage from my overpouring! :ganjamon:
Fresh Gummies 10-29-21.jpg
I'll be making brownies and cookies for the holiday season.
Wow! Your gummy’s and chocolates look absolutely edibly delicious.
I‘m not sure you have my correct edible package delivery address and I hate to see them get into the minds of my local postal employees.
Thanks, Bill!

My gummies have gained some popularity. If only I weren't such a slob when I make them (constantly overpouring into the molds).

I've got a fresh batch drying now. The molds were sitting on the cutting board when I filled them and you can see all the spillage from my overpouring! :ganjamon:
Fresh Gummies 10-29-21.jpg
Can I clean the tray. :rofl:
Stay safe.
Hello growers.

It's a rainy day here...a long, steady rain. Idle hands need something to do.

I got to thinking about how nice that Bubblegum tester tasted and the fact that I had let it get to more amber than I usually do.

So I started going through a few of my favorite tasting jars to see what the trichs look like. Caveat: I don't know if plants continue to get ambery throughout the cure. Some of these have been jarred for a while. They are the tastiest buds in my collection, excepting one.

Bubblegum - as it turns out, I've got a few plants with this much amber. And I thought I was doing something different!
Bubblegum trich.jpg

Grand Daddy Purple - love the taste of this one.
GDP trich.jpg

Critical Kush - really love the taste of this one.
Critical Kush trich.jpg

And my favorite taste at the moment remains the Cosmic Lights! Surprised me that it had less amber than the one's above.
Cosmic bud.jpg

And finally, a Chocolate Kush that I grew that I really don't like much at all (it will soon be decarbed for something). I'm certain that I took this one down much to early.
Chocolate Kush Trich.jpg

What I learned most from this exercise is that I'm doing a piss-poor job washing my plants and that all plants, whether grown indoors or out, should be washed. I see some stuff in these pics that's got me feeling a tad queasy. :cough:

I don't know any more than I did before about the relation of amber to taste. But I killed a bit of time on this rainy day and had fun doing it!

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