GDB's Bubblegum Machine

My plant has been out of the box one time, and it's not happening again- I  really don't like lifting a wet 5 gallon pot back into that box...
I hear you. I'm getting close to nearly dropping those heavy pots back into place. Just a little drop, but a drop nonetheless. :Rasta:
Tall Girls ,haven had the adventure ;) Looking Good brother and holden the level somewhat :roorrip:
Thanks Smoke.

The tall girls were the same deal in a taller package.

A ran into a younger friend at the golf course once and he said, "Buenos dias. Como estas?" I asked him what's with the Spanish. He explained that he had found his "dream girl" and she was Latino, so he was learning to speak her language.

I saw him maybe a month later and asked how it was going with his new friend. He said, "Man, it's the same old shit...just in Spanish." :laughtwo:
I'm really happy about how happy that tent looks GDB! And the spreadage on the GA clone is excellent. :welldone:

I do have a question about the pronunciation of the new GDBweights® though (and well done on the solo product development!). Is it pronounced "GDB weights" or "GD bweights"? I want to make sure I rep it right when I'm out on sales calls with Azi.

Sorry. My internet is down. :straightface:
Hello growers.

I took a peek into the Bubblegum Tent on Flip + 24 this morning.
It's starting to look like this grow is not going to be quite the "hot mess" that I was anticipating. While I'll have far from even canopies, at least the growth is somewhat uniform. The main outer branches on the plants are holding steady while the growth in the middles is slowly trying to catch up to them. A pleasant development! :Rasta:

Bubblegum Tent 5-24-22 F24.jpg

Thanks for looking in.

Hello folks.

It's Flip + 27 for the Bubblegum Machine.

These girls are coexisting nicely. There's no shoving going on. Everyone seems happy with the space that they have! :)

The Grape Ape clone (back center) has been held in check height-wise by the GDBWeights®, to the point where the Kera Bubblegum and the Royal Queen Bubblegum XXL (both in front) are now the same height as she is.

However, my fav remains the smaller Black Cherry Pie (back right). There's just something about her that appeals to these old eyes!

The RQ Bubblegum twin (left middle) is trying to hold her own among her larger tentmates. I might elevate her a bit in a day or so.
Bubblegum Tent 5-27-22 F27.jpg

All of the Bubblegum group were fed last night with 5g of MC + 4ml Calmag(0-0-0) + 8ml SNS 209. The Grape Ape Clone got her extended-flower dose of @Prescription Blend + SNS 209.

I am enjoying watching their progress!

Thanks for taking the time to visit.

Hello all.

It's Flip + 29 for the Bubblegum Machine.

Not a whole lot to say about these girls at the moment. I've just been giving them fluids (alternating between nutrient feeds and plain water feeds) and watching them do what they do.

I've also been moving them around in the tent, putting them in different positions.

This seems like a waste of time under the @NextLight Mega, because it has every part of the grow space covered like a blanket.

However, at least it gives me the opportunity to show a good pic of the Black Cherry Pie. This smallish plants is setting up to stack like crazy and has really grabbed my attention!
Blk Cherry Pie 5-29-22 F29.jpg

The Kera Bgum has started to devour and shed the solitary large, lower fan leaves. I left those leaves on though their bud sites have been removed. They are usually the first to be discarded after a few weeks of flip growth so its no surprise seeing them go on flip + 29. But I see at least one that's a little higher up and looking like it might be attached to a flowering stem. So I'll need to pay close attention to this development.
Kera Bgum 5-29-22 shedding F29.jpg

Here's the tent shot. (I can no longer get everything within the frame!)
Bubblegum Tent 5-29-22 F29.jpg

It's starting to be quite aromatic in the basement! :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in, and be safe this weekend.

Hello all.

It's Flip + 31 for the Bubblegum Machine.

I know I said a few days back that I was going to stop pulling the plants out of the tent. But in order to get a good, close look at the Kera Bgum's yellowing leaves I had to remove one of them. Then because I wanted to reposition them all and have the Kera up front (where I can keep a good eye on her), I had to pull out another.

Since I had them out, I took some solo pics.

RQ Bubblegum XXL: she's growing nicely and is currently on 5g of MC.
RQ Bgum XXL 5-31-22 F31.jpg

Grape Ape clone: she is growing apishly just like her mom, maybe even more so. Her mom was raised on MC, but this one seems to really like the @Prescription Blend nutrients she's being fed.
GA clone 5-31-22 F31.jpg

Bubblegum Tent 5-31-22 F31.jpg

Upon closer inspection, the Kera Bubblegum (front right) had more yellowing leaves than I expected to see and I'm not sure why. They were all on the lower level of the plant and did not seem unhealthy, just devoured. Still I am a bit concerned by the amount. When I fed her last night I supplemented her MC with about 2 liters of Realgrower's Recharge, and I'll watch her closely over the next few days to see if the yellowing continues.

Thanks for looking in.

Hello again.

I'm sorry for the late response to your feedback. That's not very polite of me!
Your crowding the fan , it may overheat ... Just saying Plants look Great !!
It's an illusion Smoke. The fan is not being crowded. Thanks for the kind words.
When a pleasant development gets so full it crowds the fan, this is a good thing! :welldone: GDB.
Thanks, Shed. (See above regarding the fan.)
Nice work on taming your canopy GDB! and congrats on another new product added to the GDB product line! This might be the best invention yet!
Just call me Grand Daddy Edison! :laughtwo:
Lovely even green canopy and the flowers are starting to stack in there! Those bweights are really performing as advertised too.
"Bweights"? :laughtwo:
Looking crisp and clean in there, like a florists show room, picture perfect.
Thanks so much Rhino!
Nice canopy you've got going there GDB. The tent is looking great. Nice job.
Thanks to you, Scrogdawg, and thanks for lookin in.
They are looking beautiful man! I just HAVE to take my plants out of the tent daily. That’s why I’m sticking with 3 gals.
Hello folks.

It's Flip + 33 for the Bubblegum Machine.

The state of the sloppy, floppy finishing girls I've got going in my other tent has made this tent a real joy to open!

All standing at attention:
Bubblegumtent 6-2-22 F33 labels.jpg

The little RQ Bgum twin is positioned in the middle of the 4 that are labled.

Thanks for your time.

Top notch growing GDB! :thumb: :thumb:
I’ve been drawn to the Cherry strains lately, so I’m totally on board with your black Cherry fave. Although, the bubblegum I’ve had in the past were pretty great too. Nice variety you got coming your way!
It's awesome in there, GDB!
Man, you are gonna have soooo much weed!:lot-o-toke:
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