GDB's Express Grow

Hello growers.

I mistakenly reported yesterday as day 37 for the group when it was actually day 38. So today it's Day 39 for the Express Grow.

No sagging this morning. All are happy after being fed 1L yesterday evening (their second feed of that day). All got MC @ 4.6g.
Express Grow 3-16-22 Day 39 labels.jpg

I'm starting to think about getting the girls into their final 5 gallon pots. I want to flip them around day 65. But I need to get them settled into the 5 gallon pots and begin more training on them to set them up for the flip. I estimate at least 21 days in the 5s before they'll be ready to flip, which means that I need to up-pot on or before day 44.

Last, thanks to whomever nominated me for MotM. I'm honored and humbled by the nomination. And, it's the closest I've gotten to the whiff of that 420 T-shirt! :)

Congrats to the other nominees, as well. @Stunger, my distant relative @Carcass and not-distanced-enough heckler @Azimuth!

Thanks for looking in.

Congrats on the MOTM nom, GDB! I haven't been over to look at the new lineups for this month's voting yet.
Hello growers.

I mistakenly reported yesterday as day 37 for the group when it was actually day 38. So today it's Day 39 for the Express Grow.

No sagging this morning. All are happy after being fed 1L yesterday evening (their second feed of that day). All got MC @ 4.6g.
Express Grow 3-16-22 Day 39 labels.jpg

I'm starting to think about getting the girls into their final 5 gallon pots. I want to flip them around day 65. But I need to get them settled into the 5 gallon pots and begin more training on them to set them up for the flip. I estimate at least 21 days in the 5s before they'll be ready to flip, which means that I need to up-pot on or before day 44.

Last, thanks to whomever nominated me for MotM. I'm honored and humbled by the nomination. And, it's the closest I've gotten to the whiff of that 420 T-shirt! :)

Congrats to the other nominees, as well. @Stunger, my distant relative @Carcass and not-distanced-enough heckler @Azimuth!

Thanks for looking in.

That sounds like a plan! They look willing and able to move on to the next thing.
Your grow is just so pleasing to my eyeballs.

I just know you are the kind of man who never pees on the porcelain rim and puts the toilet seat down. Look I don’t know that…if you are a rim wee dripper/seat left up kind of guy, don’t burst my happy bubble.

Neat men FTW!
Your grow is just so pleasing to my eyeballs.

I just know you are the kind of man who never pees on the porcelain rim and puts the toilet seat down. Look I don’t know that…if you are a rim wee dripper/seat left up kind of guy, don’t burst my happy bubble.

Neat men FTW!
Thanks Trala.

I have perfect aim, except when I don't! :laugh:
Hello growers.

A quick update on Day 40.

I went ahead and up-potted the group this evening. They are in their 5 gallon finishers.

None of them really seemed to happy about it, but the Grape Ape is really not happy about something (as you can see).

Express Grow 3-17-22 up-pot day 40.jpg

I'll need to do something to help the GA. Not sure what that is though, not yet.

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

A quick update on Day 40.

I went ahead and up-potted the group this evening. They are in their 5 gallon finishers.

None of them really seemed to happy about it, but the Grape Ape is really not happy about something (as you can see).

Express Grow 3-17-22 up-pot day 40.jpg

I'll need to do something to help the GA. Not sure what that is though, not yet.

Thanks for looking in.

Ahhh man. Black Domino. Yes . I grew that back in 2013. Was some good stuff. I mixed jack herrer with it called it black Russian.
Nice on getting that up-potting complete with a half hour to spare before their Day 41. :welldone:

Just wondering if you changed up the soil I can only see lots of lumber on the top now. Is that a benefit I’m not aware of?
I'll need to do something to help the GA.
I see that- that sure happened fast, no fade at all yesterday ..looks like there's also some fade higher up too...hopefully, her new home snaps her out of it...(whatever "it" is):straightface:
Stone. Where u been bro. Relaxing. Smoking to much or what. . Lmao. Jk bro. How u been bro. Ur Journal like way down on the list or you been on it. U complete it . Starting new one what bro
Hey Dust, I've been cleaning the mess I made in the grow area. What a wreck that was! Working on the new journal today, it's turning out real nice out, maybe hit 70. Journal should arrive today or tomorrow.
Hey Dust, I've been cleaning the mess I made in the grow area. What a wreck that was! Working on the new journal today, it's turning out real nice out, maybe hit 70. Journal should arrive today or tomorrow.
Did my spring cleaning today also non the new tent old tent got 86 . . I was wondering haven't seen ya much last few days . Just checking on ya bro
Hello growers.

Well these plants now have me officially flummoxed! They're all yellowing now and it seemed to start immediately after they were up-potted 3 days ago (though there was a hint of yellowing on the Grape Ape before the up-pot). All I could do at that point was watch and wait. Their pots were heavy from the up-pot, so I needed to wait a bit before I could try giving them anything to address the problem.

Express Grow 3-20-22 Day 43.jpg

Last night I was able to give them something. I watered each with about 1.3 liters of MC @4g (down from 4.6) and 6ml of Sensi CalMag (4-0-0).

I've been retracing my steps during the up-pot trying to figure what I could have done to cause this. So far, I've come up with nothing.

Any and all suggestions are welcome!

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