Well I was hoping for at least 10 when I decided to defoliate heavily at the end of week 5 in flower, I got carried away. Not sure how that affected them in the long run, I’ll never know.

Seeing what I got from the last one I see a kilo being reasonable as a target. I’m seeing people veg for around 6 weeks, mainlining and pulling 4/5 oz off a plant, that’s my target. I’ll be mainlining next grow, just need to create some more space in veg spot to allow for some bigger pots. I start my seedlings when I start the flush which allows me to overlap by 3 weeks, then the tent is empty ready for some new girls just a few weeks old.

If I can sort my veg spot out, I’d like to be able to do at least 2 lots of topping before putting them into the tent, but that’s means I need more space. Another alternative is going to coco, the recovery rates and speed of growth seems to be much better than soil which is really important for me.

If you go with coco you might try Fox farms coco loco Imo.$28 a bag pre buffered 5.5 ph tested with blue labs ph leap probe, decent stuff has everything you could ask for the first weeks of feeding ofcourse if you don't want to mingle with it to much. I did 70 percent coco and 30 percent ocean forest i would call it a hybrid coco mix added 3 inches of perlite in bottom, my roots are going crazy! my plants seem to be doing great so far.Most are 34 35 days old this is my first grow too. I water them from the bottom and the top seem to be flourishing


If you go with coco you might try Fox farms coco loco Imo.$28 a bag pre buffered 5.5 ph tested with blue labs pph leap probe, decent stuff has everything you could ask for the first weeks of feeding ofcourse if you don't want to mingle with it to much. I did 70 percent coco and 30 percent ocean forest i would call it a hybrid coco mix added 3 inches of perlite in bottom, my roots are going crazy! my plants seem to be doing great so far.Most are 34 35 days old this is my first grow too. I water them from the bottom and the top seem to be flourishing


That is some plant! Impressive. Problem we have from the UK fox farm we cannot get hold of. If we want it we have to import from the states and it come to about £100 for a 40ltr bag.


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Hmmmm sounds like you have a plan I will be doing things slightly different. But then I can with the soil.

I will be taking clones at week 3 of flower. Sticking them under the 300w cfl that gives them 9 weeks to re group recover and start vegging again. In that time the main plants will have 7 weeks of flower left, 1 week of drying. Whilst the drying begins I will have all my pots emptied into a big bag I will re amend the soil takes around 2 weeks to cook down. By that time the tent is free from drying. everything is cleaned down and ready to go again. In all I only lose 1 week and I'm back at it again this time my vegging time would have halved;)

It is the current plan, it has changed about 5 times in the last week, so anything could happen, I’m interested in keeping an eye on your organic side of things and how you get on with it.

Your plan sounds pretty solid. I think as a newbie to this the idea of doing cuttings just seems advanced, so it’s not something I’ve looked into very much, maybe it’s something I need to consider more. So after 9 weeks with your cuttings, if all goes well what week would you expect them to look like if they were grown from a seed.
If you go with coco you might try Fox farms coco loco Imo.$28 a bag pre buffered 5.5 ph tested with blue labs ph leap probe, decent stuff has everything you could ask for the first weeks of feeding ofcourse if you don't want to mingle with it to much. I did 70 percent coco and 30 percent ocean forest i would call it a hybrid coco mix added 3 inches of perlite in bottom, my roots are going crazy! my plants seem to be doing great so far.Most are 34 35 days old this is my first grow too. I water them from the bottom and the top seem to be flourishing



Wow, your stems look incredibly healthy. If I can ever resemble stems like that I’ll be a happy man! First grow? Nice!! Do you have a journal? As @Autofacade said it’s not financially viable here, but I will look into what other UK growers are using possibly similar too it.
Hi Kimber they're doing good just topped them today at the third node. Will probably up pot them to 7 gallon fabric pots on the weekend and start LST after they recover.IMG_20200108_140213.jpg

Nice , they look good. Did you have much growth after the 3rd node when you did the topping?
Day 17.

