Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers and Happy Saturday to all who celebrate it!

I took down the GOG clones yesterday. I intentionally made it an all-day project because, well, I had all day. :Rasta:

These 2 plants were more than I wanted to hand-trim, so I proceeded with the Lazyman trimmer as the end goal.

I took it down in shifts with long breaks in between. I took an obit pic but it's so out of focus I can't use it. (I should have checked the pic quality before I started chopping.) This pic from a week ago will have to do.
GOG clones 10-14-21.jpg

However I was able to document my shift work.

Shift #1 - Cut off the branches and remove all dead leaves and most large fan leaves.
GOG clones 10-22-21 END pile of branches S1.jpg

GOG clones 10-22-21 END scale pic S1.jpg

Then a break to do a little toking and peruse 420 Magazine.

Then Shift#2 - wash the plant.
GOG clonw 10-22-21 END S2.jpg

Another break. Another joint. And this is starting to be more fun!

Shift#3 - remove all the buds from the branches. This left me with a pile of "nearly" buds with bad haircuts. (That little pile in the upper left corner was all of the larf from these plants -- not too bad.)
GOG clones 10-22-21 END pre-trimmer S3.jpg

One more break, and a gummy for good measure! Now they're ready for the Lazyman trimmer.
Lazyman trimmer.jpg

I had to load the trimmer 3 times to handle all of the bud. Afterward I had my stack!
GOG clones 10-22-21 END after trim.jpg

I wish I had placed an object for scale in the pic above. That's a big pile of weed but it's not obvious from the pic. In the end it filled 11.5 thirty-two ounce Mason jars and into the fridge for drying they went.

GOG clones 10-22-21 END jarred for fridge.jpg

Changing this to shift work and purposely taking all day made this takedown feel less like Trim Jail and more like Trim House Arrest.

It's all in the breaks! :ganjamon:

Thanks for peeking in.

Nice work mate. Congratulations on another bumper harvest,as always. :thumb:
Do those spinny around trimming thingys not get all sticky? I was thinking about getting one, but the missus put a block on it.
She said " when you learn to grow a plant, that yields more than a joints worth, then you can have one" i don't know if I take that as a challenge or an insult :hmmmm:
Anyway.. can't wait for the taste test.. :popcorn:
Nice work mate. Congratulations on another bumper harvest,as always. :thumb:
Do those spinny around trimming thingys not get all sticky? I was thinking about getting one, but the missus put a block on it.
She said " when you learn to grow a plant, that yields more than a joints worth, then you can have one" i don't know if I take that as a challenge or an insult :hmmmm:
Anyway.. can't wait for the taste test.. :popcorn:
Think we are married to sisters! Hang in there!

Hello again growers.

With the GOG clones down it's time to start "planning" again.

I've got an empty 4x4 and an empty 5x5 (which I may or may not use, but I'm now leaning toward "may").

The Freebie + 1 grow is ready to be up-potted and prepped for the trip to Flipsville (well, maybe except for the Fast Banana).

Here they are today:
Freebie + 1 Grow 10-23-21 Day47.jpg

I put the Fast Banana front and center so you can get a good look at her. Her bottom is ravaged but her top is coming in nice. I had tried using Epsom salts on her when I initially noticed the leaf issue. That didn't seem to help but it may have if I had used the recommended dosage rather than half of it.

Last week I gave her a dose of Myco +. Also I started adding 2ml of 0-0-0 calmag to her feed and that seemed to help her. Same with the THC Bomb, which was beginning to show the same issue the FB was having. Now I'm thinking that both of these plants may have been given too much nutrition to soon. I can't be sure of that, but it's possible. The Alien Rock Candy absolutely thrived on the same dosages they were getting, so there's that to consider.

In the pic the THC Bomb is left rear. ARC middle rear (hard to miss). The C Banana clone right rear. And front right is the Original Glue in Lush soil.

My current train of thought has me up-potting all but the clone and the FB and moving the up-potted plants into the 4x4 to be flipped around day 65-70 (about 20 days from now). (But my train of thought is easily derailed. :Rasta: )

I believe the FB will benefit from just being left alone and allowed to get firmly established, for now. I will let her sit in the 2x2 for perhaps another week or so. The Clone will remain in the 2x2 where I hope to flip her alone, once I'm able to get the FB out (and into the 4x4).

Ha! Yet another "plan"!

BTW, one disadvantage of taking all day to take down the GOG clones yesterday (here) was that the entire first floor of my house smelled like you-know-what. At the height of the stinkitivity, one of my neighbors knocked on the front door. I did not open it. Even though I'm in a legal grow jurisdiction I still like to try and keep a low profile.

I don't want THIS to happen.

Hey GDB.
Nice takedown.
The bowl trimmers work much better than I thought they would.
The the reviews were so mixed on them. You could tell by most of what was said in the negative reviews that the folks writing them weren't using common sense.

I wouldn't try to use the trimmer for a fluffy sativa or anything light and airy.
I didn't lose that much when I used mine. I do recommend looking at the buds thoroughly before they are spun. One moldy bud will ruin all the trim that can be used for edibles. So will metal shavings if your blade is bent or misaligned. Ask me how I know...:rolleyes:

I really like mine.
You recall me telling you no rest for the wicked? You said you’ve never heard such a saying. Well I’m back to enlighten you now. Helps me get through the trim jail time.

