Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Hello Richard, long time. :circle-of-love:

Hi Sara :ciao: Nice to see you again :circle-of-love:


Sir rico the underground bunker has came a long way :)
I'm pleased to be here along for the ride
The first page of this journal was pure brilliance

Hi Macca, Thank you and :welcome: this is the current state of affairs :geek:


Best of buds to you my friend :)

They are best of buds and the worst of buds, my friend :high-five:

We have, out of a certain stash-flow situation, already sampled away 3 plants :yummy: This one is almost gone as well:


We are now sampling the mutant, which is very sativa-leaning and for all her ugliness/scrawniness, she has been the best smoke of the bunch so far. I picked the gnat off before sampling this one :)


Still waiting on these, but high hopes for the future :)


Note to self: Must hold back until harvest :goodluck:


hope im not late

not too bad seats to watch the show :popcorn:

Not too late, brother...Not much of a show either :high-five: Unless you count the sticker :cheer:


Looks like Whorled Phyllotaxis... are there four leafs per node too?

Not sure, but that would be interesting; she was trapped in the seed membrane for about a day before I noticed. When I peeled it off, the cotyledon was white and the undetermined cells in the apical meristem that would normally form the first leaves, instead formed 2 more cotyledons. They all greened up over a couple of days and are positioned parallel, as there was no room for any Phyllotaxis inside the membrane, but they twist into a cross shape to catch the light.

My theory is that the cells in the apical meristem require light before they can form into proper leafs, but make cotyledons in the dark.

I put her in the tent yesterday with the others. I now have 4 seedlings.


2 look like this:


This one is actually bigger, just further away


Big light, little box. Sweet.

I also love how you went straight to flower. With so many ppl doing x-tra long veg it's nice to see the opposite.


Thanks Johnny :high-five: with bagseed and small spaces, I think 12/12 from seed is best.

I would never have kept this plant going through a normal veg:


But I really appreciate her now.


Her effect is very uplifting and even put a smile on my face, once.


I haven't had a "weak" strain yet from all this bagseed, but she is special.


In all kinds of ways :dreamy:


Completely ugly, but a great smoke :clap:


Good to know...I shoot semi professionally but have never custom white balanced to compensate for purple light. You learn something everyday...didn't know it could be done.

I try to aim at something white in the tent, to get the best white balance possible :high-five:


I have to try this.
Thanxx $Rico Suavay.

Hi Reg, you are :welcome:


re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Cant believe you've smoked everything before its finished doing its thing, you sir are an animal :rofl:
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Thanks Mr Teddy :thanks:

Cant believe you've smoked everything before its finished doing its thing, you sir are an animal :rofl:

I know, I am an animal. it's terrible, really.

However, the others were almost ready-ish and I had no choice but a Hobson's: To smoke or not to smoke?

That was the question... :scratchinghead:

Whether 'twas nobler in the mind to suffer the frustration and restlessness of outrageous misfortune :confused:
Or to take bongs against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them? :bongrip:

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Not too late, brother...Not much of a show either :high-five: Unless you count the sticker :cheer:

always a show when i can watch people as experienced as you grow :high-five:

everything is looking great mate, awesome update, glad to see you work

your special lady reminds me a lot of Dr Grinspoon, ugly plant with unbelievably strong uplifting high

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

What a difference a day makes :)


Twenty-four little hours :high-five:


Brought the sun and the flowers :dreamy:


Where there used to be rain :slide:


A half ounce of Moroccan Polm to save the rest of my harvest; courtesy of Mr Squirryl's cousin, Dangerous Dale :byebye:


re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Lordy Lordy Lordy, O my Lord. I haven't seen anything remotely like that for maybe 30 years.

The smart 420 i-sticker even tells us the name. Does its CAR have no end?
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

Wow ric that looks tasty.
Been a while since I could get my hands on any of that
And even longer since it looked that color
Last time I had it was a good 5 year ago and it was dark and had bits of polythene bag it it lol
re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

re: Gorilla 3X3 Tent Grow - Mars II 1200 LED

:ciao: I wish you could all "smoke the loaf" with me :hug:

We have extremely humid weather at the moment, my ODP (Only Decent Plant) fell over a few days ago :straightface:


She bent over near the base and is now held upright with some garden wire ^^ attached to the side pole.


She is not enjoying her relatively tiny pot and her cola has grown too close to the LED light.


Plus, everything looks pollinated, Especially the mutant :rip: I found an open ex-banana on the other, extremely sampled plant.


The latest seedling appears to have 3 leaves to go along with her 4 cotyledons :scratchinghead:

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