Hey @Emilya, hope you are good.

One quick question. I don’t believe you are using nutrients like myself, but hopefully you’ll be able to answer the question.

I am going to do the first full water in an hour or so, the plants weight just 250g heavier than my bucket with just unwatered soil in. Plus I can see some droop on the leaves, so I’m confident they are ready. Today is the 9th day since full water.

I usually make my nutrients up in a 10 litre bucket. Following the chart. It shows the nutrients guide for 100litre of water, and I just give it 10 times less nutrients as I’m giving it ten times less water. I expect to put around 3-4 litres in each plant. So I’ll be using around 30 litres of water, I only have 10 litre buckets so I’ll be making it up 3 times. Should I add my nutrients to all of them? How would you do this if you were using nutrients like mine, I use Dutch pro nutrients by the way.

If anyone else wants to jump in and give advise crack on!

Thank you both @oldsmokey @Emilya. I will get a bigger container, last grow they all got 1 litre a day so it wasn’t an issue. Now I’m trying to water properly.

Ok, I have some good syrings so I can get pretty accurate.

I also bought an ec reader, arrived yesterday, I’ve not used it yet. My chart puts me at 1.8 ec level. No idea what ec I’ve been giving previously. If it’s above 1.8, how should I lower it?
I would mix up s batch like you have previously and then with your EC meter check to see where you're at and compare that to your feeding schedule.

I don't use an EC,TDS,PPM meter for my grows that are in soil or soil less mediums I have in the past when I used to grow RDWC.
Ok fair enough, I’ll check it out tonight and see what the ec sits at, if it’s really high I’ll look into adjusting it. The plants seem to be doing well from previous feeds so I expect it’ll be ok.
How is the plant that you topped doing?

Quite well, I’ll take a picture and will upload it. No idea how fast it’s meant to grow after a top but it’s growing! How are yours coming along now?
Growing like weeds. Oh yeah they are weeds:yummy:

Good, that’s what I like to hear!

Well, I forgot the picture. Lights are off, I’m in bed now, I guess I’ll send it tomorrow, it is looking good though.
Day something,

Plants given a full water, well 6 of them anyway. 2 were a tad heavier, these were the 2 which were hit by wind burn, so no surprise they got through the water a tad slower.

30 litres used across 6 plants. 10% run off on each plant. Dutch pro nutrients given, gave half of A&B due to EC/PPM being 2.9/1450. Managed to drop it down to 1.8EC/900PPM. PH was dropped with ‘ph down’ to 6. Tinges of yellow appearing on plants so I’ve added some CalMag, 2ml per 10 litres.

Plants looked pretty depressing after having 5 litres put in. Will post some photos tomorrow.
Well I’m in a bit of a predicament with that. I used just some builder 11 buckets last time. I’d like to get some air pots or smart pots, maybe 4 of each and see which I prefer more.

I found the 11 litre to be a little small and I had some more space to use up. I’d like to find a 4 gallon fabric pot.

What size do you use? Are you limited on space?
minimum 20L on pots for a decent root ball. in coco you can water more often and roots travel easier too but soil is slower that way. I m in 37L Living organic soil pots and wish inhad put all my autos into simar sized ones but they were done in 20L coco pots and still would have been happier in bigger I think. I grow in an attic space with limits and a 6ft×5ft coverage for flowering area so keeping them low is always a priority. Bigger pots mean you can train out wards more too. I saw you mentioned mainline and time to veg. Have you looked at maybe quadlining. Easy to do ,virtually no recovery time so no slow down and tou can get some great long colas growing with access to light . Rhere is a thread in my sig for it. 1st couple of pages are a guide of ways but page 1 says it all for the method amd results
Day 24,

So I watered the plants 24 hours ago, I had to wait 9 days to until they were ready, I did however have to water 2 of them today as they were running a bit behind.

Got home tonight and growth has exploded, couldn’t believe the size of the 6 I watered, had to raise the lights by 5 inches. Plants look fantastic, really happy with them. Start of heat stress was appearing with the leaves folding in from the sides ever so slightly, this was resolved with raising the lights.

I watered the 2 smaller ones today, you can see them at the front in the second photo. I am hopeful these two will explode in the next 24 hours similar to the other 6.

minimum 20L on pots for a decent root ball. in coco you can water more often and roots travel easier too but soil is slower that way. I m in 37L Living organic soil pots and wish inhad put all my autos into simar sized ones but they were done in 20L coco pots and still would have been happier in bigger I think. I grow in an attic space with limits and a 6ft×5ft coverage for flowering area so keeping them low is always a priority. Bigger pots mean you can train out wards more too. I saw you mentioned mainline and time to veg. Have you looked at maybe quadlining. Easy to do ,virtually no recovery time so no slow down and tou can get some great long colas growing with access to light . Rhere is a thread in my sig for it. 1st couple of pages are a guide of ways but page 1 says it all for the method amd results

Yeah I’m now using the 20 litre fabric pots. Only thing I’ve found is the soil isn’t leaning against the fabric, I can get my hand all the way around between the soil and the fabric container . This makes it a bit of a pain when watering because when the water hits the fabric it just soaked straight through. Realised I could have got more soil in too, lesson for next time I guess. I think I will go up to the 37 or even bigger next time. I realise just how much room I still have.

I saw a little about quad lining but I really didn’t take much notice. I assumed it was very similar and I guessed that’d mean a similar timeline. I’ll take a look at the thread. Thanks for that because I’m trying to find what will suit me best on my next grow.

What’s your preference, coco or living organic soil? That’s another thing I can’t decide on either, so many choices!

Yeah my tent is 2.0 tall so after 5 week veg on my first grow with no training they all still had a fair bit of room, so height isn’t really a worry with me.

I Will go through some of your journals in the next few days, working early and finishing late a lot this week. I try to read and it just doesn’t stay in my head when I’m tired.
Growing like weeds. Oh yeah they are weeds:yummy:

Here’s my little one. It’s a shame I can’t up pot yet as this one is just being done to get a timeline really, and I won’t have the space to up pot 10 of them on my next grow this early on.

Once growth appears stunted from rootbound I’ll know that’s how far I can go in my little veg cupboard. Might be able to fit some slightly bigger pots in the cupboard, but not much bigger unfortunately.

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