Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

I just love that little girl in the back left corner....:circle-of-love:
Her new growth looks healthy.

Thanks guys, she is coming on well and has her first visible female flowers (Lower right side of pic)


:passitleft: Just passing through Rico... Hope your having a green and blessed day....:circle-of-love:

Thanks Dennise :circle-of-love: It looks pretty purple on top,


But underneath its all green :)


Hello Richard, seems everything going just fine. :thumb:

Yes it is, Sara :thanks: This was day 15 :)






What size is your grow tent and what are you using for ventilation?

Hi KingJohnC, This is a 3 foot by 3 foot tent. I am using holes for ventilation for now, one at the bottom left and one at the top right. I have a small fan next to the lower opening, blowing fresh air over a small oil filled radiator (set to 1/3) which warms and dissipates the air flow.


I will set up the extraction and carbon filter soon, as it is beginning to smell (nicely) but this works for now.

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

I still love that little girl in the corner... I have never seen anything like her... She looks like a Christmas plant my Mum used to have.... Can't remember what it was called but it was a beautiful plant and so is your girl... Well they all are but for some reason she is just special... Not short bus special just special....:circle-of-love:
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

The runt seems to be growing healthy new growth now, any ideas why it grew so strangely to start with ?
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

The runt seems to be growing healthy new growth now, any ideas why it grew so strangely to start with ?

She was always weird looking, this was from just before xmas:


She is the product of two bagseed hybrids that brought out some strange looks.

I'm glad she's starting to look normal, but her stem is really thin.
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Those stickers are nice ;)

Is it me or do you see some leaves on those autos that just do whatever?

I had that with mine, maybe it's normal and I'm new at them, or yours are dry, but I noticed a couple leaves going down, one or two on same plant doing opposite...?

Nice grow
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Hi Petergreen, thank you. There are some dead leaves at the base of the mutant's stem and her veg leaves were all distorted, but her flowering leaves are coming out normal. None of them are autos, just 12/12 from bagseed :)
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

:ciao: Richard Richardson

If there's somebody not quite right in a Greek village - and there always is - they are regarded as lucky. They are loved and bring good fortune to all who care for them.

I think this a A Very Good Thing.

May your strange little girl also bring blessings upon your crop.
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Hows about some white light pics of the mutant Mr. Rico Suavay.
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

You know, you can spend months getting the right soil mix, continually adjust the environment for perfect temperature and humidity, spray organically for pests as necessary, foliar feed, water correctly and just sit down and talk to them.

But I believe that there is one secret to a healthy cannabis plant which has so far been unrecognised.

The 420 Magazine sticker.

:thanks: RR
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