GDB's Express Grow

I'm willing to give up the light burn concept but I'm going to stick with the toxicity of phosphorus! And it also locks out potassium and calcium according to Mulder.
And from the looks of that graph just about everything else! :oops:

I'd agree with your phosphorus toxicity theory. At least start there.
The trio looks pretty happy in their new homes, GDB!
The other two got my usual ham-handed effort and ended up slightly off-center. :straightface:
The last time I planted one off-center in the pot, I looked at it and thought to myself..."dude.... you had one job ....":rolleyes:
The last time I planted one off-center in the pot, I looked at it and thought to myself..."dude.... you had one job ....":rolleyes:
I just assumed he was setting it up to LST the thing. You know, set it off to one side so he could bend it over to the other. I'm new here, so maybe that's not what's going on?? :cheesygrinsmiley:
The trio looks pretty happy in their new homes, GDB!

The last time I planted one off-center in the pot, I looked at it and thought to myself..."dude.... you had one job ....":rolleyes:
Oh shit. Thanks Mr.C.

I was surprised to read this. I got confused and thought I was on Mello's thread! :laugh:
Hello growers.

A quick update on the Express Grow on Day 22.

Having spent their first night in the 2 gallon pots (from solo cups), the girls are clearly letting me know that I've once again started out too slowly with the MC. (I've only done this nearly every time I've used MC! :straightface: ) The first set of leaves on each plant are beginning to say bye-bye.

I gave them a lite feed this morning (about 500 ml around the outside edge of each pot) @ MC 3.5g. Edit: I also gave them the first hit of SNS 209.

I also adjusted the light to where the lux is now around 45K.

Temps. are about 78F and RH is 48%.

Express Grow 2-27-22 Day 22.jpg

Have a relaxing Sunday all.

Hello growers.

A quick update on the Express Grow on Day 22.

Having spent their first night in the 2 gallon pots (from solo cups), the girls are clearly letting me know that I've once again started out too slowly with the MC. (I've only done this nearly every time I've used MC! :straightface: ) The first set of leaves on each plant are beginning to say bye-bye.

I gave them a lite feed this morning (about 500 ml around the outside edge of each pot) @ MC 3.5g.

I also adjusted the light to where the lux is now around 45K.

Temps. are about 78F and RH is 48%.

Express Grow 2-27-22 Day 22.jpg

Have a relaxing Sunday all.

Clever use of those upside down baskets to keep the cloth pots out of the puddles. Another idea I'll prolly steal borrow for my grow. :thumb:
Well done GDB the young ladies look very happy. Gonna set up my next grow in a couple of weeks bubba kush . From Doctor seeds , I have finish with the seeds i bought b/4 purchasing from weedseed Godfather og nd black domina is on the horizon
Thanks Mello.

Did you dial your girl back to your old nutrient regime?
It seems a bit early to be at 45,000 lux but they don't look bothered at all.
I'm a little concerned about that too. And there's no reason to be.

I'll just dial it back a little! :Rasta:
Yo GDB , i did but its the last week so its gonna be what it be
Looks like it will be a nice haul despite the hiccup near the end! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

A quick update on the Express Grow on Day 22.

Having spent their first night in the 2 gallon pots (from solo cups), the girls are clearly letting me know that I've once again started out too slowly with the MC. (I've only done this nearly every time I've used MC! :straightface: ) The first set of leaves on each plant are beginning to say bye-bye.

I gave them a lite feed this morning (about 500 ml around the outside edge of each pot) @ MC 3.5g. Edit: I also gave them the first hit of SNS 209.

I also adjusted the light to where the lux is now around 45K.

Temps. are about 78F and RH is 48%.

Have a relaxing Sunday all.


Are these autos? 3.5g MC seems high for a 22-day old plant unless it's an auto... :hmmmm:

Your Pinkman Goo looks like the best out of the gate.
Good morning GDB!

I’m gonna channel a musical genius in my comment and your mission is to guess the song so you can read this comment with the appropriate tune…

Cause baby, there ain't no canna plant high enough!!!
Ain't no popcorn buds low enough… ain't no low stress training wide enough!!!
To keep me from watching on you, baby…

Grow is looking Mickey Mouse :)
Good morning GDB!