Think I suffered some wind burn on a couple of plants. My tent was changed quite a bit regarding to air flow since my last grow so some teething problems. Have turned a fan to a lower speed and turned one off. Now they are all moving just slightly rather than rustling around.

Last photo is to show some of the leaves curling down. I believe it is wind burn, but that’s just from checking online what it looked similar too. Plus the 2 which suffered were being hit by the fan harder than the rest.

@Emilya just a little ask about the soil. It’s a little darker around 2 inches down and a little bit of moisture, is that low enough to do a little watering? The bottom is still very wet so I know I’ve still got a couple of days before it’ll be close to giving a full watering.


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@Emilya just a little ask about the soil. It’s a little darker around 2 inches down and a little bit of moisture, is that low enough to do a little watering? The bottom is still very wet so I know I’ve still got a couple of days before it’ll be close to giving a full watering.
Every 2 or 3 days you can put small amounts on the surface without harming the wet/dry cycle... but take advantage of being able to do that right now by trying something that may be counterintuitive. This next time, instead of watering that little circle around the plant, ignore that area, and water only the outer edges of the container, all the way around. Again, only 2-3 inches deep, but make the outside edge the wettest spot in the container.
Guess where your "spreader" roots will head? Now, imagine this happening not just 2 or 3 inches down, but all the way down. Tease those roots out with that water while you can... entice them to fill that container.
Every 2 or 3 days you can put small amounts on the surface without harming the wet/dry cycle... but take advantage of being able to do that right now by trying something that may be counterintuitive. This next time, instead of watering that little circle around the plant, ignore that area, and water only the outer edges of the container, all the way around. Again, only 2-3 inches deep, but make the outside edge the wettest spot in the container.
Guess where your "spreader" roots will head? Now, imagine this happening not just 2 or 3 inches down, but all the way down. Tease those roots out with that water while you can... entice them to fill that container.

I did the watering as you advised, I focused on the inside this time as they hadn’t had water in 4 days, but while it was dry after 2 inches deep yesterday, it dropped to around 4 inches in 1 day, so I knew they needed a little watering. Moisture meter still shows plenty of water at bottom, around 5-6 inches deep. Big scales arrived today, checked some weights. Fresh pot of soil with same amount of soil as the plants weights near enough 1 kg lighter than the plants, which were of course watered.

After repotting I saturated with 2 litres of water in each pot, this is 2kg of water. This would indicate the plant has gotten through 1 kg of water in 4 days.
If it was me I would wait on the watering. If it's moist 2 inches down should ok till tomorrow then reassess.

Yeah I ended up doing it today, it dropped to around 4 inches today so I gave it a light watering today.
Day 18,

Appeared to be suffering from some wind burn yesterday, lowered fan speed and turned a fan off. All signs of the wind burn seem to be gone.

Plants were drooping today, just like a ‘I want water droop’ so they got a light watering as top 4 inches were dry in the soil. I’m doing this as they were recently transplanted so I’m ensuring the root ball doesn’t dry out.

Plants were given recommended week 3 nutrients from Dutch pro chart. Will keep an eye on them for any burns.


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Had a quick peek before work this morning, every plant looked perfect, any signs of drooping is long gone! Will do daily update when I’m home.
Day 19,

So if you read through my journal you will see my struggles with the air intake fan. I use it to push air between my plants and lights to ensure I can run them as close as possible without an heat stress.

As the plants grow I have to move both the lights and the intake ducting up. Due to getting used to flowering last time, when of course after the 3rd week they barely grow, I’m being a tad lazy with these ones and I keep letting the intake hit the plants. It mainly hits the 2 front ones on the right, I’ll note that on the picture below. They are the only 2 plants drooping, so I’m guessing/hoping this is why. I’ve moved the ducting again and I will keep a closer eye on this, it’s simply too strong to use this directly on the plants.

