GDB: A Sponsored Grow

I know we haven’t interacted much, but I would just interjected that I also find your personality to be quite amusing.
Oh thank for saying that.

I mean “the best I have ever had the good fortune to read” would have been better than your “quite”, but at this point I’ll take what I can get.

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

I’m heading to your journal. Let the interactions begin ;)
Oh thank for saying that.

I mean “the best I have ever had the good fortune to read” would have been better than your “quite”, but at this point I’ll take what I can get.

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

I’m heading to your journal. Let the interactions begin ;)

I’ve never been a fan of lopsided relationships, so I’ll be happy to reciprocate :cheesygrinsmiley:
Good morning growers.

Just a quick update on the babies.

I got more soil and topped of the GOG, so it's up-potting is complete.

I'm starting to see lots more roots in the larger CB but the smaller one is still taking her time. No worries, I've got time to wait! :Rasta:

Rear= Grand Daddy Black.

BTW, due to criticism of my curtain, I removed the clone and said curtain before taking this pic!

I guess Get Up to Speed on SQL could be considered a coder's bible of sorts, so well done covering that aspect of plant risers!
Hey, Shed! :ciao:

I have tons of software books around here collecting dust. Glad I've found a use for them! :Rasta:
Those are pretty much considered bibles too :laughtwo:
If they are then I've lost my religion because I haven't read a word of one since I retired! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

I'm just slipping in a pic of the babies during halftime of the NCAA Championship game.

I'm getting some roots that I can see now in the small Chiquita Banana.

All of these except the Geoflora CB are getting about 2.2g of MC.

@Weed Seeds Express CBs (MC plant in front. At first she didn't want to do much of anything, now she's stretching up.)

Grand Daddy Black

WSE Godfather OG

That's it. The game is back on. Gonzaga is getting the shock and awe treatment!

Hello growers.

Since this thread has not had the smoothest beginning, I'll be trying to do posts daily or every other day to get myself oriented. :Rasta:

These babies all broke the dirt on different days between March 10 and March 16. So technically they're all different ages. But that's too much technicality for me and trying to keep track of and report on the 4 different ages ain't gonna happen. So for the sake of K.I.S.S I'm considering all of them as breaking the dirt on March 13th.

So here they are on day 24. (I put another book under the smaller ones to see if the late-starting CB will stop stretching. (I doubt it).

Back left: GDB, Back right GOG. CBs on the books.

Hello growers.

I gave the GeoFlora CB a top feed today (about a teaspoon). Based on her root growth she could be up-potted now. However I'm really trying to wait until her sister is ready too so they can be done on the same day.

The slow-starting CB rewarded my attempt to slow down her stretching (by putting another book in the stack) by stretching a bit more. That's so normal. :Rasta:


Hello growers.

It's day 29 for the babies and I'm seeing some progress.

The GDB and GOG both got topped last night above the 4th and 5th nodes, respectively. The GOG seems like a really vigorous youngster as she has always been the biggest of the bunch.

I'm satisfied with the roots now in both the CBs so they will be up-potted very soon. One will be fed Mega Crop and the other GeoFlora.

I've decided to go with the GF feeding chart for dosing. But I'm going to go with the amount recommended for a 5 gallon pot even though I'm in a 4. There's no science to this move, just a gut feeling. :Rasta: I've already put 4oz of GF Veg into soil in a 4 gallon pot and I'll moisten it today for up-potting on Monday or Tuesday.

GDB is back left. CBs on the books.

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