Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Temps average 75-79F and RH hangs around 50%.
Looks great. Couple ?

Do you pit anything underneath your fabric pots in the trays? I had mine directly on the tray. Was told that having some space between them will help with aeration and minimize the container taking in the runoff. I always liked seeing them suck up the excess moisture. Anyway...curious about your thoughts!

I love the laying hands comment! Haaa haaa...sounds like some old school Baptist stuff right there!

Other ? - those bungee cords on the poles is a great idea. Quick way to connect scrogs nets?
Do you pit anything underneath your fabric pots in the trays?
The saucers have little raised ridges in the bottoms, so the pots are never really on a flat surface. But I do elevate them a bit more. I just haven't done it yet.

I use these from the local Dollar Store:

Other ? - those bungee cords on the poles is a great idea. Quick way to connect scrogs nets?
That's exactly what I used to use them for!
Way to lay em down GDB! Why wouldn't you expect middle growth from original glue?
Thanks Stone.

I just don't see very much there yet. But take my predictions with a grain of salt, they're usually wrong! :Rasta:
Looks great. Couple ?

Do you pit anything underneath your fabric pots in the trays? I had mine directly on the tray. Was told that having some space between them will help with aeration and minimize the container taking in the runoff. I always liked seeing them suck up the excess moisture. Anyway...curious about your thoughts!

Hi Baked.

Here's what I use:

Gro Pro NX Level Pot Elevator.jpg

They come in 13" and 16" sizes and fit perfectly in my trays. They're not as inexpensive as GDB's are at $3.95 and $4.65 each relatively speaking but I like that they fit snugly into the pans without worries of balancing.
Hi Baked.

Here's what I use:

Gro Pro NX Level Pot Elevator.jpg

They come in 13" and 16" sizes and fit perfectly in my trays. They're not as inexpensive as GDB's are at $3.95 and $4.65 each relatively speaking but I like that they fit snugly into the pans without worries of balancing.
Yeah, that's what I ended up using too. I have them for my pots outside mainly. I just put some underneath my indoor fabric pots a couple weeks ago. I am looking for other things I can safely reuse instead of buying too.
Brilliant, I got a cheap date at the local dollartree
your girls are looking well my man @Grand Daddy Black
Thanks, @raziel819.

The disadvantage to using them is that they start to get rusty after a while. However, they're sold in pairs for a dollar so not painful to replace.
Hello growers and Happy Hump Day.

DAY 50

I was looking at the Clone and the Fast Banana in the 2x2 this morning. The FB is trying to get healthy but she remains a runt. I think that no matter how well she recovers, I'll be letting her finish in the same 1 gallon pot she's currently in.
F Banana 10-27-21 D50.jpg

In the meantime, the Clone is getting taller than I wanted it to be and I'm ready to flip her now.
FB and Clone 10-27-21.jpg

So I got a milk crate for height and moved the FB into the 4x4 with her other Freebie mates and I'll be flipping the Clone in the 2x2 today.
Freebie + 1 10-27-21 D50 all in 4by4.jpg

She's probably in there gloating, "Yeah, I caught up with these suckers!" :laughtwo:

In more news, I've seen the first hiccup for the Original Glue in the Lush soil - yellowing.
OG 10-27-21 D50 yellowing.jpg

You may recall that the Lush soil is touted to be able to sustain a plant all by itself for 8 weeks. I'm at 7 weeks + 1 day. I thought maybe that because it got so much new Lush added when it was up-potted 3 days ago that maybe I could reset the clock and add a few more weeks. Apparently, that is not the case.

I had originally planned to start top-feeding her with Geoflora on week 6 and maybe I should have stuck with that plan. I'll start her GF feed on her next watering.

That's it for this update.

As always, thanks for stopping by.

GDB let’s try to keep the downside of that Lush grow to a minimum here. I really want to give it a go but I don’t think 8 weeks will cut it. I hope enriching the Lush with the GF helps but it would be even better that top dressing with the Lush would keep them healthy.
You think by just adding some Cal-Mag would help and not have to add outside nutes?
Hello again grow gang.

I've got another mouth to feed! :Rasta:

Around Oct. 10th I topped my Alien Rock Candy. It had gotten quite tall so I got to cut off a rather large piece of it. I then placed the top piece in a cup of perlite with water in the bottom half, ala @Virgin Ground. You can read about it here.

It's been sitting on a window sill every since (sort of a set it and forget it approach).

I finally got around to checking it this morning and found lots of roots:
ARC clone 10-27-21 root inspection.jpg

Using a toilet paper cylinder, I prepped a 1 gallon pot of Lush soil for her:
ARC clone 10-27-21 D1 pop prep.jpg

And now she has a new home:
ARC clone 10-27-21 D1 into 1 gallon pot.jpg

Since I'm about to change to 12/12 in the 2x2 I have little choice but to get another milk crate and put her in the 4x4 tent with the Freebie bunch.

This was all "planned." :laugh:

GDB let’s try to keep the downside of that Lush grow to a minimum here. I really want to give it a go but I don’t think 8 weeks will cut it. I hope enriching the Lush with the GF helps but it would be even better that top dressing with the Lush would keep them healthy.
You think by just adding some Cal-Mag would help and not have to add outside nutes?
Please don't let my experience keep you from giving it a go @Nev. I think it's some good stuff.

It's possible that calmag would provide some temporary mending but I'm not certain about long-term. The thing is, I don't know what exactly diminishes in the soil after 8 weeks. I'm almost certain that I could take it to the end with some organic amendments, but which ones?

Plus, with this soil I'm looking for ultimate Lazyman's grow method. I figure if I can get a plant to this stage with just tap water and then finish her up with top-feeds of Geoflora (also organic) then I'm close to the holy grail of laziness.

