Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

... I believe that there is one secret to a healthy cannabis plant which has so far been unrecognised.

The 420 Magazine sticker.

Absolutely correct, Mr Teddy :high-five: It's quite obvious from this unweighted comparison :geek:

I may increase the concentration of stickers for the next round of 6 seeds (soaking since sunrise).

Maybe up to 4 s.p.t. (stickers per tent) and place them slightly higher for better coverage :dreamy:

Or do you think each plant needs it's own sticker? :scratchinghead:
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Absolutely correct, Mr Teddy :high-five: It's quite obvious from this unweighted comparison :geek:

I may increase the concentration of stickers for the next round of 6 seeds (soaking since sunrise).

Maybe up to 4 s.p.t. (stickers per tent) and place them slightly higher for better coverage :dreamy:

Or do you think each plant needs it's own sticker? :scratchinghead:

Mr Teddy: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Mrs Teddy (from upstairs): What are you laughing at? Are you reading that Rico Richy Richards' journal again? Has he Rick Astley thing'd you? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE COOKING SUPPER.

*slinks quietly towards the kitchen*
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

I've given up trying to find new ways of saying "Looking good".

Looking good, RR.
Try this one Teddy.


Thanxx for the white light pics Mr. Suavay.
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Good Morning Sara, hope you have a great New Year celebration :circle-of-love:

This was day 28 - 1 month in the tent so far, only a million weeks to go until harvest :high-five:


This one is 9 inches from the LED now.


I may take some cuttings from her and attempt to root them under a 420 Magazine sticker.

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

I believe that humidity is important for cuttings so remember to put a dome over the sticker.
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

I would gradually increase the number of stickers vs all at once Richard sir.
One would not want the Plants to undergo Sticker Shock Manic Immune Negative Nugget Overdose Wilting or S.S.M.I.N.N.O.W. for short.
I'm sure the stickers of The Alliance will help, But everything in Moderation sir. ;)
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Day 30 new camera update :)


Under the MARS II LED light with white balance adjusted accordingly.



The sticker is really encouraging side branch elongation now.

The Mutant :love:



re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

We have gone through a few tent,s and I have seen what some of my friends have .. Hands down Get a Gorilla they are built like a TANK.

Great looking grow!:thumb:
Not trying to hijack this thread, just sharing my experience w the GGT LITE version.
I would NOT recommend gorilla 'LITE' version. Had this happen to me in week 5.
Just so members have a heads up.
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Very beautiful and determined uncertain hybrids. And such a lovely mutant. :love:

Thank you CareStaker, these are from today, day 31


The littlest one, at front center, is toast. Sacrificed herself for the others. No pics :rip:



I have more evidence for the power of the 420 Magazine stickers :geek:


They were all planted a couple of days ago at the same time, the only difference is the sticker (and random genetics).


She has a new home :dreamy: I stripped off the "teabag" before planting in the soilmix


As shadowy as I could place her, back left. This photo is after watering.

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Hi Stage, I don't have the Lite version. Have you contacted Gorilla about that?

Richard Richardson,
Yep. You bet your 420 mag sticker I did.
I know you didnt make the mistake of getting the lite version, I was only commenting on the post in your journal that gave a blanket endorsement for ALL GG tents.
The zippers are plastic and aren't as well constructed as the original.
Unfortunately, GGT sales will only send out a replacement tarp if i pay full price.
I explained that I am in the middle of a grow but the only way to get a replacement with out paying full price($280) is after this grow is done.
I only hope they will honor the replacement when my grow is done.
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Yeah, it's difficult when you can't do without the item. How long do you have left before you can send it back?

I really don't know. I notified them at or around the 30-35 day mark. So they could adhere to the offer to replace or....not.
We shall see.
Either way, good luck with your grow. :thumb:
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

They were all planted a couple of days ago at the same time, the only difference is the sticker (and random genetics).


I believe it's to do with the CAR value. Or more correctly, The 420 Magazine CAR Sticker Value. CAR, as I'm sure you know, being the Coolness Ambient Radiance. Obviously the CAR of the sticker is both very powerful and very focussed.

Given that so few have access to the sticker and its CAR, further evidence would be interesting. Just my 2 cents.

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

I believe it's to do with the CAR value. Or more correctly, The 420 Magazine CAR Sticker Value. CAR, as I'm sure you know, being the Coolness Ambient Radiance. Obviously the CAR of the sticker is both very powerful and very focussed.

Given that so few have access to the sticker and its CAR, further evidence would be interesting. Just my 2 cents.

I think you are right, Mr Teddy :high-five: I actually had a CAR meter once, but I never read the manual.

From their website:
The Apology MQ200 is the industry standard in portable CAR meters, featuring tiny sunglasses attached to the sensor, which is wrapped in a little black leather jacket.

Radiance that drives plant growth strength is called Coolness Ambient Radiance (CAR) and is typically defined as total radiance across a range of sticker types. CAR is often expressed as Proper Plant Feelings (PPF): Plant Feelings in units of microsquirryls per square meter per second (µmsq m-2 s-1, equal to microteddys per square meter per second).

While microteddys and microsquirryls are equal (one Squirryl = one mole of coolness), the Teddy is not an SI unit, so expressing PPF as µmsq m-2 s-1 is preferred. This is known as a "Radion"

Sensors that measure Radions and their effect on Proper Plant Feelings (PPF) are often called quantized sensors, due to the quantized nature of stickers. A quantum refers to the minimum quantity of sensation, one Radion, involved in physical interactions (e.g. growing, touching, looking (but not touching) etc.). In other words, one Radion is a single squirryl of diffusely reflected electromagetism.
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Very useful. Now I understand. I'd never realised of course that microsquirryling around was involved. Obvious now.

Thanks, Richard. Blogged +reps.
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