GDB's Express Grow

Hello growers.

Here's a quick update on the Express Grow on Day 21.

The bunch got fitted for new 2 gallon pots today!

At the bottom of the pots I mixed 3 cups of FFOF with 2 cups of Roots Organics Lush soil (For the Anecdote!). I then filled in the remainder with FFOF and perlite. Last, I scratched in a teaspoon of Earth Worm Castings on top and moistened with MC @ 2.5g per gallon.

I managed to get the Goo centered and upright! The other two got my usual ham-handed effort and ended up slightly off-center. :straightface:

Express Grow 2-26-22 Day 21 labels.jpg

I love getting past the solo cup stage!

Thanks for stopping by.

Congrats on the up pot Gdb! What a milestone it is for the girls to graduate out of the solo’s! I think planting a couple off to the side is no biggie gives lots of room to train them the other way across the pot!
Sure help urself but the issues i have is this . Well at week 6 i cut my nutes in half and added moab i 1/2 teaspoon along with a 1/2 tsp of earth juice bloom along with 1/2 tsp of kool bloom prior to week 6 i was giving them 1 tbs earth juice bloom along with 1tbs of kool bloom and catalysts once every 2weeks .so any ideas on wtf i did to my girl , in my opinion it looks like the buds are still salvageable???? . Looks like the surgar leaves are damaged tho ???






I don't know anything about your nutes (or why you would cut them in half for flower), but I'm thinking light bleaching.
I'd think light bleaching would more likely be concentrated on the top most leaves. That damage seems pretty uniform all over even on leaves not getting as much light.

I have the same question. Why cut the nutes in half so abruptly and change to different ones? Seems like a deficiency of some importance and you'd have to compare what you had going with what you switched to.

Assuming they looked good before the switch, I'd just go back to what you were doing before and quit trying to tinker with something that's working. Not as much fun, I get that, but the end goal is happy plants and healthy buds.
It seemed to fade as it gets lower, and only the parts of the leaves in the light seemed bleached. That was my thought anyway.
But, lots of pistils though. So unless he moved or turned up the light recently, I'd think the damage is from something else. Your "P" thoughts are where I'd look first. On the Mulder's chart, what does excess P lockout?
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