Gods Green Crack & Red Monster By Suntana



This is a little off topic but I figure we all enjoy Suntanas thread so lets keep it active for a bit til Suntana is good to go again. This is a 7 Pot Brown Pepper I grew on my deck. Superhot peppers are my other hobby. It caused 2 out of 2 people to get the hiccups. Any superhot that invokes the hiccups is officially into the !@#$ing hot zone!
Well everything is alive, yay!!! They don't look like I'll have to much trouble getting them to the finish line. Although they are not immaculate I have to say my wife did a great job. You guys are great, thanks for the support, even Blaze is lol. Here's a couple pictures, I expected them to be a little bigger idk.

The mutant

Back to bed for this guy! Thanks for hanging in there .I have lots of catching up to do in your journals.
Any crazy shit happen lately, let me know haha.
Looking good Suntana! I am now down in and around The Southeast of BC working. Still pretty smokey but its cooling off. Forgot how beautiful the mountains are around the Kootenays. Spent some time in Castlegar and Nelson earlier in the year..bunch of dope smoking hippies...my kinda peeps lol.

Fires are looking ok. Not too crazy. Things should be settling down. Hope you are feeling better!
G2HM have you ever seen 28 Days Later? I picture Suntana emerging from the hospital, no one around... wandering around, trying to piece together what happened... streets are empty... until eventually realizing they're running a marathon of Planet Earth episodes and the entirety of Canada is too baked to get off of their couch! :laugh:
G2HM have you ever seen 28 Days Later? I picture Suntana emerging from the hospital, no one around... wandering around, trying to piece together what happened... streets are empty... until eventually realizing they're running a marathon of Planet Earth episodes and the entirety of Canada is too baked to get off of their couch! :laugh:

*This was me while reading your quote...
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