Ghempster & C.R.E.A.M. Autos: Pro-Mix With Organic Nutrients Under MarsHydro


Fed using RAW schedule for 8 week cycle. I have switched over almost completely to RAW supplements only a couple left to get and will switch 100%


Had to raise light again another couple inches.



CREAM by Oasis Genetics on the far right (above) and far back (below)
CREAM by Canuk Seeds on the far left (above) and up front (below)


Had to raise light twice yesterday 5cm (2") before feeding and 5cm (2") an hour after


Had to take a closer inspection of my CREAM by Oasis Genetics as she has some very strange growth patterns.

It started early on with the solid leaf ( see earlier ) and I chaulked it up as an environment side effect which I still believe it was.

But since than she has put a lot of energy into her fourth limb and it has matched the top cola just as if I had topped the plant once. But that's not where the strange ends.


That same limb never grew normal the first two nodes looked normal but actually grew out of one side of stem only.


Than the strange hits the an all time high at the next node where half the stalk pretends to be topped and the other half of the stem continues on as if nothing weird going on.

So out of this node she decides to push out 4 leaves and 4 stems plus the main stem.


Than the next node could not be out done so she decided to actually top herself not to pretend. But of course instead of 2 stem emerging she sends out 4 leaves and six stem 2 of which are dominate.


So in theend Ihave a 3 top cola plant and it was 100% hands free.


This is probably nothing special and seen a million times but first for me so I wanted to document it.

Moved girls around so now both CREAM's together in back with by OG on left and by Canuk Seeds on right.


She needed water so received well water with carbon ( buffer PH ), Yucca ( wetting agent )

Before watering her color had faded from center of new growth and her leaves were droppy but almost instantly she was back to her hyper self and over night grew so much I had to raise the Mars Hydro TSL-2000 up all the way to ceiling.


She is gonna be thic.

Measured her height today at 96 cm ( 38") Seedbank list height from 80-100cm so if I went by that she is just about topped out; however, She still growing and has not started her flower stretch so i am head scratching for sure. :hmmmm: I expect to see another foot for sure unless she just up and stops on me.

I am happy either way.


Sorry for edit just smoked one got caught up in moment and firgot what I was doing.

She wants to be called Rocket. I guess. So Rocket it is. And she is about to take off I do believe.

She stopped vertical growth at exactly 39" and has spent most of her free time making buds.


And Rocket girl did take off she stretch a couple inches and her lowerboostwr rockets is where she concentrated most of her energy.
I would like to thank everyone for coming out, checking out my grow and making comments..oh wait ah dam that was me. LoL
Thanks @Sparkey224 i have enjoyed learning new things about this glorious plant and hope to continue to learn more.

And I think it might be paying off. Knock on wood.

Happy growing
This plant is by far my favorite she is a sight to behold. She is still growing towards light although slowly. And the buds are developing nicely.

Back left in pic


Rocketgirl is also hard to stop staring at.

View from my perch has changed as environment evolves


CREAM by Oasis Genetics far back left stands out and is very hard not too stare at.


Buds are developing nicely.


Rocketgirl ( CREAM by Canuk Seeds ) is getting private treatment.

Harvest time for Canuk Seeds CREAM.
She smells just like Caramel CREAM candy and weighs a ton. I am curious what the end weight will be.

Trics were all amber with very little cloudy or clear.

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