GDB: A Sponsored Grow

Hello growers.

Buried on the 13th and born on the 16th, say hi to the WSE Chiquita Banana!

She's a very tiny, frail looking baby. I hope she makes it.

WSE has not had a failure in over 7,000,000 seeds. I just want you to know that we're all counting on you.
Thanks, Mr. S!

You've removed the pressure from me with that lie information.

If that is their track record then they are way past due for a failure! :Rasta:
That soil looks really wet! But I hope it pulls through...I'm counting on you as the Chiquita Banana leader.
Thanks, Shed.

The soils okay. I gave her a light spritz right before taking the pic.
Phewf! But I never understood wetting the top where there is no root growth and just increases the chance of damping off. I water around the edges when the cup gets light, and don't get it wet near the sprout.
Me too, neither.

But I'll lightly spritz them before taking a photo to get that contrasting "look," sort of the same way film makers often wet the streets to get a certain look when shooting at night. :Rasta:
Click on the's self-explanatory!

[read the back of the guy's jacket if that helps...]
Ha! I completely missed that you had included the link.

That was funny and, yes, on point! :rofl:
LMAO! Will you guys be here all week? :laughtwo:
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