GDB: A Sponsored Grow

Wow GDB, I'm notnsure what happened but I haven't been getting notifications for your journal, I really need to look into that.

All caught up and I must say, it's been a bit of a... show.. around here :laughtwo: :reading420magazine:
Glad to see you took the easy approach and decided to grow 14 plants just in case lol you're a trooper sir!

As for one dieing and planting 2 right after, sounds like something a lot of us have done :rofl: "now grow you wee little shits" haha

Now, let's see if I can stay caught up, I must look into these notifications. Have a great day
Ok it literally just gave me a notification for your journal after I got thru all that.. what? Haha
Ok it literally just gave me a notification for your journal after I got thru all that.. what? Haha
In a nutshell, you get one notification. If you read the post it resets itself and you'll get another notification on the next new post.
If you happen to overlook the post, which we all try and do in this thread but can't, then the notifications will not reset. You actually have to visit the thread so it knows you can receive new notifications again.
If you happened to overlook the post, which we all try and do in this thread but can't, then the notifications will not reset.
Darn, I was actually doing it right the whole time... always second guessing myself. Oh well
Now that I re-read my last comment, I realize it was hard to tell if I was trying to be funny or not :laughtwo: I'll just go back to overlooking things in the corner
If you happen to overlook the post, which we all try and do in this thread but can't
I almost ruptured my sacraliliac laughing at that one, Mr. S! :bravo:
Now that I re-read my last comment, I realize it was hard to tell if I was trying to be funny or not :laughtwo: I'll just go back to overlooking things in the corner
Ahh, once we get to know your style we'll understand your humor! Sometimes the laffing emoji can offend people.
I almost ruptured my sacraliliac laughing at that one, Mr. S!
I had to look that one up. It has nothing to do with flowers. I'm so sorry for the pain I almost caused you :(.
Ahh, once we get to know your style we'll understand your humor! Sometimes the laffing emoji can offend people.
Haha, let's just say I don't think you're going to offend me.
When I was here a few years ago there was a bunch of us that would let the humor fly around here. Jokes and member of the month parties, silly and funny contests and so on. Lots of banter back and forth, it was great.
I like to see that and that's why I am here. Oh and for your porn, green leafy porn
Hello growers.

I've got good news and bad news.

The good news, 4 of my seedling babies (2 Chiquita Bananas, a Godfather OG and a Grand Daddy Black) are alive and doing well. They all stretched more than I would have liked, but they're healthy.

The bad news, last week I straight-up fried the other GOG baby. The act was a GDB special, meaning you don't want to try it at home! :Rasta:

As you may recall, when I was trying to figure out how to get this grow started and accommodate my clones, I decided to keep them all in my 2x2 tent. (The GDB Logistics Unit, Doug, was on vacation and this is the best idea that I could come up with on my own.)

So last week I'm in there watering the clones (with 5g MC) and almost knocked one of my seedling cups over. In trying to keep it from tumbling I spilled about 2ml or so of the MC into the solo cup of the GOG. The GOG was moist from just having been lightly watered so the MC water sunk right into the soil, giving me no chance to just pour it off the top.

I tried to flush it out to no avail. Over the next few days the baby turned from green to pale yellow. Now she looks like she's toast.

I'm going to take this as a sign that I should have just limited this grow to 4 plants from jump street. I'm not going to drop another GOG, but will just go with the four that I have.

Now the only comparative part of this grow will be between the 2 CBs, one being fed Mega Crop and the other GeoFlora. I'll grow both of the others using MC.

Here's a pic. The fatality is center front. (A close-up would be too graphic. :Rasta:)


This is so normal in my world!

All those seedlings look dry to me! Sorry about the Godfather OG. :(
I watered them today. I do let them get fairly dry in between waterings.
Hello growers and Happy Friday!

An update on my babies today, or as @Mr. Sauga referred to them, my antennae. :Rasta:

The last Chiquita Banana to sprout is still a little tiny thing, but she looks healthy. And yes, a few of the others stretched up a lot, but they're seem healthy too. I gave the 3 Mega Crop plants their first taste yesterday @1.5g per gallon. The sole GeoFlora plant (one of the CBs) was given her first top feed of about 1/10 of an ounce of Geoflora Veg.

They are still sharing the 2x2 tent with my clones under a @Mars Hydro T1000. (Having to hang the light high enough to accommodate the clones undoubtedly contributed to the stretch of the babies.)

Here's a pic:

In the saucer (back left to right) from @Weed Seeds Express: Chiquita Banana (Geoflora), Godfather OG (Mega Crop), Chiquita Banana (MC). Front Grand Daddy Black (MC).

(Ignore the clones in the back of the tent, they are not a part of this grow. :Rasta:)


That's all for now.

:yahoo: and they're off! :morenutes:

Can't believe I missed that antenna comment :laugh: Easter is coming, better get the rabbit ears out to decorate! *sets plants on stand with happy Easter sign*
Trying my best, they are just too nice!!

Have a good weekend, GDB!
Thanks, Dutchin.

You have a great weekend! :Rasta:
On a positive note, it will take the mites longer to get to the leaves if they have to climb 'em.
Please don't encourage him, Dutchin. (At least not on my thread.)

It will only get worse. :Rasta:
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