GDB's Express Grow

That might suggest a soil issue, no? Is it the same stuff, just more of it that they were in before, or was there something new?
Same kind of soil, FFOF. I'm thinking a soil issue as well, or something I put in the soil. I've got a few ideas and may be back later with some "true confessions." :straightface:
I don't know. Sometimes a pot change can bring on funk for a few days. Maybe it's that?
Maybe Stone.

When I up-potted them I took them off their milk crates and onto the floor. Then I turned the light up a bit, maybe a bit too much.

Anyway, I decided to kick them while they're down. So I tied them all down today and removed some of the obviously spent leaves. Maybe more stress will aid in their recovery!
Express 2-20-22 spread Day 43.jpg

Then I turned the light up a bit, maybe a bit too much.
I’d turn the light down a bit so you can get ahead of them with your feeding. Give them a couple of days with the added Cal Mag and they should be happier.
Hello growers.

I think that plants may be on the mend, thanks to the calmag and turning down the light a bit.

Some of the leaves are reverting to green while others are getting no worse than they've been over the past few days.

The Express Grow on Day 44.
Express Grow 3-21-22 Day 44 LABELS.jpg

Looks like typical mag def to this untrained eye. (Older leaf tips yellowing inward) I’d say you’re on the right path upping the cal/mag as they both work in unison together.
Thanks, Dutchin! I agree.
I’d turn the light down a bit so you can get ahead of them with your feeding. Give them a couple of days with the added Cal Mag and they should be happier.
Done. Thanks N!
That yellowing edge looks very much like your ARC clone:
My mind is officially blown. How the hell do you keep better track of my grows/issues than I do?

I'm scared of you! :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

I think that plants may be on the mend, thanks to the calmag and turning down the light a bit.

Some of the leaves are reverting to green while others are getting no worse than they'vE been over the past few days.

The Express Grow on Day 44.
Express Grow 3-21-22 Day 44 LABELS.jpg

Thanks, Dutchin! I agree.

Done. Thanks N!

My mind is officially blown. How the hell do you keep better track of my grows/issues than I do?

I'm scared of you! :laughtwo:
He's got a great head!
You were saying….? :laughtwo:
LMAO, Boo! :laughtwo:

I've been over the up-pot process in my head several times and I've got nothing.

This is as close as I can come to a confession:

The Grape Ape began showing signs of a calmag deficiency around day 38. I did nothing. After up-potting on day 40 it got worse. A day or so later the other 2 plants went the same route.

I believe (know really) that they were are deficient around day 38 or so and just show it days apart. The up-potting process had little to do with it, but may have contributed to make things slightly worse.

So what did they all have in common? They all had been subjected to alternate feedings of nutes/water. And they all didn't like it, or at least the calmag part of the alternating equation. The green of the plants otherwise seemed quite nice so they were not visually asking for more MC.

I think my mistake (confession) was that on the water only feed, I was giving water only. I'll bet if I had put some calmag in there this would not have happened.

I'll get to find out because I will continue the alternate feeds with the MC. I'll soon take it back up to 4.5ish and when I do I'll include Organic calmag (0-0-0) with it. The water only feeds will get the Sensi calmag (4-0-0).

Any "No, don't do that." advice is welcome!

An evening pic, inspired by you Boo! :straightface:

Express Grow 3-21-22 Day 44 evening.jpg

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