Ghempster & The Aurora Borealis Autos


Bud growth has slowed as she is showing signs of phosphorus deficiency in her stem ( see pic ). If showing this she is most likely deficient in calcium also, hopefully turn her around but late in flower.


Male has done this just last night not sure what this signifies still researching. I have very little experience with males.

Not sure if she got really stunted by the bad ph'd feeding but she should be farther along than she is. Hopefully bounce back and finish ok.


Moved male upstairs away from girls as he was making me nervous.

I think my 4 year old has her fathers feelings for cannabis as she actually hugs him every morning and says ohh Christmas tree. LOL
Hey @DonkeyDick a little crazy here about 5feet of snow being digging out for the last few days.

Had my ph pen die on me and feed plants some bad ph'd water causing deficiencies. Stopped bud growth on plants and stalled all others.

Got it all fixed now but buds won't be a good size.

Thanks for checking in.
crazy here about 5feet of snow being
that’s deep
Got it all fixed now
that’s dope
ph pen die
Stopped bud growth on plants and stalled
buds won't be a good size.

These things come in threes. That’s alll the rotten luck you’ll be having for a while.
You can claim martyr points off the rest of your family for the next three months having Taken One For The Team.
It’s an embuggerance for sure [insertdeityofchoice]dammit!
Thanks DD :passitleft: here is to trying again. I believe I know exactly all that went wrong in this grow and all is preventable.

People always said " you learn from your mistakes", The thing is seems like I am always learning hmmmm DOH!!

" you learn from your mistakes", The thing is seems like I am always learning hmmmm DOH!!
I know where you’re coming from. FWIW I wear it on my sleeve - I’m not just a donkey :rolleyes:
Every grow gets better. I was happy enough with the results of my first even though it was really hard. So by a few more rounds your harvests will just be all that many much more betterer.

Here is the male I have upstairs. Well I am pretty sure it is flat out Hermie from seed as all the bud sites above the two nodes of balls look to be all female buds. But I will let time be the final word on that.


Trimmed her while she was still standing and harvested her an hung to dry as a whole plant.

I have a great pic of the four year old working on the male. She was sitting trimming leaves and talking to the plant.
Dude that’s the cutest!

Too bad the pic is against rules it is very cute. She looking straight into plant very serious look on her face and still singing O Christmas tree.
In the process of making sure never to have ph issues again. Gifted ( for Christmas ) myself a Bluelabs soil ph tester. However was just right now I had the chance to test it out as I never had the calibration solution until the other day. So finally got it calibrated and also re-calibrated my cheaper water ph pen. Used cheap pen to test calibration solution and everything was 100% and got a check mark on the soil pen signifying it was calibrated.

Tested every pots medium and recorded values. Than for shits and giggles I decided to test the soil ph with the cheap $3 3in1 tester and go figure same values.

I had one pot measuring 7.0 and another at 7.5 and both testers results were the same.

So other than being out a couple hundred bucks i did find out the cheap testers work great for testing hydration and ph of medium. It is easier to read than the cheap one.

But I am not complaining as I now have one of the best ph pens on the market. And works in both soil and water. :yahoo:
Nice work on the kit. One can never have enough tools.
Too bad the pic is against rules it is very cute. She looking straight into plant very serious look on her face and still singing O Christmas tree.
If it isn’t framed above the fireplace then you have Christmas cards sorted out for her when she’s older, and her kids when they are too who’s to say?
Anyone give opinions on sex of this plant.

It’s a little blurry and my glasses aren’t super squeaky clean, but I’d buy him her a drink in the right light :laugh:
Not sure if that helps.
Thanks for stopping by @Backlipslide . I will start teaching her about the plant as soon as she is wants to learn, she has shown interest in it for sure.
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