Gods Green Crack & Red Monster By Suntana

Actually Sun you saved 25$. As long as peeps don't pay full price is all that matters while MB2 is a glowing sponsor. Oil for everyone, accessible to all.

That was for the Nova, they can have the extra 10, if it works as good as some say, I'm a happy man. I almost bought a toaster oven. I'm going to set up a lab by the time I'm done hahaha, seriously though I'm getting excited to get it going. I have to get some CBD strains in my mix, that candida sounds great. ✌️....☔
That was for the Nova, they can have the extra 10, if it works as good as some say, I'm a happy man. I almost bought a toaster oven. I'm going to set up a lab by the time I'm done hahaha, seriously though I'm getting excited to get it going. I have to get some CBD strains in my mix, that candida sounds great. ✌️....☔
I'm gonna make the drive down to be ur lab guinea pig sun. "Doc...i need more"
No, but not helping with the fires, the whole west side of Canada had been record breaking. Scary dry. The evacuation line is getting closer which I don't like. .

Yeah I have been keeping a close eye on the fires around the kootenays, got you in my thoughts, hope things settle down. Gonna be a week at least before rain comes. I may have to head down there to kick some ass lol
It's supposed to start getting a little cooler but no rain.
Sure hope you get some rain! It's been blazing hot here too. 33 yesterday... other years by now I have seen snow on the ground. Global warming is the culprit I think, or is it climate change... well one of those buzz words.
No, but not helping with the fires, the whole west side of Canada had been record breaking. Scary dry. The evacuation line is getting closer which I don't like. .
I wouldn't either. Edmonton hasn't been too bad. Had one or two days that have been gross but then again I was in Ontario damn near all summer.
Yeah I have been keeping a close eye on the fires around the kootenays, got you in my thoughts, hope things settle down. Gonna be a week at least before rain comes. I may have to head down there to kick some ass lol

We need you!! Lol I have s buddy that's a heli pilot. Every year that's what he does, fire fight. Years ago when I was young I fought fire in beaverdale, not an easy job at all. Long hot days.
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