Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

That's some happy plants right there, GDB!
Thanks Stone.

Basic Blunt Cocktail:

Take a bud (1/2 blunt's worth) of one strain and a bud (1/2 blunt's) worth of another strain.
Place both buds in grinder and grind.
Put results in a small nug jar.
For a shaken cocktail, shake the contents of the jar.
For a stirred cocktail use a swizzle stick to stir the contents of jar.
Roll a blunt with the results.
Smoke blunt.

Note: "blunts worth" size is determined by the size of rolling paper used.

Don't be disappointed if your first tries at this don't go well. You'll get better with practice.

And, no issues with drying in the fridge. :Rasta:
Shaken not stirred thank you. That's fun. I do similar with my droppings from rolling. The bits on the tray go into a little jar. When it's full it can have several. Every now and then we get zonked from the mix but can never recreate it just right. I like surprises I guess. You sir are a mixologist of herb! Sounds like fun!
Ahoj pěstitelé a zkouší sobotu všem, kteří ji slaví!

Včera jsem sundal GOG klony. Záměrně jsem z toho udělal celý projekt, protože jsem měl celý den. :Rasta:

Těchto 2 rostlin bylo více, než jsem chtěl ručně ořezat, a tak jsem jako konečný cíl použil zastřihovač Lazyman.

Sundal jsem to na směny s dlouhými přestávkami mezi nimi. Vyfotil jsem to obit, ale je to tak neostré, že to nemůžu použít. (Měl jsem kontrolu kvality obrázku, než jsem začal sekat.) Tento obrázek před týdnem bude muset stačit.
GOG clones 10-14-21.jpg

Svou směnnou práci jsem však dokázal zdokumentovat.

Směna #1 – Odřízněte větve a všechny mrtvé listy a většinu velkých vějířovitých listů.
GOG clones 10-22-21 END pile of branches S1.jpg

GOG clones 10-22-21 END scale pic S1.jpg

Pak si odpočiňte, abyste si udělali malou touhu a prohlédli si 420 Časopis.

Poté Shift#2 - omyjte rostlinu.
GOG clonw 10-22-21 END S2.jpg

Další přestávka. Další kloub. A tohle začíná být zábavnější!

Shift#3 - důležitá z větví všechna poupata. To mi zanechalo hromadu „téměř“ poupat se špatnými účesy. Ta malá hromádka v levém horním rohu byla všechna larva z těchto rostlin - není to tak špatné.
GOG clones 10-22-21 END pre-trimmer S3.jpg

Ještě jedna pauza a gumička pro dobrou věc! Nyní jsou připraveni na zastřihovač Lazyman.
Lazyman trimmer.jpg

Musel jsem zastřihovač zatížit 3x, abych zvládl všechny pupeny. Poté jsem měl svůj stack!
GOG clones 10-22-21 END after trim.jpg

Přál bych si, abych výše umístil objekt pro měřítko na obrázek. Je to velká hromada plevele, ale z obrázku to není patrné. Nakonec to naplnilo 11,5 třicet dva uncových sklenic Mason a šly do lednice k sušení.

GOG clones 10-22-21 END jarred for fridge.jpg

Když jsem to změnil na práci na směny a záměrně si bral celý den, tohle zastavení se zdálo méně jako Trim Jail a více jako Trim House Arrest.

Všechno je v přestávkách! :ganjamon:

Děkuji za nakouknutí.

Ahoj, jsem tu nový a chtěla bych se zeptat, proč máčíš trávu a jak sušíš v lednici? Pokud se mohu zeptat, používám k překladu Google překladač, neumím moc dobře anglicky, děkuji za odpověď
Go to a concert and the swisher sweet hid the smell of weed , made it to me and I couldn’t hit it .
The worst we started out with MANY years ago were those Vega's(Green Leaf), OMAN... SO bad. Or the Chocolate Philly's an Brown weed. DAMN... I would say those were the days BUT... They weren't... :laugh:

In another lifetime... we smoked the crap out of Swishers... matching up blunts all day(every day)... Can't do it to myself anymore. Nowadays I'm all about the J's... fan of OCB solaires and Vibes Ultra Thins, if I want to remember back... have to Roll me up a Wood.
The worst we started out with MANY years ago were those Vega's(Green Leaf), OMAN... SO bad. Or the Chocolate Philly's an Brown weed. DAMN... I would say those were the days BUT... They weren't... :laugh:

In another lifetime... we smoked the crap out of Swishers... matching up blunts all day(every day)... Can't do it to myself anymore. Nowadays I'm all about the J's... fan of OCB solaires and Vibes Ultra Thins, if I want to remember back... have to Roll me up a Wood.
I was 10 when my dad caught me with a cigar and sat there till I smoked enough to make me sicker than a dog eating a piss frog . Still can’t stand the smell.
we smoked the crap out of Swishers
Oh man...just thinking about a rolled up swisher blunts...brings back so many...cough cough... memories...hack hack cough cough...I'll be right back...hack hack cough just tickled my...cough...throat...I'm good...that damn swisher...cough cough...

I'll be at the hospital trying to find my lungs from 15 years ago...
Smart man! Nowadays...that's a prison sentence.
Grandpa ran a bar on the highway and mom ran one down town , then dad went to the bar across town . Kids could get all kinds of things back then sitting on the front steps into the door . 15 years old had all kinds of 12th graders wanting beer at a price .
My Grandfather, an avid church-goer, did not allow liquor in his house - ever, that I know of. He wouldn't allow drinking on his property, not even beer.

When he died lots of pints of gin were found in his wardrobe.

I'm sure they were used for acts of libation. :Rasta:
My Grandfather, an avid church-goer, did not allow liquor in his house - ever, that I know of. He wouldn't allow drinking on his property, not even beer.

When he died lots of pints of gin were found in his wardrobe.

I'm sure they were used for acts of libation. :Rasta:
Have you ever just thrown down a shot of rum one hell of a buzz . Don’t ruin it and do a second it last for two hours .
Have you ever just thrown down a shot of rum one hell of a buzz . Don’t ruin it and do a second it last for two hours .
Black Rum from Jamaica back in the day! :Rasta:
Used to go over to ole Goldhammers parents house and lounge around the pool and drink his rum and root beer. Why you ask? Because it was free and it’s what he liked. :laughtwo: Actually if I remember correctly it wasn’t to bad.

Hello growers.

Here's the latest on the Freebie + 1 Grow.

The 3 plants I recently up-potted were given a few days to settle in to their new homes. Today I laid hands on them, tying down branches and super-cropping.

The THC Bomb: 4 branches tied down. I hope the growth in the middle catches up with the tied down branches.
THC Bomb 10-26-21 D49 tie down.JPG

The Original Glue: 6 branches tied down. I'm not expecting much middle growth but she's nice and spread out.
OG 10-26-21 D49 tie down.JPG

The Alien Rock Candy: super-cropped. IMHO she was too tall for effective tie-downs so I super-cropped her 4 tallest branches.
ARC 10-26-21 D49 super crop.JPG

Tent pic: now that the weather is cooling keeping the environment where I like it is much easier. Temps average 75-79F and RH hangs around 50%.
Freebie + 1 10-26-21 Day49 tie down.jpg

Lastly, the Fast Banana remains in the 2x2 (and is thirsty in this pic). She's trying to become a normal, healthy runt.
FB 10-26-21 D49.jpg

That's it for today.

As always, thanks for looking in.

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