I’m gonna channel a musical genius in my comment and your mission is to guess the song so you can read this comment with the appropriate tune…

Cause baby, there ain't no canna plant high enough!!!
Ain't no popcorn buds low enough… ain't no low stress training wide enough!!!
To keep me from watching on you, baby…

Grow is looking Mickey Mouse :)
Thanks, Tammi! :Rasta:
Are these autos? 3.5g MC seems high for a 22-day old plant unless it's an auto... :hmmmm:

Your Pinkman Goo looks like the best out of the gate.
No, they're photos HashGirl.
Here's a quick update on the Express Grow on Day 21.

The bunch got fitted for new 2 gallon pots today!

At the bottom of the pots I mixed 3 cups of FFOF with 2 cups of Roots Organics Lush soil (For the Anecdote!). I then filled in the remainder with FFOF and perlite. Last, I scratched in a teaspoon of Earth Worm Castings on top and moistened with MC @ 2.5g per gallon.

I managed to get the Goo centered and upright! The other two got my usual ham-handed effort and ended up slightly off-center. :straightface:

A whole teaspoon? In a 2 gallon pot? You wild-man! Seriously, dude, explain yourself. :laughtwo:

Are you trying to ration a limited supply or something?? Worm castings, at least good worm castings, are flat out gold in an organic grow, and I don't think you can ever really put too much. (Well, if you add them into your mix they can be kind of dense and in need of decent aeration, but when top dressing the more the merrier).

1 tsp per 2 gallons is like 1:1,787. I top dress with something like 4 Tbls/2oz in an 8 oz cup which is 1:25 and is a layer about an inch thick covering the top. I then cover that with a top coat of mulch (leaf mold for me) and keep it moist. The root growth coming out of that castings layer is insane.

So, if you're rationing a short supply because you have to hunt it down in the forest or something, then more power to you. But, if you have an adequate supply, then splurge a little. Your girls will thank you.

A whole teaspoon? In a 2 gallon pot? You wild-man! Seriously, dude, explain yourself. :laughtwo:

Are you trying to ration a limited supply or something?? Worm castings, at least good worm castings, are flat out gold in an organic grow, and I don't think you can ever really put too much. (Well, if you add them into your mix they can be kind of dense and in need of decent aeration, but when top dressing the more the merrier).

1 tsp per 2 gallons is like 1:1,787. I top dress with something like 4 Tbls/2oz in an 8 oz cup which is like 1:25 and is a layer about an inch thick covering the top. I then cover that with a top coat of mulch (leaf mold for me) and keep it moist. The root growth coming out of that castings layer is insane.

So, if you're rationing a short supply because you have to hunt it down in the forest or something, then more power to you. But, if you have an adequate supply, then splurge a little. Your girls will thank you.


I usually take baby steps, Azimuth. For me, it tends to lead to less head-scratching later on, wondering "Why is this happening?" And considering the fact that in most of my previous grows I used no EWC at all, this to me seemed to be a good, safe starting point.

I'll see how they do in the 2gals and if all goes well I may use more when I up-pot to 5s.

So, if you're rationing a short supply because you have to hunt it down in the forest or something, then more power to you.
Ha! There are no trees in my hydro store! :laughtwo:
I hear you. But worm castings are not like other amendments in that they're pretty mild. Some people actually start their seeds in them. But the microlife they contain is remarkable. Something about inputs passing through a worm's gut and coming out the other side super charges it way more than just the inputs getting broken down. So, yeah, really good stuff.

Maybe when you bump up to the 5's you'll go a whole Tablespoon! :p

Seriously, though. Maybe try a layer of it like I do on one plant so you can see the difference. If you put it on as a top coat you could always scrape it off if you don't like the aesthetics, or somenthing. But your plants are going to love it. But, in quantity. The teaspoon you put in added some good microbes, but those will have to multiply on their own for the plant to really notice anything. I skip that entire step and just load it up on top at the beginning. The microbes go nuts and the root growth as I mentioned is quite impressive. Then, every time you water you're sending some of that goodness deeper into you mix.

Good stuff all around. Just be sure to cover it with some mulch or something so it doesn't dry out. I did that before and it wasn't pretty. Now I mist the top coat a couple of times a day just to keep it moist.
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