GDB: A Sponsored Grow

But you will not be growing the CB ahead of me, so there's that!
I went back to the driving range today Shed. When I got home I was greeted by the second CB in the Geoflora cup.
She looked better than I thought she would.

C Banana GF cup.JPG

So there's that! :Rasta:

Since I got 4 of 4 to germ and might get 3 to live, I'm thinking the soil prep may have been okay. I'm not sure why the 4th seed failed. The 2 GOGs look healthy.

GOGs Mar 11.jpg

Now I'm really torn about what to do. One part of me wants to go through with the original plan, meaning drop another C Banana. But there's also a loud voice in there saying grow the GDB!

Shit! :lot-o-toke:

I'll be back after I medicate and meditate.

Hello grow persons.

The CB seed that I thought was dying is dying no longer. She's officially dead.

So I had a decision to make about how to proceed with this grow. My GDB Logistics Unit, Doug, is on vacation. So I'm left on my own.

I decided to stick with my original plan, meaning this morning I dropped another WSE Chiquita Banana into water. But I also dropped a Grand Daddy Black seed at the same time.

If this goes as planned, I'll be growing 2 CBs, 1 GDB and 2 Godfather OGs in the 4x4 tent. To try to make this more manageable, I'm going to put them all in 3 gallon pots rather than 4 gals. I think it will be crowded still, but believe I can cope with it.

Of course this means I'll have 14 plants growing at the same time. I was fretting about having 13, so this plan is less than ideal. But at least I get to grow the GDB! :Rasta:

Update on the Newest Seedling

Though I now doubt that my soil was too moist, I took the advice of @InTheShed and placed a small fan over the cups.

The second CB to emerge started bending over yesterday and her was touching the soil. I had to place a little wood chip under her to keep her from touching. By this morning she was standing more upright and not touching the wood chip.

Now to see how these next 2 seeds go!

:ciao: I think everything you said below this quote was a good idea. Golf season is coming......:cheesygrinsmiley:

Yes, that too. :laughtwo: But I only thought about that because he said it. :bravo:
Boo, golf certainly did factor into the equation! But I blew it. :Rasta:
Uh oh. How did you do that? :nervous-guy:
I was supposed to be trying to grow fewer plants in order to free up time. It didn't work out that way. :Rasta:
You seem to have pulled a page from my book :cheesygrinsmiley: ;). My chemdog failed (I thought) so I dropped a white OG and an LA Cheese.
It one fails drop two. Where the hell did you get the idea for that book? :p
Sorry about the seedling loss Quickshot. I wish I had something nice or meaningful to say but I don't. I know me just being here to support you means more than any words I could have lied with.

Have a good weekend brother! :love:
Thanks Mr. S.

You are correct, your presence and support means a lot. And that's no lie! :Rasta:

You have a good weekend too.
I was supposed to be trying to grow fewer plants in order to free up time. It didn't work out that way. :Rasta:
It seems to never work out that way, but now we get to see you play with yourself.....I mean grow your namesake.....which I am excited to see.....I’ll just sit back down....
Hello growers.

Buried on the 13th and born on the 15th, say hello to Grand Daddy Black!
GDB birth day -Mar 15.JPG

(BTW, still no movement from the 3rd WSE C Banana.)

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