Nice cover.
I'm a fan of the original so it was cool to see a different take on it.
That is quite the stack GDB. Deep and wide though the one pic looks a little Lite :idea:
I saw that! :laughtwo:
You recall me telling you no rest for the wicked? You said you’ve never heard such a saying. Well I’m back to enlighten you now. Helps me get through the trim jail time.
And thank you for the enlightenment! :thumb:
Congratulations GDB! Looks swell!
Thanks Krissi!
Do those spinny around trimming thingys not get all sticky? I was thinking about getting one, but the missus put a block on it.
You do need to periodically clean the bowl out or it will get yucky.
Think we are married to sisters! Hang in there!
Beautiful work Mr. Black! Wonderful shade of green.
Thank you Mr. Hippie! :ciao:
The bowl trimmers work much better than I thought they would.
Thanks VG. They do well with nice firm buds. I agree on the pre-trim bud inspection.
You recall me telling you no rest for the wicked? You said you’ve never heard such a saying. Well I’m back to enlighten you now. Helps me get through the trim jail time.

Thanks for this. Personally, I prefer this version: ;)

Congrats on the takedown and on the new stack of buds. Nice to see that you had a fun but productive day.

I'm planning on trimming the Big Devils this weekend but I doubt I'll get high to do it. Getting high throughout the day just makes me sleepy and therefore, go to bed too early. :battingeyelashes:
Congrats on the takedown and on the new stack of buds. Nice to see that you had a fun but productive day.

I'm planning on trimming the Big Devils this weekend but I doubt I'll get high to do it. Getting high throughout the day just makes me sleepy and therefore, go to bed too early. :battingeyelashes:
Thanks, @HashGirl!

I was toking on a sativa-dom strain (Chiquita Banana) and the gummy I had was made from a sativa plant as well. These gave me lots of energy throughout the day.

BUT, when they wore off, yes it was sleepy time. However, at my age there's no such thing as going to bed too early! :laughtwo:
However, at my age there's no such thing as going to bed too early!
You’ve got to be Kidding! I’ll sleep on the couch for 2 hours before I go to bed before 9. :tommy:
That's a big pile of weed but it's not obvious from the pic.
Yeah, but the pic of 11.5 jars sorta clears things up- That is a lot of weed!
Congrats on the very productive harvests, GDB!
Hello growers and Happy Saturday to all who celebrate it!

I took down the GOG clones yesterday. I intentionally made it an all-day project because, well, I had all day. :Rasta:

These 2 plants were more than I wanted to hand-trim, so I proceeded with the Lazyman trimmer as the end goal.

I took it down in shifts with long breaks in between. I took an obit pic but it's so out of focus I can't use it. (I should have checked the pic quality before I started chopping.) This pic from a week ago will have to do.
GOG clones 10-14-21.jpg

However I was able to document my shift work.

Shift #1 - Cut off the branches and remove all dead leaves and most large fan leaves.
GOG clones 10-22-21 END pile of branches S1.jpg

GOG clones 10-22-21 END scale pic S1.jpg

Then a break to do a little toking and peruse 420 Magazine.

Then Shift#2 - wash the plant.
GOG clonw 10-22-21 END S2.jpg

Another break. Another joint. And this is starting to be more fun!

Shift#3 - remove all the buds from the branches. This left me with a pile of "nearly" buds with bad haircuts. (That little pile in the upper left corner was all of the larf from these plants -- not too bad.)
GOG clones 10-22-21 END pre-trimmer S3.jpg

One more break, and a gummy for good measure! Now they're ready for the Lazyman trimmer.
Lazyman trimmer.jpg

I had to load the trimmer 3 times to handle all of the bud. Afterward I had my stack!
GOG clones 10-22-21 END after trim.jpg

I wish I had placed an object for scale in the pic above. That's a big pile of weed but it's not obvious from the pic. In the end it filled 11.5 thirty-two ounce Mason jars and into the fridge for drying they went.

GOG clones 10-22-21 END jarred for fridge.jpg

Changing this to shift work and purposely taking all day made this takedown feel less like Trim Jail and more like Trim House Arrest.

It's all in the breaks! :ganjamon:

Thanks for peeking in.

Hello GDB,
What a harvest! I'm new to this grow thang, you make it look too easy! Lots of inspiration here, I got some work to do....

TonClone, 1st grow!
Hello GDB,
What a harvest! I'm new to this grow thang, you make it look too easy! Lots of inspiration here, I got some work to do....

TonClone, 1st grow!
Welcome to the party @Tonclon. The little party that my grow is and the big party that 420 is! :welcome:

Do you have a journal going. If not, let me know when you do.
Yeah, but the pic of 11.5 jars sorta clears things up- That is a lot of weed!
Thanks, MrC.

I'm getting low on jars, and I think with the supply chain fiasco this is a bad time for that.
Went to my regular source for them the other day. They're usually stocked pretty well. They only had one dozen of the large-mouth jars left - and they were only 16 ounce.

I thought, "I'd better grab these while I can." :straightface:
I thought, "I'd better grab these while I can."
I thought the same thing...then I said "Nah,I can pick some up later"... :oops:
Now they're out of ' I may just have to buy a lot more spaghetti sauce...
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