GDB: A Sponsored Grow

All caught up! Great journal so far and good fun. Count me in. Gave me some good chuckles. I could go for some fun golf rounds right about now in life...but this back of mine would kill me for weeks afterwards. Would still be worth it!
It has two 6-inch inline fans, one intake and the other out.
I was thinking of adding a 6" or 4" to an intake on my tent. I'm just not sure if I actually need to right now.

I repeat, the less work the better.
Yes! PREACH! I have been too damn tired and lazy lately. It catches up to me and then I start all stupid and full of anxiety about it. Then I toke it up to think about and forgot what I was supposed to think about...
The GF plant is just as healthy and happy as the MC plants and appears headed for a nice finish.
I'll be running GF for the first time soon. Hopefully receive them next week.
BTW, @Weed Seeds Express has some of the slickest stealth packaging I've ever seen!
I'm excited to get the GSC seeds from them soon! They have so many damn seeds to choose from. I have so many genetics I want to grow...not enough time it seems.
I'm perfectly capable of pulling alarming thoughts out of thin air! :Rasta:
A...FREAKIN...MEN!!! I have to stop myself and say, " where the hell did that come from?!" And then spend the next few minutes trying to remember what I was doing at the time of that thought.
Here ya go Baked:
You're the best with the links! Thank you.

I need to train my brain to search better. Or know where to go for the matter. LOL
Sure. If you want to have all your plants on the same feeding days, why would you have one in one medium that you're intentionally mixing to retain water and others in a medium that you're intentionally mixing to drain faster?
You are right. I coming at the problem from both sides instead of just the side that needs adjusting.

I'll just go with the vermiculite in the GeoFlora plant.

I hope you can see what I'm working with here. My brain purrs like a 65-year-old Mercedes Benz diesel engine. :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

I'm trying to get moving here.

I (almost) finished up-potting the WSE Godfather OG and Grand Daddy Black. They're now in their 4 gallon homes. (I ran out of soil before I got to the level I wanted on the GOG. I'll get some tomorrow and top it off.)

The 2 Chiquita Banana seeds are taking a while to develop roots and I don't want to mess with them yet. I don't see any roots in the small one's cup. The larger one has some showing but not a lot.

Here's a pic. GOG back right. (As usual, ignore the clone behind the curtain.)


I also turned up the @Mars Hydro TS1000 to it's max setting. It's an older model, I guess. You have to access the dimmer control with a little screwdriver. Still, it works. :Rasta:

So I think I've made a little progress.

I'm trying to slow myself down a bit so I can really enjoy the process. To me, it seems to be related to the difference between growing autos and photos. Autos always keep me a bit edgy and anxious while I can just go with the flow with photos!

I ran out of soil
Reading that made me want to unfollow your journal. I hate running out of soil that much! :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

I ran out like 2 or 3 times last year :(. This year...I dropped off a yard of organic compost in my driveway and about 12 bags of soil. A bunch of bags of castings to top it off. Not this year ladies...NOT this year!
I here you Baked!

When I go to the (nearby) hydro store to get my soil, the kid always asks me, "Just one bag?"
I always answer yes, and then I'm back for more within a month or so.

It would make sense to by more than one, but I think I just like going to the hydro store! :Rasta:
I think I just like going to the hydro store! :Rasta:
I love going to my local horticulture store! The owner is a gem of a person. I haven't been there in a bit. I'm heading there soon to get some drain pans. My problem is I spend too much every time I go. I can't afford to go anymore!
Autos always keep me a bit edgy and anxious while I can just go with the flow with photos!
That's a natural feeling for most growers of autos. You are always fearing the day you wake up and they look like crap all of a sudden, just as they start to show pistils.
The best benefit to photos is the ability to hold in veg while you get you plants back on track. Less to worry about since you know you have time to make adjustments.
You are welcome here, Trala.

And please don't worry about keeping it classy. I like the way you roll! :Rasta:
You are welcome here, Trala.

And please don't worry about keeping it classy. I like the way you roll! :Rasta:
Thank you. I actually appreciate you saying that. My personality certainly isn’t for everyone, as we have seen. No one likes the thought of being unliked which is defs how I feel at the moment. I certainly never set out to upset people. Its my fucking mouth I tells ya! It’s like always 4 moves ahead of my brain.

Oh and let’s be real... I’d have zero chance of keeping anything classy.

Thank you. I actually appreciate you saying that. My personality certainly isn’t for everyone, as we have seen. No one likes the thought of being unliked which is defs how I feel at the moment. I certainly never set out to upset people. It my fucking mouth I tells ya! It’s like always 4 moves ahead of my brain.

Oh and let’s be real... I’d have zero chance of keeping anything classy.

I know we haven’t interacted much, but I would just interjected that I also find your personality to be quite amusing.
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