GDB's Express Grow

Oof... I was just starting to forget about this place. :ciao:
Go find somewhere else to sleep and you won't have to go "oof."

Dutchin almost face-planted tripping over your snoring ass. :laughtwo:
Hey growers.

I've held off for as long as I could. I've got a brand new grow going here.

I hope some of you tag along! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

An update on the Express Grow on Day 32.

Today I cleaned the bottoms of the Black Domina and Pinkman Goo and started some very light training on them. The Grape Ape is not quite ready for this kind of treatment.

I left more nodes on these plants than I usually do and most likely will pay a price for it in the flowering stage trying to manage what might develop. I'm trying to go with my gut and it's envisioning some bud-loaded plants that will require supports but will be special.

We'll see if my gut is anywhere near reality-based. :Rasta:

Here's the Black Dom before:
Blk Dom 3-10-22 pre-training.jpg

And after:
Blk Dom 3-10-22 Beginning training.jpg

That top node is the fifth. I usually cut that one off as it's coming in but this time it made it through. I'm going to leave it there to see what happens. I'll try to pin it down while the lower nodes catch up. Wish me luck!

The Goo got the same sort of treatment, but on her the fifth node has been restrained already.
Goo 3-10-22 training start.JPG

I also took a few branches from each plant for clones. I'm not sure why I did this since I have little space left for growing them. I guess I just like the practice. If there are survivors, I'm even thinking of letting a few hang around long enough to be put outside in May. That would be new for me! :Rasta:

I took 2 from the Goo and 5 from the Black Dom and stuck them in perlite with water in the lower part of the cups.

I'm finding it harder and harder to find the same joy in growing that I had, say, a month ago. Putin (or Vlad the Impaler as I refer to him) seemingly has lost his damn mind. I watch the news more than anything else. Even when nurturing my babies, the TV is on and his ever-increasing war crimes against the innocent are front and center for me, and it's sickening.

I can't imagine how I would cope if I didn't have my babies as a minor distraction. But that's all they are, a minor distraction.

I can't imagine how I would cope if I didn't have my babies as a minor distraction. But that's all they are, a minor distraction.
It's nice to think about something other than the miserable state of the world right now...
If only for a little while...
Your minor distractions are looking pretty nice, GDB!
Hello growers.

It's Day 33 for the Express Grow. (Heckler: "Duh! We just got a day 32 update yesterday, genius.")

There was a little growth spurt overnight.

Yesterday when I was tying down branches on the Goo and Blk Dom I didn't have enough stem on the BD to tie down the top node. This morning, it was easy to tie it down. She grew that much overnight!
Express Grow 3-10-22 Day 33 labels.jpg

The Grape Ape is taking up more and more room and has the largest fan leaves of the three, but she's the slowest in developing her branches. They're all still pretty short. The Goo is seemingly in a holding pattern compared to the other 2 plants. Yesterday evening at lights on (6pm) all three were fed about 1.5L of MC @4g + SNS209 + 5ml organic Calmag (0-0-0). This morning, the Goo's pot was definitely the heaviest of the three. She's not drinking as much as the others.

Have a wonderful day on purpose.

I'm finding it harder and harder to find the same joy in growing that I had, say, a month ago. Putin (or Vlad the Impaler as I refer to him) seemingly has lost his damn mind. I watch the news more than anything else. Even when nurturing my babies, the TV is on and his ever-increasing war crimes against the innocent are front and center for me, and it's sickening.

I can't imagine how I would cope if I didn't have my babies as a minor distraction. But that's all they are, a minor distraction.


I don't watch news ever. It's far too depressing. I read the news a few times a week and that's enough to keep my anxiety and depression at bay but watching it is just awful.

However, I do think it's interesting how worked up people are getting about this war. I don't remember this much interest in the wars in the Middle East and Africa. Maybe because they're not white?
I'm finding it harder and harder to find the same joy in growing that I had, say, a month ago. Putin (or Vlad the Impaler as I refer to him) seemingly has lost his damn mind. I watch the news more than anything else. Even when nurturing my babies, the TV is on and his ever-increasing war crimes against the innocent are front and center for me, and it's sickening.
Plants are looking great buddy. I know exactly how you feel. This week I've been trying really hard not to get stuck watching it all day and night. It's awful and very worrying. Try to unplug from it as much as you can mate.
I don't remember this much interest in the wars in the Middle East and Africa. Maybe because they're not white?
I think it's more to do with the fact that Putin is a lunatic with a shit load of nukes who is getting desperate. Peace across Europe and the entire world is balancing on a knife edge. Right now we really don't know how this will play out. Personally I think a hybrid WW3 has already begun.

But let's all focus on the things we love and remain hopeful that peace will be restored.
Hello growers.

An update on the Express Grow on Day 32.

Today I cleaned the bottoms of the Black Domina and Pinkman Goo and started some very light training on them. The Grape Ape is not quite ready for this kind of treatment.

I left more nodes on these plants than I usually do and most likely will pay a price for it in the flowering stage trying to manage what might develop. I'm trying to go with my gut and it's envisioning some bud-loaded plants that will require supports but will be special.

We'll see if my gut is anywhere near reality-based. :Rasta:

Here's the Black Dom before:
Blk Dom 3-10-22 pre-training.jpg

And after:
Blk Dom 3-10-22 Beginning training.jpg

That top node is the fifth. I usually cut that one off as it's coming in but this time it made it through. I'm going to leave it there to see what happens. I'll try to pin it down while the lower nodes catch up. Wish me luck!

The Goo got the same sort of treatment, but on her the fifth node has been restrained already.
Goo 3-10-22 training start.JPG

I also took a few branches from each plant for clones. I'm not sure why I did this since I have little space left for growing them. I guess I just like the practice. If there are survivors, I'm even thinking of letting a few hang around long enough to be put outside in May. That would be new for me! :Rasta:

I took 2 from the Goo and 5 from the Black Dom and stuck them in perlite with water in the lower part of the cups.

I'm finding it harder and harder to find the same joy in growing that I had, say, a month ago. Putin (or Vlad the Impaler as I refer to him) seemingly has lost his damn mind. I watch the news more than anything else. Even when nurturing my babies, the TV is on and his ever-increasing war crimes against the innocent are front and center for me, and it's sickening.

I can't imagine how I would cope if I didn't have my babies as a minor distraction. But that's all they are, a minor distraction.

I grew Black Domina last year and found it to be a vigorous grower that doubled in height and liked to naturally grow wide. They didn't smell too strong and I had 14/15 cuttings root.
I grew Black Domina last year and found it to be a vigorous grower that doubled in height and liked to naturally grow wide. They didn't smell too strong and I had 14/15 cuttings root.
Thanks -- good to know. You have any pics of her, @gwhunran? How tall was she at the end?
Thanks, man!

I can deal with 3.5 feet. I just need to accomplish that without a net. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

It's Day 34 for the Express Grow and time for my traditional Day 34 solo pics. (That's something I just made up. There is no such tradition. But I'm bored and just thought it might be a nice way to kill time.)

Grape Ape
Grape Ape 3-11-22 Day 33.JPG

Black Domina
Blk Dom 3-11-22 Day 33.JPG

Pinkman Goo
Goo 3-11-22 Day 33.JPG

Bear with me folks. The weather is turning and it will be golf season soon. I'll have something else to do besides posting daily pics. (Of course, I may still keep doing it! )

Thanks for looking in.

Those little ladies are looking great, GDB!
I thought they looked good this morning, but now...even better!
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