GDB: A Sponsored Grow

That does kind of happen though lol

I started out with 4 babies, figured ah that's not quite enough for my bigger room.. let's start these 6, they look good (this was maybe 10 days later) ok that's enough now.. oh wait, I got these couple dwc buckets I want to try my hand at, let's set that up and pop 2 more (today) haha

Now I'll have a jungle of 12 all of a sudden :hmmmm::thedoubletake::laughtwo:
They are like potato chips, ya can’t just have one or two! Lol
Wow! You've got a propagation "area". That's too cool!

I'm looking forward to seeing your jungles, D! :Rasta:
It's really just shelves with the bottom one for seedlings/clones, nothing special lol
They are like potato chips, ya can’t just have one or two! Lol
You are right there, just want to keep planting some days!
GDB you’re so smitten with terms, it’s no wonder you fall in with @InTheShed and @Mr. Sauga :laughtwo:
Well, Chef, I don't have a propagation "area" (or a 10x12 grow space ). So, yes, I am smitten and then some! :Rasta:

And to set the record straight, I'll admit to being a huge fan of @InTheShed, but for reasons other than just "terms." As for what's-his-name, no matter what title we give him, he's a wiener. :laughtwo:
GDB you’re so smitten with terms, it’s no wonder you fall in with @InTheShed and @Mr. Sauga :laughtwo:

Well, Chef, I don't have a propagation "area" (or a 10x12 grow space ). So, yes, I am smitten and then some! :Rasta:
I take most things very lightly anyway, like a grain of salt, er... whatever they say lol

As for my space, it's far from fancy and usually on a budget, but it does the trick :yahoo: feel free to stop by and check things out. I could use some banter in there :cheesygrinsmiley:
I take most things very lightly anyway, like a grain of salt, er... whatever they say lol

As for my space, it's far from fancy and usually on a budget, but it does the trick :yahoo: feel free to stop by and check things out. I could use some banter in there :cheesygrinsmiley:
Headed there now, Dick23rk. I hope to be able to provide some banter! :Rasta:
Well, Chef, I don't have a propagation "area" (or a 10x12 grow space ). So, yes, I am smitten and then some! :Rasta:

And to set the record straight, I'll admit to being a huge fan of @InTheShed, but for reasons other than just "terms." As for what's-his-name, no matter what title we give him, he's a wiener. :laughtwo:
You’re a wiener in my eyes too GDB :green_heart:
Hello growers.

It's time to get this grow in motion!

The 4x4 tent I'll be using is still occupied by 4 autos. But I'm hoping they'll be done within the next 30 days or so.

So I'm dropping my @Weed Seeds Express seeds today. I plan on growing 4 plants so I'll drop 12 seeds.

Just kidding! :Rasta: I'll drop the 4 and take it from there.

Two Chiquita Bananas and two Godfather OGs will be dunked into a mix of tap water and hydrogen peroxide. I'll place the cups on my heat mat. The heat mat has a towel on it's surface to reduce the heat to the cups. There they will remain until 24 hours have lapsed, at which point they'll be buried in solo cups filled with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. This will be done whether tap roots have poked out or not.

I'll also prep the solo cups of soil today (by prep I mean put the soil in the cups :laughtwo:). And they too will be placed on the heat mat so that my seeds have a nice cozy new abode when they go in there.

I'll put humidity domes on the cups and sit and wait.

I don't care for the waiting part. But I'll be getting a break this time. Next week an extended warm front is moving through my area for the first time this year. I won't be limited to sitting around the house. I can go to the driving range and hit golf balls or get out on one of my nature photography jaunts. And hopefully, one day I'll return from some outdoor activity and see little babies above the dirt! If I have to stay in the house, I'll cause myself undue stress by checking the cups every hour or so. :lot-o-toke:

The seedlings will go into my 2x2 tent under a @Mars Hydro TS1000. They'll be joined by my 3 cloned photos from the basement grow (also in solo cups).

I'm hoping that all of these little girls can remain in the solos until the autos in the 4x4 are done and cleared out.

When the autos are out of the way, I'll up-pot all of the little ladies. The 4 WSE seeds will go in the 4x4 and the clones will remain in the 2x2 and grown to maturity in small pots (likely 2 gallons, maybe 3).

As John Steinbeck famously wrote, "The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray."

Still, I believe one must have a plan. :Rasta:

Thanks for stopping by.

Good luck mate!! :cheer:
Hello growers.

So I dropped my seeds last night around midnight.

The soil has been prepped and everything is sitting on my heating mat, upgraded with the custom-fitted GDBheatdampener.


You'll have to take my word for it, there are seeds in those red cups. I would take another pic but I'll just say that they look like seeds sitting in water! :laughtwo:

For the GeoFlora plants, I mixed .5g of Veg into the soil before I watered it. For the Mega Crop plants, I mixed about 1/8 tsp. of Plant Probiotics into the soil prior to watering.

None of the seeds has sunk yet. Even after poking they remain afloat. No matter, at midnight tonight they're going in the dirt and under humidity domes.

Thanks for stopping by.

That's Mr. Weiner to you. My friends call me MrS. I feel like watching a movie. Ever seen Down to the Bone?
Whoa... where you going with this?

....oh you said Down to the Bone.
I've got one of those too, but it's blue, dirty, and full of holes....
Mine's dual purpose- you can also dry things off with it :)
LOL. Sounds like you've got one of my older models!
You can learn a lot about a man, or in this case a speciman, by the photos they take :)
I'm pretty sure he's seen that one.
Ha! Is that your best corporate espionage method? Bun-sized Weiner! :laughtwo:

"From Manhattan To Staten" is the name of the jazz CD you're referring to. Made by the group Down To The Bone in 1997.

Check out a song from the CD here.
Hello grow gang.

I got the seeds buried, and only an hour and a half late.

Now the - hopefully - short wait begins. :lot-o-toke:


Hello growers.

Well, my golfing day was cut short because I was too excited. There was a particular course I wanted to play to begin my "warm weather comeback." I foolishly just jumped in my truck and went there, only to find the course closed for maintenance (aeration of the greens). I should have called first.

Anyway, having suffered that letdown, I went to my local driving range and hit a bucket of balls. And now I'm home early from my outdoor adventure.

But wait! This is what I had hoped for: getting out and about as way to get out of the stress of constantly checking on my buried seeds, and the possibility of coming home to find a nice surprise (or 2 or 3 or 4).

Well, that happened!

First to appear, the @Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG in the Mega Crop cup!


And it's accompanied by the WSE Chiquita Banana in the MC cup!


Still no movement from the other two that are in the GeoFlora cups. (Recall that the soil prep for the pair was done differently. That's something for me to ponder.)

Still, this is happening less that 50 hours after the seeds were dropped in water! These may be some hearty specimens! :Rasta:

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