Lastly, adding the GF when needed was my "plan." And while I usually always deviate from my "plans", I see no reason to do it this time! :Rasta:

All that being said, when I do the GF top-feed I will water it in with some 0-0-0 calmag-treated water.

Thanks for looking (and weighing) in. You've made a good suggestion!
I'll start her GF feed on her next watering.
Hey GDB...I cannot recommend this because they don't specifically state that it can be used this way. They are a sponsor of my gsc grow and hopefully I didn't piss them off because of how I used it a couple weeks ago. They haven't been too interested in my tags...oh well.

I wanted to share in case this is something you would like to try. This is based on a technique I learned from an old nursery lady primarily and from my home veggie gardening. I have been using organic inputs for many years in my veggie garden. I sometimes miss feedings or need a little extra for hungrier cultivars. Long story short is I scoop out what I would normally use to topdress. Use half of it in a sealed jar with enough head space (1-2 inches should suffice). Then fill it close to the top with water. Let it sit for a few hours to over night. Then you can dilute that ir use it as is on your plant.

Add the rest of your topdress ingredients and then scrape out the rest from the jar on top and work it into the soil. Then water with the concentrate and call it a day. It is a pleasant little boost for the plant. The majority of the inputs are not water soluble. FYI...i just fed all my indoor plants a diluted solution a week ago. A little boost to get them through the end without having to add another topdress.
Using a toilet paper cylinder, I prepped a 1 gallon pot of Lush soil for her:
ARC clone 10-27-21 D1 pop prep.jpg
What kind of voodoo are you performing?!

Does that stay in there when you transplant? Or just to give you space for the soil to settle around it, then remove it to put the clone in the empty spot?
I'm almost certain that I could take it to the end with some organic amendments, but which ones?
Agree. This is where I was at a couple weeks ago with the GF. I felt I still had plenty of the inputs on top of the soil. It was clearly lacking.
then I'm close to the holy grail of laziness.
That is precisely what I would like to accomplish. I want to learn how to grow amazing buds with minimal effort, time, and money. In some cases, because I'm just too fed up with pain and can't go further but I know there are plenty of people that can't grow because they physically cannot. The easier we can find ways to get it done, the better for the community.
Sorry, I made some notes along the way. I hope that's okay...
Hello growers and Happy Saturday to all who celebrate it!
I do! I celebrated with a harvest as well. :high-five:
I took down the GOG clones yesterday. I intentionally made it an all-day project because, well, I had all day.
Excellent harvests on those two and this...
it filled 11.5 thirty-two ounce Mason jars
Amazing! And so much nicer than used tomato sauce jars. :cheesygrinsmiley:
They've all been moved to my freshly cleaned and disinfected 4x4.
They look so happy in there, or they did until you did all that training, but then they did again. Nmind. They look so happy in there!
As for the Lush, I'm clearing some storage space so I can stock up!
I read somewhere that when folks don't buy something when they see it in the store, when they go back for it it's gone.
Ahoj, jsem tu nový a chtěla bych se zeptat, proč máčíš trávu a jak sušíš v lednici? Pokud se mohu zeptat, používám k překladu Google překladač, neumím moc dobře anglicky, děkuji za odpověď
I thought I would translate this for you in case you wanted to explain the jars:

Hi, I'm new here and I would like to ask why you soak the grass and how do you dry in the fridge? If I may ask, I use a Google translator to translate, I can't.

I finally got around to checking it this morning and found lots of roots:
Nice roots!
Using a toilet paper cylinder, I prepped a 1 gallon pot of Lush soil for her:
Great idea...which member of your staff came up with that and what's the name of it? TubeTacular®? Roll-a-Riffic®?
Hello growers.

I put the new ARC clone into the 4x4 with the rest. Since she's a 30-something day old I hoping she can take the light.
Freebie + 1 10-27-21 D50 new tenant.jpg

And thanks to you all, I've got a lot of stuff to which to respond. (See me starting with the proper grammar already!)

I really, really appreciate the input! :thanks:

Does that stay in there when you transplant? Or just to give you space for the soil to settle around it, then remove it to put the clone in the empty spot?
The second thing you asked, Roasted. :laughtwo:
Hey GDB...I cannot recommend this because they don't specifically state that it can be used this way. They are a sponsor of my gsc grow and hopefully I didn't piss them off because of how I used it a couple weeks ago. They haven't been too interested in my tags...oh well.
Sounds like an interesting idea that I will try at some point down the road!
I want to learn how to grow amazing buds with minimal effort
That is my mission. I'm getting old.
The easier we can find ways to get it done, the better for the community.
I agree!
Love that set it and forget it rootage!
The set it part is on purpose, the forget it part is somewhat accidental. :)
Nicely done with that clone.
Thank you, HH. I'm sitting here waiting on your next adventure!
Sorry, I made some quotes notes along the way. I hope that's okay...
I do! I celebrated with a harvest as well. :high-five:
And a nice one it was!
Amazing! And so much nicer than used tomato sauce jars. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I agree. But I don't want to step on any toes!
I read somewhere that when folks don't buy something when they see it in the store, when they go back for it it's gone.
Which is usually okay. But not so much if you need toilet paper.
I thought I would translate this for you in case you wanted to explain the jars:
I'm aware of the translation feature, but thanks for the reminder. I meant to get back to that user when I had a little more time.
Great idea...which member of your staff came up with that and what's the name of it? TubeTacular®? Roll-a-Riffic®?
Some member of the "busy person's" staff leaked that to me. Ain't that a kick in the pants! :laugh:
You've called me worse, so this must mean you like like me. :love:
I really like you, dude.

Please ignore the post above. :straightface:
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