GDB: A Sponsored Grow

The tent looks instanding, and if you have any room in there there is still time to supercrop. And using Terp with the GF Veg is a good idea in flower for a K boost.

Thanks, Shed.

I'm about to tackle the MC-CB right now.

I didn't have any coffee this morning so my hands are steady and I'm moving at my normal pace. Good a time as any! :Rasta:
Looking great in the tent, GDB! I don't think the little GF mixup is going to hurt a thing, especially since you're adding the Terpinator (as Shed said)
Others are using GeoFlora this way on purpose

I'll be damned if I can explain it.
I'm doing it because I think (and this is just my opinion) the GF Bloom is weak in the nitrogen dep't.
I'm adding a bit of @Blue Planet Nutrients "Easy Weed" for the K thats lacking in the Veg nutes., and
a little BPN CalMag Pro for a nitrogen boost.
I'm still getting a lot of yellow lower leaves, but the buds are doing pretty well.
On my 2 outdoor plants, I'm planning on using the GF like I'm supposed to, but there's a plan "B" just in case ...
Looking great in the tent, GDB! I don't think the little GF mixup is going to hurt a thing, especially since you're adding the Terpinator (as Shed said)

I'm doing it because I think (and this is just my opinion) the GF Bloom is weak in the nitrogen dep't.
I'm adding a bit of @Blue Planet Nutrients "Easy Weed" for the K thats lacking in the Veg nutes., and
a little BPN CalMag Pro for a nitrogen boost.
I'm still getting a lot of yellow lower leaves, but the buds are doing pretty well.
On my 2 outdoor plants, I'm planning on using the GF like I'm supposed to, but there's a plan "B" just in case ...
Do you think the yellowing might be related to the Veg having less Calcium and less Magnesium than the Bloom?
edit: (I guess I'll find out soon enough.)
Do you think the yellowing might be related to the Veg having less Calcium and less Magnesium than the Bloom?
edit: (I guess I'll find out soon enough.)

might be able to hit both birds with a one stone 2-0-0 or 1-0-0 calmag product.
the N hit wouldn't be extreme.
Good afternoon growers.

Here's a mini-update to my earlier update!

I went after the tops of the MC-CB for a second time and got her lowered by several inches. I positioned her front right in the pic below to help you see what happened.
MC-CB 2nd crop 6-6-21 D64 + 21.jpg

Now her highest point is about 15 inches below the light, down from 10 inches between before I did this. If she will help me out and stop growing up, we should be able to make it home from this distance.

I also took this opportunity to finish cleaning up her bottom (and I notice in this pic that I missed something I meant to get).
MC-CB bottom 6-6-21.jpg

Of course now the GDB and GOG on the left look like they would benefit from a little more room at the top too. A part of me wants to crop those two as well. But my lazy-demon is lobbying hard that I just sit down, toke a bit and watch the basketball game.

LD has a compelling argument and I think if they do get dealt with, it won't be today. :Rasta:

Do you think the yellowing might be related to the Veg having less Calcium and less Magnesium than the Bloom?
My plant has been getting plenty of BPN CalMag (8-0-0) so extra nitrogen too, and things are still yellowing, so I don't think that's it.
Fortunately, it's only the lower leaves that are affected....although, I'm almost out of lower leaves.. :)
Good evening growers.

Yet another mini-update today.

Despite thinking that my lazy-demon had won the day, after the basketball game was over I turned to the tops of the GOG and GDB. Armed with a handful of GDBClips, I cropped the tops of them too.

So that's it. All the ladies are now at a reasonable distance from the light, I've created a few new upper bud sites and whatever will be will be. I'm not messing with them any more.

Goodnight all.

Looks good, won't have to do that again...
...until Thursday or so... ;)
Whew! Caught up now! :ciao: Hi GDB. Your ladies are looking drop dead gorgeous in there. So green and beautiful. I can‘t imagine the mixture of glorious smells that will be coming out of that tent in no time. :bravo:
Thanks, Boo. Good to have you around.

Never know when I might need "a word" from you, here and there! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Just a quick update to report on the ladies after yesterday's gymnastics.

As it turns out, the space limitations were not as daunting as I expected and I managed to get most of the bent branches into open spots without blocking light to existing growth. Now things kind of look like a tangled mess, but I think in the end a nice canopy of buds might emerge from the scrum!
Tent 6-7-21 D64 + 22.JPG

These are now kind of on auto-pilot. I'll just watch and feed (in a scientific way :laughtwo:) .

I can now devote more time to nursing my new babies.

Hello growers.

Just a quick update to report on the ladies after yesterday's gymnastics.

As it turns out, the space limitations were not as daunting as I expected and I managed to get most of the bent branches into open spots without blocking light to existing growth. Now things kind of look like a tangled mess, but I think in the end a nice canopy of buds might emerge from the scrum!
Tent 6-7-21 D64 + 22.JPG

These are now kind of on auto-pilot. I'll just watch and feed (in a scientific way :laughtwo:) .

I can now devote more time to nursing my new babies.

New babies are so sweet. :love: (FTFY). :battingeyelashes:
That Looks A lot better GDB , you know what they say ? Hard work will pay off in the long run or sum kind of hukie dorrie shit like that :rolleyes::goodjob:
Thanks, Smokesbetter. Yeah, "they" always saying something! :Rasta:
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