GDB: A Sponsored Grow

It's watering day for for the @Weed Seeds Express CBs and GOG, along with their esteemed tentmate, the Grand Daddy Black!

All the Mega Crop plants got fed @ 3.5g per gallon. The lone GeoFlora fed CB got her first top feed of 4 ounces (or 1/2 cup) of Veg.

So far, so bueno. :Rasta:

Edit: GDB back left. GOG back right. MC-CB front left.
Tent 04-16-21.JPG

Looking good gdb, the plant as well! :laughtwo:
That GOG back there is really taking the main roll in the show too isn't it? I'm sure you'll be able to tame it just fine and the others up front will catch up.
Beautiful, healthy ladies there, GDB!
That's the shade of green I'd like to see on my GF plants, but it's not happening yet...
Looking good gdb, the plant as well! :laughtwo:
That GOG back there is really taking the main roll in the show too isn't it? I'm sure you'll be able to tame it just fine and the others up front will catch up.
Thanks, Dick. The GOG is robust. I hope she keeps it up!
Beautiful, healthy ladies there, GDB!
That's the shade of green I'd like to see on my GF plants, but it's not happening yet...
Thanks, Carcass. I just hope it stays that way.
I really do love the depth of your green. And your leaves are so thick. My leaves always look quite thin.

They say there’s no such thing as a stupid question. I wonder if being in the Southern Hemisphere makes any difference. I’ve learned it’s an indica/stevia thing of what ever it’s called. I think my Gorilla Glue is indica but the leaves still look thin and steviaery to me.
I really do love the depth of your green. And your leaves are so thick. My leaves always look quite thin.

They say there’s no such thing as a stupid question. I wonder if being in the Southern Hemisphere makes any difference. I’ve learned it’s an indica/stevia thing of what ever it’s called. I think my Gorilla Glue is indica but the leaves still look thin and steviaery to me.
I've often wonder about that myself, @Trala. :Rasta:
Only if I mess up and need to clear out the soil. I don't flush at the end, if that's what you mean.
Only if I mess up and need to clear out the soil. I don't flush at the end, if that's what you mean.
Yeah that’s what I mean.

The guy I grow for thinks it’s best. I’ll have to read up on it. Look I say I have to, but I can’t be fucked. If Shed says no flush, and you say no flush, consider my research done.

No flushing ✅
Hello growers and Happy 420!

I am not unhappy on this day but I'd give anything for a do-over of my April 19th.

I'll keep this short because it's difficult to write about.

My tent's has been hovering around 30%, lower than I prefer. So I stuck my "faux" humidifier in there (called that because it really doesn't work very well and is just barely better than nothing), moving my floor fan to the rear left corner and putting the humidifier in the rear right corner.

Now flash back to March of 2020 when this happened...

Not much to report today. All the plants are looking content. The Purple Lemonade survived a near catastrophe the other day when I lost my balance in the tent and, basically, sat on her. I only super-cropped a few branches so no real harm done. I was lucky that Mrs. Grand Daddy was nearby to help pull me up off of her or the damage would have been a lot worse. :Rasta: I need to rearrange my tent a little. My humidifier is too hard to reach.
Yeah, that happened again.

This time the victim was the Grand Daddy Black! Three of her mains were broken. One was a clean break that could not be repaired. The second was a major break that was glued and taped together last night but had died by this morning. The third was a minor break that I believe has been repaired.

Please don't pity me. I hate that! :Rasta: And things could have been much worse. At least I didn't destroy one of the @Weed Seeds Express plants.

I moved my faux humidifier to the front left corner and moved the fan back to it's old position. I am waiting on an update from @Virgin Ground on the performance of her new humidifier so I can replace mine. perhaps with the one she got.

Other than that, all is good.

It's day 38 for the girls and last night I turned from 65 years of age to 66, about 10 months early. :laughtwo:


The casualty:


Hello growers and Happy 420!

I am not unhappy on this day but I'd give anything for a do-over of my April 19th.

I'll keep this short because it's difficult to write about.

My tent's has been hovering around 30%, lower than I prefer. So I stuck my "faux" humidifier in there (called that because it really doesn't work very well and is just barely better than nothing), moving my floor fan to the rear left corner and putting the humidifier in the rear right corner.

Now flash back to March of 2020 when this happened...

Yeah, that happened again.

This time the victim was the Grand Daddy Black! Three of her mains were broken. One was a clean break that could not be repaired. The second was a major break that was glued and taped together last night but had died by this morning. The third was a minor break that I believe has been repaired.

Please don't pity me. I hate that! :Rasta: And things could have been much worse. At least I didn't destroy one of the @Weed Seeds Express plants.

I moved my faux humidifier to the front left corner and moved the fan back to it's old position. I am waiting on an update from @Virgin Ground on the performance of her new humidifier so I can replace mine. perhaps with the one she got.

Other than that, all is good.

It's day 38 for the girls and last night I turned from 65 years of age to 66, about 10 months early. :laughtwo:


The casualty:


Happy 420 @Grand Daddy Black have a good one buddy.
Hey GDB :ciao:
Well I hope at least you're alright and didn't hurt yourself during this mishap. I hear you on the early birthdays, not only have made this happen, but I do it to myself a lot as well :rofl:

That plant looks like she should do just fine minus a couple branches. Just means more energy to the others right.
Late to the show but in it for the remainder! Ima turning big 50 in July and passion is the same Golf and growing...oh and fishing when I’m not golfing or dealing with a grow! Sorry to hear of your accident, these are times you see how tough or resilient they can be!
Welcome Steelcurtain22!

It's about time to put those sticks back to work. I can't wait! :Rasta:
Hey GDB :ciao:
Well I hope at least you're alright and didn't hurt yourself during this mishap. I hear you on the early birthdays, not only have made this happen, but I do it to myself a lot as well :rofl:

That plant looks like she should do just fine minus a couple branches. Just means more energy to the others right.
I agree Dick. She'll be fine absent any other mishaps.:Rasta:
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