GDB's Express Grow

Hello growers.

It's Day 45 for the Express Grow and the girls are on the mend!

Little by little they are returning to normalcy and starting to grow again.
Express Grow 3-22-22 Day 45 labels.jpg


Thanks for looking in.

Looks like they are lovin life GDB!
Thanks N420! Now to stay out of the way. :Rasta:

Easier said than done.

I could not resist laying hands on them today before lights out. So I went in and moved ties around trying to open them up a bit more. Ideally, I'd like to flip these as soon as possible so I'm kind of accelerating the process of setting them up for flip.
Express Grow 3-22-22 more training D45 labels.jpg

That Pinkman Goo is a tough cookie, very resistant to my efforts to open her up! It's a battle she will ultimately win because I'm determined not to break her!

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

Here's a pic to show how the girls bounced back from training yesterday. It's Day 46 for the Express Grow.
Express Grow 3-23-22 Day 46.jpg

I'll get on them again within the next few days. They getting close to being set up for flip!

Thanks for looking in.

Hello grow lovers.

It's Day 47 for the Express Grow.

I feel like I'm on schedule with these girls, maybe even ahead of schedule. My goal with this bunch is to keep them on the shortish side, which for one thing means no extended veg period. Now I can look at them and say with confidence they will be flipped on or before day 55!

Some solo shots.

Pinkman Goo
Goo 3-24-22 Day 47.JPG

Grape Ape
Grape Ape 3-24-22 Day 47.JPG

Black Domina
Blk Domina 3-24-22 Day 47.JPG

And a tent shot for good measure:
Express Grow tent 3-24-22 Day 47.jpg

There is still a little discoloration on a few leaves from the previous calmag issue but its not spreading. Some of the leaves that had been yellowing reverted back to green. Those that were too far gone to revert remain on the plants, for now.

Thanks for looking in.

Hello all.

Its Day 49 for the Express Grow and I'm ready to flip the bunch.

The Black Domina and Pinkman Goo are both 12 inches tall, and the Grape Ape is about 14 inches. My goal for this grow was to keep the final heights to around 3 feet. Flipping them now should easily keep me in that range.

I went at them hard last night, bending some branches and extending ties further out on others. But by this morning I couldn't tell. They just bounce right back!

Beginning tomorrow, they'll be getting 12 hours of darkness instead of six.

Express Tent 3-26-22 Day 49 labels.jpg

Thanks for stopping by.

Hello all.

Its Day 49 for the Express Grow and I'm ready to flip the bunch.

The Black Domina and Pinkman Goo are both 12 inches tall, and the Grape Ape is about 14 inches. My goal for this grow was to keep the final heights to around 3 feet. Flipping them now should easily keep me in that range.

I went at them hard last night, bending some branches and extending ties further out on others. But by this morning I couldn't tell. They just bounce right back!

Beginning tomorrow, they'll be getting 12 hours of darkness instead of six.

Express Tent 3-26-22 Day 49 labels.jpg

Thanks for stopping by.

We didn't hear any snapping over here in the peanut gallery, so that's good! :thumb:
Flippin' the plants, and saving 180 hours worth of electricity per month in the process...
Well Done, GDB!
Beginning tomorrow, they'll be getting 12 hours of darkness instead of six.
Oh yea, It’s like every day is a weekend!
They‘re sure some fine looking lady’s you have there GDB.
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