GDB's Express Grow

Those are some seriously happy flowering plants GDB! :welldone:

And well done on the taxes too. Savings at 65? Is this worth looking forward to my next birthday?
Thanks Shed.

Yes to the tax question. They add $1000+ to the standard deduction when you turn 65! :Rasta:
They add $1000+ to the standard deduction when you turn 65!
Plus, you get the social security check to look forward to every month... it's not a whole lot, but it's better than nothing!
Is there anything else good about turning 65?
No, no there's not....
Plus, you get the social security check to look forward to every month... it's not a whole lot, but it's better than nothing!
Is there anything else good about turning 65?
No, no there's not....
Surely you jest, Carcass!

We get a 10% discount at Krispy Kreme donuts!
Nobody asks you to be a pallbearer anymore!
And damn near every woman aged 30 to 50 looks GOOD! :laugh:
And, allegedly, there's nothing left to learn "the hard way"...
I've managed to find a few things, though... :)
And, allegedly, there's nothing left to learn "the hard way"...
I've managed to find a few things, though... :)
Me too, man! :)

While I'm here, I should post a tent pic of the Express Grow on Flip + 8. They've all started to stretch now. Since flip day the Grape Ape has gone from 14 to 17 inches, the Black Domina from 12 to 17 and the Pinkman Goo from 12 to 14.5.

I haven't spotted any signs of issues (though I've missed many in the past!).

Temp is averaging 75F and RH average is 43%.

They all got fed last night at lights on with MC @ 4.5g and 8ml organic calmag (0-0-0). Their next feed will be 5g of MC and likely no calmag.

Express Tent 4-4-22 Flip 8 labels.jpg

Thanks for your interest!

Damn, those ladies are beautiful, GDB!
And they get better every time I see 'em..
Surely you jest, Carcass!

We get a 10% discount at Krispy Kreme donuts!
Nobody asks you to be a pallbearer anymore!
And damn near every woman aged 30 to 50 looks GOOD! :laugh:
I'd add turning 65 loosens filter on ones mouth too. 30 to 50? ok, maybe I'm older than you, it's more like 25 to "has a smile"for me :Rasta:
Damn, those ladies are beautiful, GDB!
And they get better every time I see 'em..
Thanks, MrC! I'm staying out of their way and they're appreciating it!
Hello growers.

It's Flip + 10 for the Express Grow.

This morning the group looked thirsty. I believe the 3-day watering intervals are about to end, and every other day watering is now required.

At lights-on this evening they get a water feed.
Express Tent 4-6-22 Flip 10.jpg

Thanks for stopping by.

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