GDB's Express Grow

Btw if you need any work done at your place I’d be happy to help:cheesygrinsmiley:
Wait? Can I get nugs and not work...or do anything at all?!
I haven't been able to partake more of the goodness grown by Shed. Hopefully this weekend!
Well, they couldn't very well listen to it while they were making all that noise... ;)
A metal roof, eh? That's gotta sound pretty cool when it rains...
The old roof had a metal base with some sort of rubberized material on top. It was probably the original roof of this very old house. Actually it leaked like a sieve when it rained. Definitely did not sound cool!
Hello all.

Just a quick update on the Express Grow on Day 29.

Temps are holding steady around 78F and RH hangs around 50-54%. (Pay no attention to the hygrometer in the tent. It's busted.)

I had to put labels on the pots of the B Dom and the Grape Ape because it's getting harder to distinguish them from one another. They started out looking quite different from each other but now almost look like twins!

All of the girls will get topped today.

Express Grow 3-6-22 Day 29 labels.jpg

Have a wonderful Sunday.

Hello all.

Just a quick update on the Express Grow on Day 29.

Temps are holding steady around 78F and RH hangs around 50-54%. (Pay no attention to the hygrometer in the tent. It's busted.)

I had to put labels on the pots of the B Dom and the Grape Ape because it's getting harder to distinguish them from one another. They started out looking quite different from each other but now almost look like twins!

All of the girls will get topped today.

Express Grow 3-6-22 Day 29 labels.jpg

Have a wonderful Sunday.

Looking great GDB... And have a bitchin Sunday as well.:headbanger:
Hello growers.

Just a quick update on the Express Grow on Day 30.

None of the girls blinked from getting topped yesterday, and things are getting interesting to watch.

The Pinkman Goo (right rear) started out like a gangster but now seems to be getting out-paced by the Black Domina (right front). The Grape Ape (left) seems set to overtake the Goo, as well.

All are still on 3.5g of MC and SNS 209, with the Goo only also getting organic Calmag. Today they all got 1 liter of plain water + SNS 209. Their next feed (probably on Wednesday or Thursday) with be 4g of MC.
Express Grow 3-7-22 Day 30.jpg

Thanks for stopping by.

All are still on 3.5g of MC and SNS 209, with the Goo only also getting organic Calmag. Today they all got 1 liter of plain water + SNS 209. Their next feed (probably on Wednesday or Thursday) with be 4g of MC.

You don't feed every time you water? Or is it because SNS 209 is supposed to be added to plain water (vs nuted water) and watered in?
You don't feed every time you water? Or is it because SNS 209 is supposed to be added to plain water (vs nuted water) and watered in?
I'm going to feed this bunch every other watering unless they tell me they don't like it. It's something I usually do when plants get really thirsty but this time I going to do it consistently no matter how much (or little) they are drinking.

As I said, though, any complaints from the plants will make me change that method. ;)
GDB, I have stumbled in under my own power, hopefully there’s room for one more?
Welcome DutchinAB!

You likely stumbled because you tripped over @MrSauga. He tries to make it here but always ends up falling asleep in front of the door.
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