GDB's Express Grow

Hello growers.

It's Flip + 4 for the Express Grow.

Not much to report today. I noticed this morning that the group has gotten used to the new light schedule. This morning at 8:55am, five minutes before lights out, they were all hunkered down, ready for the dark.

They were fed 3 days ago with 4.6g of MC and 6ml of organic calmag (0-0-0). Now their pots are quite light. They'll get water only (+ 6ml Calmag 4-0-0) this evening at 9 when the lights come back on.

Unfortunately, I woke up at 4am today. When I checked on them then, the Pinkman Goo looked so fetching (IMO) that I took her out for a solo pic.
Goo 3-31-22 Day 54.jpg

As always, thanks for stopping by.

Hello folks.

It's Day 37 for the Express Grow.

Today I want to highlight how things have changed.

Here's the trio on day 18.

The Black Domina in the rear had tons of roots developing and was drinking much faster than the others. And her leaves were a kind of washed-out green.

The Grape Ape on the right was scrawny (she emerged a day after the others) and low-key.

The Pinkman Goo on the left had started out strong and seemed headed for dominance.

Now, there's been a changing of the guard.

Express Group portrait 3-14-22 Day 37.JPG

The Blk Dom, left, still has the washed-out green look. I believe it's genetic. However, she has overtaken the Goo (far right) size-wise.

The Grape Ape (middle) has bulked up and overtaken both the others in height and girth.

And the little Goo is left to wonder what the hell is going on? :)

Here they are from up top in the same positions.
Express Group 3-14-22 Day 37.JPG

From humble beginnings....

Thanks for looking in.

They look sweet off to the races we go .Nice!
She's a beauty, GDB!
It's Flip + 5 for the Express Grow.

The Black Domina (right rear) has started to stretch. She's grown 3 inches from the flip date and now stands 15 inches tall. The other 2 haven't moved yet.
Express Tent 4-1-22 Flip 5.jpg

Love it GDB! They look so vibrant!

Such happy plants!
They're loving the new lighting schedule!

Beautiful plants. :ganjamon:

Gorgeous girls you got there.

Good job those are definitely happy plants.

So flipped! And happy about it!

They look very healthy and lovely GDB!

They look sweet off to the races we go .Nice!

I'll say!

She's a beauty, GDB!
Thank you all so much for the positive feedback! It really lifts one's spirits! :thanks:
Hello grow enthusiasts!

It Flip + 6 for the Express Grow (@Azimuth, "Yeah, we know. You'll be here all week.")

I'm going to decrease the frequency of these posts for a while. The plants are on cruise control at the moment and there are no notable changes from day to day. In so many ways, that's a good thing!

Here's a tent pic from this morning (that looks nearly the same as yesterday's tent pic).
Express Tent 4-2-22 Flip 6.jpg

On another subject, I got something new delivered yesterday. This company was offering a sweet deal on these two sample packs.

I took one of the "Keep Calm" ones yesterday and then completed my entire tax return (Federal and State) from start to finish with barely a hint of anxiety! So it gets an A+ from me.

However, the real test will be the "Sleep Tight" ones. If they work for me then I'll be a happy puppy!

Any of you ever tried these or something similar? Did they really help calm me while doing my taxes. Or was it the fact that this is my first filing over the age of 65 and my first time seeing the savings that entails? :laughtwo:

Thanks for looking in.

(that looks nearly the same as yesterday's tent pic).
Close, but they're a little prettier today... :thumb:
Any of you ever tried these or something similar?
These are similar, but with a little added octane...
I won some of these from @CopperCBD in the PotY contest- 15mg CBD/ 10mg Delta 8 each...these work well to alleviate anxiety, but
it's the D8 that you feel- it's pretty mild, but you can def. feel the D8 at work...
I do use some straight CBD vape carts, and they do help with anxiety on their own, just not quite as well as the gummies "spiked" with Delta 8...
Or, you can mix the 2 types of vape carts (couple hits CBD, couple hits D8) for a nice calm, mild buzz that also promotes great sleep if used just before bed...These 2 cannabinoids seem to work real well together...
I don't think they could look any better going into flower. Bang on.
Thanks Vet.

You don't think they have too much space in there? :laugh:
On another subject, I got something new delivered yesterday. This company was offering a sweet deal on these two sample packs.

I took one of the "Keep Calm" ones yesterday and then completed my entire tax return (Federal and State) from start to finish with barely a hint of anxiety! So it gets an A+ from me.

However, the real test will be the "Sleep Tight" ones. If they work for me then I'll be a happy puppy!

Any of you ever tried these or something similar? Did they really help calm me while doing my taxes. Or was it the fact that this is my first filing over the age of 65 and my first time seeing the savings that entails? :laughtwo:

Thanks for looking in.


The plants look great, GDB!

I was always told not to take CBD alone at bedtime as it interrupts your normal sleep patterns... :hmmmm:
The plants look great, GDB!

I was always told not to take CBD alone at bedtime as it interrupts your normal sleep patterns... :hmmmm:
Could be true, HashGirl.

But my sleep patterns are already mucked up. I doubt it could make matters worse! :Rasta:
Could be true, HashGirl.

But my sleep patterns are already mucked up. I doubt it could make matters worse! :Rasta:

I read that too and thought “oh to have a normal sleep pattern that could be interrupted. Bliss!“. Excuse my sleepless aside. 5am and already three hours in to another long-ass day :cheesygrinsmiley:

How are the gummies? Any noticeable difference with the delta 8?
How are the gummies? Any noticeable difference with the delta 8?
The CBD/D8 gummies are really nice- you get the pain relieving action of both CBD and Delta 8, and a nice little buzz to go along with it. D8 is a very mild buzz, which, for me anyway, helps me get to sleep and stay asleep all night.
I also sometimes vape CBD and D8 together, but the gummies , which last about 5 hours, seem to be better for getting to sleep and staying that way...
I smoked CBD before bed for a year before I heard that you shouldn't do that, and it's never kept me awake, but everyone is a little different, I guess...
The CBD/D8 gummies are really nice- you get the pain relieving action of both CBD and Delta 8, and a nice little buzz to go along with it. D8 is a very mild buzz, which, for me anyway, helps me get to sleep and stay asleep all night.
I also sometimes vape CBD and D8 together, but the gummies , which last about 5 hours, seem to be better for getting to sleep and staying that way...
I smoked CBD before bed for a year before I heard that you shouldn't do that, and it's never kept me awake, but everyone is a little different, I guess...
I ordered some Ruukies, MrC!

(However, I wasn't pleased with their $7 delivery charge for that little bag. :straightface: )
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