GDB's Express Grow

Just got a PM from one of the mods. It simply stated, "Don't hold your breath." :Rasta:
I think I’m gonna need to just buy a damn shirt.
Regarding the SNS… I personally would wait until you are really feeding them and they have four or so nodes. However, I used SNS with every feeding on my GSC and the outdoor grow this summer and my plants were beautiful and bug free. I believe Emilya did/does the same, and I also believe she is sold on the product, as am I.

EDIT: I used SNS with every feeding AFTER they were in bigger pots and had four or so nodes…
I was feeling all special and such for a brief second...until I realized i wasn't actually tagged. I take my birthday wishes back then!
Damn, I was real close! :laughtwo:
Too early in my opinion. I would wait until they have at least moved up. I have no information on that, but just what I was thinking feeling.
I think I'll wait a while too Baked! I'm thinking feeling the same way. :Rasta:

Proud papa is still posting pics of his Express Grow babies. It's Day 4 for the group now (note, I did not count "Day One" until these had been above soil for 9 days and developed their second set of leaves).

They were starting to get a little lean on so had to be supported, but otherwise I think they look okay. That's the Goo in the back, the Black Domina to the right and the Grape Ape front.
Express Grow 2-17-22 Day 4.jpg

They've been put on an 18/6 light schedule, with the lights off from 1pm to 7pm. They remain on 1.5-ish grams of MC.

The @Mars Hydro TS3000 is hung 20 inches above and running at 50%. The LUX meter registers around 28,000.

And that's it for today.

As always, thanks for stopping by!

I don't! What did I do?
You said, "What N said."

I looked up at the previous comment from N420 and then the one before that from NTH. So I thought you were doing a Shed! (I sometimes see funny even if unintended.) :Rasta:
Pink, Black and Grape. It’s going to get yummy here pretty quick.
Hadn't thought about it color-wise!

I haven't had much luck with colors lately. They'll probably all be green, if I'm lucky. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

No proud poppa's pic collection is complete with a least one bare-bottom pic!

Here are the roots on the Black Domina:


I'm rooting for her and she's rooting for herself!

Hello growers.

No proud poppa's pic collection is complete with a least one bare-bottom pic!

Here are the roots on the Black Domina:


I'm rooting for her and she's rooting for herself!

Ohhhh nice bottom!

Proud papa is still posting pics of his Express Grow babies. It's Day 4 for the group now (note, I did not count "Day One" until these had been above soil for 9 days and developed their second set of leaves).

They were starting to get a little lean on so had to be supported, but otherwise I think they look okay. That's the Goo in the back, the Black Domina to the right and the Grape Ape front.

They've been put on an 18/6 light schedule, with the lights off from 1pm to 7pm. They remain on 1.5-ish grams of MC.

The @Mars Hydro TS3000 is hung 20 inches above and running at 50%. The LUX meter registers around 28,000.

And that's it for today.

As always, thanks for stopping by!

I’m glad you explained that!

I just clutched my pearls at Day 4! I’m thinking mine are Day 16 and are at the same growth!

I’ve only just started 18:6 two days ago so hopefully I’ll see some good growth now.

They look great btw.
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