Water schedule is coming along. They had 1 watering when they were repotted 6 days ago, they’ve also had a light watering on the top yesterday. I’m using a moisture meter just while I try to get used to the weights of when it’s dry compared to wet. I’m also using same scales to try and give me an idea too. It seems it has around 3-5 lnches of water, I’ll recheck it tomorrow and hopefully I can get it to drop to 2 inches before I water fully again.

Other than the drooping showing on 2 of them, the plants look great. I’ve got 2 fighting for the top spot size wise, once they start to grow past the others I’ll higher the pots of the lower ones to ensure they all get the same light.

As you can see with the picture I’ve inserted above, the 2 bottom ones are drooping a bit. The one on the bottom right has almost been pushed in by the power of the intake fan, I’ll keep a close eye on this one.

This is yesterday’s update I wrote out and forgot to upload, will do another one tonight when lights come back on.


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I grow germinate 10 seeds, veg all of them under a T5 220W light. Once they are ready for the tent I only keep 8. Because on the next grow I want to try mainlining I’ve decided to try this on one of the plants which didn’t make the tent.

The reason it didn’t make the tent was because the stem was so thin and weak the plant was nearly falling over, this was one which really did suffer from me over watering. I’ve changed my watering schedule and this one has perked right up. It’s in a 1 litre pot while I start the first steps to mainlining.

I read from a tutorial I simply found while googling and it seems similar to what a lot do on here.

First step is to top once it has 5 nodes. I topped above the 3rd node, it said to wait to ensure the plant could handle being topped, hence why I didn’t top when the 3rd node appeared.

Second step is to top the 2 side branches which will now grow out on the 3rd node. Each time I top I remove the 1st and 2nd branches and just keep the fan leaves. Then I will top the 4 branches on the first node which should give me 8 mains. Through out this I will be tying certain parts down as the guide shows. I won’t put the guide on here as it’s not a 420 link.

Today I did my first top, it won’t get a day by day update similar to my 8 plants, but I will add some updates on this journal. This one is a bit of fun and will hopefully help me with my timeline for when I germinate my next seeds, ensuring the tent is empty from this grow.

I saw it noted to top a little bit above the node to ensure it doesn’t split once it fattens up.

This plant will go into the tent eventually I think, as I won’t have space to do all the tops in my veg spot, but it won’t ever get fully flowered as I dry my buds in the tent, and the others will finish flowering before this one which means I can’t run the light to finish this one. My main goal is just to go through all the tops and lst correctly and try and learn from any mistakes I make.
Day 20 from planting,

Yesterday I had 2 plants drooping slightly, from what I suspected was wind burn. After sorting the problem they appear to be on the mend, not quite as perky as the others, but well on its way. They are still showing new growth so I don’t think they’ve been stunted in anyway thankfully.

I do have an odd looking plant, I’ll add the full photo below and make a note. One side appears bigger than the other, is this anything to worry about? It looks healthy and appears to be doing just fine.

@Emilya I’ve been reading through your gjotm, I saw you actually noting the exact weights and then doing it several hours later, with this you were able to see how much water they drink per hour. I decided to try the same and after doing this over a 48 hour period I found they all averagely got through 280ml every 24 hours. Totalling 560ml of water. For the top watering I gave them just 500ml of water, mainly focusing in the middle on the rootball. This was a quarter of the water I gave when I initially gave them a full watering.

Should I expect this to slow down as the soil gets drier and drier each day? I do plan another top watering tomorrow which will be 3 days after the previous top watering. It was dry between 2 and 3 inches deep from the top, so I decided to leave them until tomorrow, plus no signs of drooping from the bottom leaves were seen today. I will focus on the outside mainly on the next top watering. Tomorrow will be 7 days without a full watering. The probe shows its still very wet around 5-6 inches deep.

Below is the photo of the plant which looks a little odd compared to the others.



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