GDB's Express Grow

Thanks for the input, Azimuth! I'm sure I'll use more as my comfort level increases. :Rasta:
The first set of leaves on each plant are beginning to say bye-bye.
I couldn’t keep my eyes from focusing on them o_O but I do have a feeling these will be some of your best to date.
I couldn’t keep my eyes from focusing on them o_O but I do have a feeling these will be some of your best to date.
I'll go with your feelings, Nev!

And congrats on your POTM win! :Rasta:
Hello grow folks.

It's time for an update on the Express Grow on Day 25.

It's taken me a minute but I think I've got the girls to the point where they've got their footing.

They haven't looked all that happy since I up-potted them. I suspect, as usual, I was being too stingy with water. I tried to correct that and it seems to have payed off. The plants look much better now to these old eyes.

They dropped their bottom leaves (with only a little help from me). That should not have happened this soon. There just getting 3.5g of MC now but I think on their next watering I'll give them a bit of Organic Calmag (0-0-0).

Express Grow 3-2-22 Day 25 labels.jpg

Thanks for stopping by.

It's taken me a minute but I think I've got the girls to the point where they've got their footing.
Now if we could only get your footing in the tent just a touch more stable.
Hello all.

A quick update on the Express Grow on Day 27.

The group looks happy. They may be a bit smallish for their age but they have plenty of time to grow!

I watered them 3 days ago with just plain water + SNS 209. That was their 2nd SNS treatment. Their pots were dry this morning and I fed them all about 1L of MC @ 3.5g and SNS 209. The Goo also got organic calmag (0-0-0) @ 5ml per gallon.

Express Grow 3-4-22 Day 27.jpg

That's it for today.

I'm getting a new roof installed today. It sounds and feels like those guys are tearing my house apart up there!

I'm almost tempted not to use my traditional sign-off because there is none here.

Very classy labeling.
Thanks Azimuth! I think it's my first use of orange!
And not a grommet in sight. That's why they look so happy!
Ha! Their 5 gallon pots will have grommets. I hope they don't mind.
Now if we could only get your footing in the tent just a touch more stable.
Nev, I've moved on to mucking up outside of the tent. Two days ago I accidently upended my rolling tray, sending about an 8th of an ounce flying into the air. Of course by the time the weed hit the carpet it looked like about 1/32 of an ounce! :)
They are looking good GDB! I don’t think you’ll notice a bit of a slow start in a couple of weeks!
I'm getting a new roof installed today. It sounds and feels like those guys are tearing my house apart up there!
Smoke a j with them at lunchtime! The rest of your day will be much more peaceful!
Hello all.

A quick update on the Express Grow on Day 27.

The group looks happy. They may be a bit smallish for their age but they have plenty of time to grow!

I watered them 3 days ago with just plain water + SNS 209. That was their 2nd SNS treatment. Their pots were dry this morning and I fed them all about 1L of MC @ 3.5g and SNS 209. The Goo also got organic calmag (0-0-0) @ 5ml per gallon.

Express Grow 3-4-22 Day 27.jpg

That's it for today.

I'm getting a new roof installed today. It sounds and feels like those guys are tearing my house apart up there!

I'm almost tempted not to use my traditional sign-off because there is none here.

They're looking great!
They are looking good GDB! I don’t think you’ll notice a bit of a slow start in a couple of weeks!

Smoke a j with them at lunchtime! The rest of your day will be much more peaceful!
"Peaceful" as in no work getting done! :laugh:
Hello growers.

Here's an update on the new roof!

It's been a loud day here. Really LOUD!

When the crew was removing the old metal roof the noise was nearly deafening. But as the pile of debris being thrown from up top grew larger and larger, the severe noise began to subside.

I guess after completing the demolition stage it was their time to break out the boom box and start blaring loud music at the worksite!

I had to laugh. :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

Here's an update on the new roof!

It's been a loud day here. Really LOUD!

When the crew was removing the old metal roof the noise was nearly deafening. But as the pile of debris being thrown from up top grew larger and larger, the severe noise began to subside.

I guess after completing the demolition stage it was their time to break out the boom box and start blaring loud music at the worksite!

I had to laugh. :laughtwo:
Yeah. I beat it is loud . Need aspirin on those days. Or a while lot of pot. Hey good thing you harvested. They problem beating on roof till. U smoke on with them.. lmao
I guess after completing the demolition stage it was their time to break out the boom box and start blarin
Well, they couldn't very well listen to it while they were making all that noise... ;)
A metal roof, eh? That's gotta sound pretty cool when it rains...
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